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Everything posted by Melcom

  1. sadly the streamers until now had nearly no clue what the new parts will do. Only one weired guy showed 5min of minums mining, after nearly 2h of trying to get there...
  2. i just saw the stream today and now i have a question. The Nerva now only uses liquid fuel - great!. But are there also new fuel tanks ingame? I mean it would be not very suitable to use this 1,25m LF-Tanks and all the big tanks have oxi. You can empty that of course but you waste a lot of space and mass with just an half full tank.
  3. tried many mods lately and it ended in a large Karbonite-Miningbase on Minmus. Minmus-Base
  4. Hi. I encountered something strange, no real bug. I am using Tweascale for a few weeks now and it worked as intended. I use the "Lack Luster Labs" mod and scaling was fine. I know the cfg in the Tweakscale-Foulder is a dummy. LLL has it's own cfg, and there are many sizes for all the parts. Yesterday, i installed a few more mods, and now, all my LLL-Parts have only 3 scales - 0,5, 1 and 16(!). Could an other mod interfear with the scaling? Can i modify the scaling-stages ingame? No parts of non-LLL mods have this issue.
  5. Just tested this mod and have to say, Thank you for the great work!
  6. ok, it is just awesome! 5min testing and i landed on the VAB. Great! http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/527261216813164994/F20559F7B7BCA72F9DDCC9051343B21D50F1AB44/
  7. OMG, that video just shows what i was looking for. Thank you! I am looking forward for testruns.
  8. well, Thank you for that. VTOL are not easy, tried very often. Is there no mod that just hovers a ship automaticly? I tried Mechjeb but it does nothing right if your engines aren't perfectly placed on the nonameter.
  9. I am searching for an easy way to create and fly VTOL crafts, especially landers or service vehicles for bases. Placing engines the right way and flying them is, for me, really hard. I just just can't manage the thrust/mass in a right way. Don't get me wrong, symetric lander cans from the VAB are not the problem. I am talking about such ships like from the old sci-fi series "Moonbase Alpha". I know there are crafts out there to use but i want to creatoe my own ships. Is there something in the stock game that helps with that? Or is there an easy to use mod that manages the thrust of the crafts engines to hover without crashing every ten seconds? Thx.
  10. Yes, even NASA considers this as the best location. Personaly, i would train a bit with landing and placing stuff until v1.0 comes out. You really want resources near your base. If you build now a big base and there are no resources, you would really be pissed. *g* Or you take it as a new challange. More bases, more fun. ^^
  11. Are there any news on the new resource system? A Description, some picture maybe? It's one of most importand new features for me but i haven't heard of it since the announcement.
  12. Allright thank you so far. So as long as i have not a very old CPU i do not have to worry that many objects in the star map could slow me down? Are there some offical numbers out there?
  13. Hi, usually i try to minimise active missions. But after a while, you have a station there, a base here and so on. Today i clicked on the "debris" tab and wow... that locks messy. How do all this objects effect the game performance? I mean, everything has to be calculated, rigth? Is this hard for the engine? Would "cleaning" the starmap result in a better performance?
  14. baseless rant? You just don't play much MP games, right? Pressing resources in a MP-Project is just wrong because this resources are needed for finishing the game itself. I don't say never - put it after v1.0.
  15. Honestly, i do not care! In my opnion MP for this game will end in a disaster because of the nature of most players out there. It would take literally 5 minutes until someone has destroyed some other players work with ramming or something. Oh, and wait for gun mods, that will be fun... They should concentrate on contend and bugfixing.
  16. ok, i didn't read all posts. I just miss some robotic possibilitiies. How awesome would it be to have a robot arm on your craft, to move stationparts or robots out of cargobays for example. Everything needs a dronecore and RCS... Yeah, i really miss robotics in stock game.
  17. I also like the Mk3 for interplanetary spaceships. But it's still a small craft on a mission to Ike: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/44241471298887386/8CE4C4837E9070F889A5D0B3AA0F1333F345C7B0/
  18. hmm? Career means you start at zero and crawl up the ladder. If you want to start full, try parts and features, just use Sandbox Mode.
  19. I want to add something to my early problem. Now, after 5 satellites, i never had such a problem with finetuning again. It's a bit strange but now all orbits get aproved by the contract, even with not perfect matches. Maybe there really is a difference in contract difficulty. @lynx: Maybe your probe is out of power, on the darkside of kerbin or something?
  20. ok, that helped. Two really fine pushes for PE and AP helped to get the final millimiters (on the map). Now its nearly one orbit. Thanks to all. The tollerance for this contracts should be way more forgiveably.
  21. It needs a Probe core and power. This is "green". Also the 10 seconds stabillity is "green". It's just a Probecore (the round one, no SAS), 2 antenas, an engine, a bit fuel, a wheel, 4 Solarpanels, a battery. No Kerbals. direction follows the dots...
  22. I have trouble with a contract. It says I have to get a satellite around Kerbin. Only after i used MechJeb, i could get my satellite exactly the wanted orbit. But the contracts still says "Reach designated kolniya Orbit around Kerbin with minimal deviation" is not ok. Here is a picture: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/44239433146410373/22383DED55D919B851A16BB87E0779E444A6D6A9/ I mean, come on, this is not perfect but nearly! I used MJ to get that close and it is still not good enough? How do you do this with vanilla options?
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