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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. If that's the case, then you can just strap a parachute and a few separatrons to the science module on a decoupler. Point retrograde, fire the goo into a reentry trajectory while keeping your ship in orbit.
  2. Got a kethane scan probe in polar orbit and I want it to straddle the terminator so it doesn't run out of power on the dark side.
  3. Not at the moment, as far as I know. Closest equivalent we've got for now is is this mod.
  4. You can science just fine, but you can't generate any crew-specific experiments (crew report, EVA report, surface sample). Things like the goo container and material bay should work just fine with an unmanned probe.
  5. Does anybody have a simple explanation of how you move the longitude of the ascending node once you're already in orbit? I've been removing inclination then just tilting it back up once I'm at a given point, but I pretty much have no idea what the heck I'm doing so it never ends up the way I want it to.
  6. Sortable tables would be nice once you get detailed stats up. Being able to arrange unfinished experiments by their remaining value would go a long way towards getting out of the beginning Career Mode rut. Thanks for throwing this together, it's really handy.
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