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Everything posted by Stodgy

  1. Send me a private message with the full mission and I'll have a look at it. It may be a bug in the plugin. One thing I did notice: Part = Gemini Command Pod //(1) Part = Gemini Lander Pod //(2) I'm a bit lazy when loading the configs. Comments have to be on there own line so change that to: Part = Gemini Command Pod Part = Gemini Lander Pod
  2. Malkuth, how do you handle reversion and quick save? You may want to look at the way I do it that is completely transparent to the player. Basically if time has gone backwards then the game has reverted or a quick save has been loaded. The idea may be simple but the implementation was a pain in the a*** and took a while to get working with all the KSP weirdness and edge cases. This is how it's done in story missions: On entering the flight scene Compare the quick save time to the universal time, if they are the same load the quick save. Compare the revert save time to the universal time, if they are the same load the revert save. If none of the above and the vessel is at prelaunch create a revert save and remember the time. Every flight update Check for F5 key press and if the vessel is clear to save create a quick save. It may be a frame or 2 after the KSP quick save but that's ok. On entering VAB or space center Compare the revert save time to the universal time, if they are the same load the revert save. Some things to be aware of: There's two methods to get the universal time, Planaterium.GetUniversalTime() and Highlogic.currentgame.universaltime. You have to use different methods in different places. Highlogic is correct on entering a scene but is not updated afterwards. Planaterium is updated every frame but is invalid in the VAB. Do NOT use it if scene==VAB, you will get an incorrect value. Universal time drifts by about half a second every time revert to launch is used. But revert to assembly will always go back to the original launch time. Going to the space center from flight is really doing a 'Revert To Space Center' when you get that warning message. There's also hardcore mode where I disable quick save and remove the 'Revert To Launch' button from KSP. It's not how I would ever want to play but if somebody wants a challenge, well good luck.
  3. Story Missions author here, use anything you want from my mod. The way I handle hiring Kerbals is very simple. I just keep a list of Kerbals I know about and periodically compare it to HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.
  4. Version 0.8.5 is available for download. Only change is a couple of extra missions in The Height Stuff so you can do more science before the Mun landing. Should make it easier for anyone who was having trouble with that mission.
  5. Geosync orbits can be hard. In the TV mission I made it easier but less accurate and gave the orbit a 2km height window. Trying to make the missions compatible with every other mod out there would be an exercise in futility. The included missions are balanced to work with stock costs and parts and that's how it's going to have to stay. But you are free to modify them and/or add missions so they work with another mod. If someone wants to make an RT2 compatible mission pack available for download I'll add a link to the Story Missions spaceport page.
  6. I had the same thing happen to me but never worked out why. What's crazy is when that happens and you go to the space center or another vessel then back to the craft it starts working correctly in fast forward.
  7. Thanks, I found writing the mission descriptions the hardest part of creating the plugin. You're not the only one but most find it hard because of the lack of parts. I think I'll add a mission or two before it to get more science.
  8. Uploaded version 0.8.4. Use KSPStoryMissions.cfg to change what happens when you start a new game.
  9. Version 0.8.3 is available to download from the space port. It's mostly fixes to handle all the revert to launch edge cases. Reverting to the VAB or going to the space center after launch now work correctly. The only way I've found to break it now is to use Alt-F4 immediately after launch then load the old save. So don't do that. Download link http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-22-kspstorymissions/
  10. Revert to Launch and quick loading shouldn't lose you money, except in hardcore mode. Are you really losing money or is just that you see the launch cost pop up every time? As of version 0.7 a special save file is created at launch time and is loaded when you use revert to launch. This restores everything, including the budget, back to how it was before launch. There is a bug where it sometimes doesn't work if you use 'Revert to vehicle assembly' then exit to the space center. But exiting the VAB to launch is safe.
  11. Never seen this myself but I'll look into it.
  12. With KSP Story Missions you can only go up in rank if the budget is in the green. If it goes into the red your progress is halted. If it stays there for too long you will not be able to unlock the higher up missions. There's no direct penalty for killing Kerbals but you have to pay for new recruits. So if you kill too many or leave them stuck in space it will cost you. Try starting a new game and recruiting as many Kerbals as you can from the astronaut complex, then watch how fast the budget goes down. There's no charge for recruits on easy difficulty, so use that if you like killing Kerbals.
