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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Thanks guys, what a ride! Congratulations on making something that is... Truly special
  2. Looking at resource picture...is squad separating resource placement from biome locations? I read the new karbonite put resource locations tied to biome locations, havent played it yet though. Anyone tried it both ways, procedural locations vs biome, and think one is better than the other?
  3. Haha, Starwaster someone posted a picture of a pump-jack, when they meant more of a work-over-rig. I want to frack the Mun!
  4. Awww, I miss the barn. Was hoping to see some kerbol kows wandering around the launchpad.
  5. So the transition from the sun's soi to another body's soi is not loading? Does this happen if you go from kerbins soi to the sun' soi? Physics not loading for new soi? Do the trajectories in map view show an encounter?
  6. Since life support options are up... Snacks! is a great mod. Light-hearted and fun to use. The thing that the developer of Snacks! got right, is that the life support function is tied to your existing crewed parts (habitats/pods/etc), which reflects real life. If we are sending out a mission to the moon or what-not, the existing containers will be crammed full of food, to eat and discard. There isn't a greenhouse on the ISS, Mercury, or Apollo missions. It was already contained. But... The book, 'The Martian' by Andy Weir, illustrates how important food is for a long-term planetary outpost. I think life support should be a factor in that, not so much space travel (since it's implied as cargo in the pods). A greenhouse-etc., and the underlying requirements/problems for managing that, would be more 'realistic' if you are trying to create a Duna base. And I would love the challenge, since that is one of the major issues in managing long-term manned missions. Just my 2-cents.
  7. Random failures would suck. Too many things I mess up already, without including random dice rolls. I like the current system, where failures are a direct outgrowth of your skill as an engineer/pilot, and as you get better and more experienced in the game, you -tend- to have less failures. Procedural parts are cool, but only for certain things. I enjoy seeing what some monstrosity someone built, and seeing exactly what is going on. Say the orange tanks, for example. Whenever someone sees those, they get a sense of scale and feel for that craft. Same reason Harv is against random systems for everyone, every time. It takes away from the shared community experience. While it might be smarter to have all procedual parts for everything...it is not better.
  8. I, for one, cannot wait until youtubers get a hold of this update. We are in for months of hilarity. Just imagine what they can come up with! Also, I think new players will have a blast exploring KSC with it's new iterations
  9. Macey Dean. Hands down. Shelbus................!
  10. Was thinking about that stuff, and discussed some different ideas on it earlier. Seemed a lot of the ideas were too much of a headache and needlessly complicated for what English Mobster's trying to do(or just plain wrong lol). As far as creating a map, why not start simple? From Kerbol, you can jump to A, B, and C. From A, you can jump to A1, A2, A3, from B jump to B1, B2, B3, and C jump to C1, C2, and C3. Then, from A1 you can jump to A1A, A1B, and A1C, then A2 can jump to A2A, A2B, and A2C.......etc. Would be simple, easy to program, and the initial name of the systems(A, B, C, A1, A2, etc...) can be the 'seed' for the system generation, so everyone has the same starmap. The map generation and looks of it would not be as elegant as some of the other generation methods, but it would be easily do-able. A proof-of-concept, if you would. However, it would require a change in the warp generator logic. When you select it, it would only show the systems it can 'currently' jump to. Not sure if English Mobster could put that into it's current implementation, or would require a toolbar button addon. Of course, this is just to make a starmap, instead of parallel dimensions. Either way, I'm excited for what he's doing and am looking forward to where he decides to take this
  11. I like the concept because it's funny, and Squad has a great sense of humor. Texture touch-up can be done, but the underlying idea's are awesome!
  12. got a question for you: When you randomize the Kerbol system, do you 'have' to keep the same number of planets and planet types? In that, the seed spits out one modified Kerbin, one modified Duna, one modified Jool, etc. Or have you figured out how to randomize the number and type of modified planets? For example, one system only has two modified Jool's, while another system only has four modified Kerbins and three modified Dunas. The reason I was wondering, was that procedural planet generation seems to be a show stopper for modders. Planet Factory is no longer being updated, Star Systems original dev went silent, Kopernicus is close but still in development. Seems you could skip all that, if you could randomize the total and type of planets in a new seed. Wouldn't be as pretty as full procedural planets with unique terrain and stuff, but would be an easy stop-gap until you decided to take a crack at the procedural stuff. And, for those of us looking forward to a Star Control map, we could get started laying out the framework for the system map
  13. haha, I love it. I'm just wondering if I -have- to upgrade
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