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  1. @DMagic Ah, yes! Quite right. Working fine now I've been playing a while, thanks.
  2. Hi there. Love the mod, came back to KSP after 1.1. The window for this mod is coming up completely blank, end of my output_log.txt filled with NullReferenceExceptions. I've included it here in case it helps. Sorry if it's a mod conflict and my own fault. http://pastebin.com/BSGguw9j
  3. Hnnnggg yessss! Gonna try this out right now. Thanks for all your hard work!
  4. All in favour of bac9 remodeling and reskinning all the stock parts with his awesomeness, say aye. Seriously cannot wait for the integration with career mode. I'm waiting to play until it's done, B9 is too good to play without. I can't think why it hasn't been integrated into the main game yet.
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