Hello Kerbals I have been having a problems in which i don't know how to solve. I have recently decided to building a mining base on the Mun (I am using the Kethane mod, hens the mining). I have landed a tube which will be used as a corridor type thing on the base. However the problem i am having is when i land the 'transfer tube' lets call it i need to move it to where my base will be (seen in picture) so i built a rover to drive it over, but when i try to dock the tube to the rover it doesn't work, the docking nodes are touching but the two parts aren't docking, or even locking for that matter. The transfer tube has a docking node on the bottom and the rover has a docking node on the top so it should work, right? I have tried dropping the tube by raising the landing struts but the nodes don't attach. If anyone can help me out that would be awesome, i have attached some pictures showing ( from top to bottom) 'The docking nodes not docking' 'Close up of image one' 'The two different parts (rover and transfer tube)' Thanks for any help that you may post.