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Everything posted by Carcharhinidae

  1. well, for a stop-gap measure. you could look into kethane's resource generator. kindof like what extraplanetary launchpads have done with their ore generation.
  2. so.. is using the KSP interstellar tree from treeloader required to get those upgrades? or could we use another tree if it seemed like a 'better' tiered one?
  3. EDIT: this post was about problem. fixed now by reinstalling with the installer and not the .zip file.
  4. 0.4 e-5 is the scientific notation for 0.4*10^(-5) yes. unrelated. I love this mod.. the nuclear reactors; the scientific data that gets added.. all those things. brilliant plugin!
  5. I really like the interface. just experiments you have discovered, and especially how much science you can still get by doing them. that is really, really usefull. I have found a problem (bug?) though, I don't have the fancy scaled screen like the screenshot has, in my case anything below the jool button on the left is cut off, any idea why this happened or how to fix it? I tried looking for a config file to maybe set the resolution, but all I found was the .dll.
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