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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. ExsurgentEngineering, Firespitter, KineTechAnimation and ResGen folders should be in the gamedata directory ? because that's what i did and if it's what i had to do ,then I on my way to the madhouse
  2. well yeah, I'm quite sure that everything is ok but still .. anyway, i'm running on windows 7 with the non-steam version of ksp here's a screenshoot it may help you ;
  3. sadly it still not working, but i'm shure that i folowed all stepof the installation (btw great mod
  4. I may ask a silly question but i couldn't find any answer to solve my problem, When I try to add sabre engines to my ship they aren't even recognised as engines and the only option which appear when i launch is "lock glimbal , no "turn engine on" or anything else I also have another issue whith some other animated parts , i can't select them while i'm in flight, i followed the step to install everything and tryed with other downloaded files but it still doesn't work. am i doing something wrong ? Sorry for my english and thank you for taking the time to read my post
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