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Everything posted by Renaissance0321

  1. 1. What is terminal velocity as applied to ascending in a rocket and what do I do with it? Throttling down throttling up etc. 2. Everybody says turn 45 degrees at about 10km because gravity helps in some way. So should my prograde be at 45 degrees or my rocket? Cuz my prograde is usually at a much lower angle when I have low TWR. 3. If you have a higher TWR but not as much dV could you still reach the same altitude as a lower TWR but more dV? How much TWR is too much? Too little? 4. Recently I've started debris management such as equipping parachutes to empty fuel tanks i decouple during ascent. However the parachutes don't seem to slow them down enough to stop them from exploding after hitting the ground. Does anybody have any suggestions for how to handle that and also stuff I drop in space (realistic solutions plz) Sorry lots of questions but I've been playing for a while and this stuff has been nagging me. Thanks
  2. Cool. But honestly I think a game like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen would be more appropriate for this level of immersion.
  3. So I installed this mod and I like it very much. However I noticed something that kind of ruined it where the mountains are poking through the clouds and it looks bad. How do I fix this? You can see it here to the left of my station.
  4. After 300+ hours of playing KSP and listening to the VAB/SPH music I'm starting to hear voices singing along with the melody ... it goes something like "keep playing... K...S...P... forever and ever ... ever ... ever ... ever" And then the voices stop. Sometimes I even hear the music playing in the rare occasions I'm NOT playing KSP. Be careful guys ... I think Squad is in our minds!
  5. I see ... I guess it's not cost effective to design a system to save only 1 kerbal ... hmpfh
  6. Am I right in assuming the launch escape system is not supposed to be used with the MK1 pod because the cone is huge ... and putting radial parachutes on the MK1 is hideous or blocks the hatch?
  7. Would be cool if you could toggle Armageddon mode so it would destroy Kerbin. Oh well
  8. Say a massive asteroid is on a collision course to Kerbin and I don't really care. What happens?
  9. So you can only fit a certain size payload in the shuttle?
  10. Hello everyone, just checking out this mod and I have a question. How much twr/dV does this thing have? Seems like after getting this mod there is no reason to build rockets anymore ... ? That's like a big part of KSP lol ...
  11. What? I didn't have to edit any save file whatsoever and all my connections work fine ... and like the others I'm not having any issues with this mod except for the tracking station UI
  12. Biohazard ... my quicksave says 0.23.5 am I completely screwed? My last backup was several weeks ago I think and I had set Steam NOT to auto-update but it felt like it needed to anyway.
  13. Dear God ... I think I just lost my whole career ...................................... 300 hours of gameplay ...
  14. I see no issues with any of the mods I'm running ... I actually see new parts in my game from KW Rocketry and Mechjeb but I haven't updated any of the mods I have installed ... Whats going on here... EDIT: Also why is my research center closed ......
  15. You guys that are launching tons of probes to cover everything around Kerbin are not doing this efficiently. You only need 3 sats in geostationary orbit around Kerbin EVER. Use Scott Manley's tutorial on how to place them 120 degrees apart at the right altitude. For sats around other planets it's not possible to have 100% coverage unless you also make 3 sats in geostationary orbit around that planet or moon.
  16. Ding ding ding ... we have a winner folks. You figured out my secret. While everybody was thinking time travel or warp speed it's actually just Steam. Considering I first played this game for about 10 minutes and steam said I had played for 4 hours lol...
  17. Since finding this game I have logged over 275 hours in under a week. I know you're probably trying to calculate how that's possible but trust me it is because this game is THAT awesome. Recently I've been discovering mods that have added a WHOLE new level to this game. I mean these mods are incredible! They add a whole new dimension to the gameplay ... which got me thinking ... how come the devs haven't done some of this stuff ... and ... will they at some point? I just downloaded the procedural fairings mod when it struck me why this isn't in vanilla. It seems like modders can do more stuff with this game than the developers almost. Will modders carry this game? Will modders/devs work together? Are they already? I don't know ... I'm just wondering about this.
  18. I don't think anybody uses that anymore... try Scansat
  19. I'm using rasterpropmonitor for my IVA flying but there are some lights I know are also in the vanilla cockpit and I'd like to know what they mean and the different colors. I know what RCS, SAS, Gear and Light mean ... but what about the others?
  20. Hello again guys, I have a problem again. I've got 3 satellites up all with varying coverage and I seem to have some holes that aren't getting filled in my coverage. I all three of my sats are around 86-90 degrees or so at 500km. How do I know which way to adjust my inclination etc?
  21. Very sad. To think something so minor as a piece of foam hitting the wing could cause such a catastrophic failure. I also watched a bit on the Challenger explosion during launch. I've seen my rockets in KSP blow up the same way and I am now starting to feel bad :-( I know this game isn't supposed to be taken all that seriously but I've now implemented abort procedures on all my crafts. I've had some really close calls with Jeb but believe it or not he hasn't died yet. The closest he came was when I had him bouncing around in a rover on Minmus when he crashed and the resulting explosion launched him into an escape trajectory out of the system. I panicked as launching a rescue would take several days to reach him. Luckily I put him into a stable orbit using his jet pack and eventually rescued him with his original lander. Granted he probably would have been out of oxygen as it took several hours. I guess my question is, do you take this game seriously? Or do you play as the game as designed with goofy kerbal antics and exploding rockets?
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