  13. DennyTX, I've already done something similar to what you are suggesting. A hidden objective that can be used to switch the main part before undocking. Expect an update later today when I've had time to test it.
  14. I wanted the first set to finish with the big 'Mun Landing' mission but that may have to change. Your right that it's too hard if you try to do it as soon as you can. But if you are not way over budget then other mission sets and challenges will be unlocked by the time you get to that mission so you can do them first. Some of which are easier than the Mun landing and get lots of science.
  15. Currently dock and undock have to target the vessel from a previous mission. They can be used to build a space station over several launches for example but you can't have an Apollo style single launch and undock. I've only just added the docking objective and wanted to get the basics working first. It's not finished yet and it will be able to do what you want sometime soon. You can't at the moment but you can have almost the same thing by using a 'Land' objective followed by 'ReachAltitude' MinAltitude=2000. I'll add a generic 'Launch' objective type soon. Thanks for the idea, I don't know why but it never occurred to me to add something as obvious as this.
  16. From: I don't know his name but I think he's from the psychiatric hospital. Mission objective: Land on the Sun Some people take games far too seriously. I'm not one of them.
  17. Uploaded v0.8.1 with time limited objectives and added the challenge 'The Space Race'. Get to the Mun and back in less than a day.
  18. Click on the missions button in the space center to see the available and in progress missions. Select an in progress mission to see a brief summary with the vessel name, location, next objective and flight time etc. You can restart the mission from the summary window if you want. The mission list window is just a place holder at the moment. It's very dull. I will be remaking it and adding buttons to filter the missions by type, availability, or in progress.
  19. I've just uploaded version 0.8. Lots of internal changes to handle docking, missions that reuse vessels from previous missions and missions that require switching vessels part way through. Technical bit: When you dock in KSP it merges the two vessels together and one of the originals is deleted. When you undock it spawns a completely new vessel. This caused issues with how the plugin was tracking vessels. After experimenting with a few different methods I've changed it to use the root part to keep track of vessels. It's simple and works well with docking.
  20. That's a good idea for a plugin, full career history for every Kerbal. It could have averages and Kerbal top five lists for things like distance traveled, time spent in space etc. I wont add it to this plugin but may make a separate one if I have the time and there's not already something like it. I'll be adding docking objectives and missions soon. If you want more complexity or objective types then try mission controller. I'm trying to keep this simple, easy to use and most importantly fun.
  21. Description Something to do while waiting for career mode to be finished. KSP Story Missions adds missions, a budget and rank to career mode. Version 0.8 is now available with new missions and docking objectives. Complete missions to earn rewards and go up in rank. Manage the space center budget. Pay to recruit Kerbals on normal and hardcore difficulties. So try not to get them killed. The higher your rank the more missions and challenges are unlocked. Easy, Normal and Hardcore difficulties in career mode. Sandbox is supported. There's no budget, rank or science in sandbox mode and all missions are available from the start. Achievements with bonus rewards will be added soon. Hardcore difficulty really is hardcore. Kerbal permadeath; quick save and reverting to launch are disabled. Download link http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-22-kspstorymissions/ Current Mission Sets 'The Height Stuff' missions designed for beginners. (I was going to call it 'The Right Stuff' but that may be trademarked so I used a silly parody title instead.) 'Probing the System' for more advanced players. Send probes to the planets and be thankful there's no Uranus. 'My Little Rover'. Design a small unmanned rover and send it on a few missions. 'Two is Bigger Than One' The first docking missions. Experimental 'A Wing And A Prayer' space plane missions. (In development, I'm not very good with space planes so will welcome any suggestions.). And many challenges. Missions can be added by editing or creating your own config files. A guide to designing missions is being worked on and will be available soon. Source code is included in the download. Licensed under GPL v3 Comments, suggestions, requests and criticisms are always welcome.
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