Made these some time ago, 0.13 with Nova\'s and maybe C7\'s pack required [move]<===========< <===========< <===========< <===========<[/move] [glow=red,2,300]TAOEPEONG-1[/glow] [move]<===========< <===========< <===========< <===========<[/move] Named by infamous Taep\'o-dong 2 (Korean: ??? 2?) Well, kerbals propably messed up the name a little 1: Surplus booster ran simultanteous with 2 2: Omnipotent Bertha, best engine for getting ballistic missiles in space 3: Twin bertha for getting into and from orbit 4: Unknown 1m engine for aiming it\'s deadly payload directly at target 5: Payload, hidden from heat in hollow module More screenshots TAOEPEONG-1 Launched, the inferno on engines Payload of TAOEPEONG-1 in orbit of sun, look at the orbit height Get the TAOEPEONG-1 now by calling 1-777-TAOE-SCAM !!!