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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. That actually seems to be exactly what I was looking for, thanks sal.
  2. Hugo the intern re-made the MK3 parts, which were unofficially slated for .25 but have been pushed to .26, and they're rumoured to have a "large" cargo bay. I say "large" because MK3 is its own size so while I think you can fit 2.5M parts in it, it's not a traditional size, and so I don't think MK2 cargo bays will fit in it due to their different shapes.
  3. Is there a way to do this (in stock)? Perhaps a hidden keybinding I can't seem to find? Essentially I want to lock the neutral position to the current position, if that makes sense.
  4. Polish comes after all the frameworks are added. Your two issues are minor at best given some of the problems that have been mentioned [endlessly] so far. Just give them time.
  5. It's not "Achievements" like Steam achievements, if that's the confusion.
  6. Actually that's a really good idea, don't know why I didn't think of it. I do like the runway floodlights, though.
  7. Some people park a "guide vessel" at the end of the runway that they can target. Something super tiny with a light and a probe core.
  8. This actually further strengthens the theory that their next update is colonization, as it ties in with building destruction and them finally expanding the biomes, ha. You may've just leaked their .26 plans.
  9. nah, i mean if you attach one of these to the inside wall of the cargo bay and attach one of these to that decoupler, you get clipping on the back from the decoupler mount points and clipping on the front from the "ribs" of the booster when the doors are closed. maybe everyone who's done this in the preview videos have been doing it wrong, so hopefully you're right and they just weren't attaching them correctly.
  10. Actually pretty curious what changes you find. I'd love to see if they've added snippets of the "anything inside cargo bays have 0 drag" patch to see how they go about it.
  11. Wait until you realize radially-snapped objects inside the cargo bays clip through the back, and that anything even marginally bigger than 1.25M clips through the doors (like a booster + decoupler = clipping on both sides). And nothing can be attached to the doors, they'll just hover.
  12. Make it so the tanks have a tweakable to "Taper to size 0,1,2,3" option and those transitional parts could be eliminated as well and we would finally have transitional parts that contain fuel.
  13. With the right standardization there too I completely agree. It would lower the memory footprint, cover a lot of part desires, and lower part counts. Assuming Squad standardizes the radius options with TS to be the 0,1,2,3 we know and built engines and pods around that standardization I don't see why having a single dynamic scaling fuel tank, wing, etc. wouldn't be a win-win.
  14. I mean the B9 part pack is a memory beast, and has a lot of overlapping usefulness in the parts it includes. bac waited until 5.2.3 to optimize his textures and we got gains like this: R5.2.3 • The textures were converted to PNG for massive memory savings (usage went down approximately from 2.1Gb to 0.85Gb). Now imagine your parts were less pretty, have less overlap, and have even lower-res/more optimization (bac can do more than just converting to PNG) like Squad's parts do.
  15. a half-dozen gap-filling parts with optimized textures aren't going to break the bank, and Squad has to only consider the memory cap with vanilla players, modders need to work around the cap, not Squad to accommodate mod space. What total memory does a completely vanilla KSP run at anyway? And how much extra memory is one optimized part? It's not like we're asking for a hundred HD variants of existing parts.
  16. Yeah, I think some standardization on Squad's part should be required moving forward when adding parts. All part sizes/shapes should have parts x y z standard. KSPX fills in some gaps, but it's not stock sadly.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61238 I hope for a day when aero's revamped and pancake asparagus rockets aren't optimal, but for now they are.
  18. "So you have no money, your rocket designs are made-on-demand, and you haven't even made orbit yet. Where do I sign."
  19. I think I'm going to start with negative reputation. It comes too easy and I can't imagine any business being perfectly calm with signing to a space agency that's brand new never flown one rocket.
  20. I wanna run vanilla Hard but the game's got enough bugs in it still that quicksave might as well be bug-revert.
  21. It's ridiculous what you need to do to test a manned rover. The EAS-1 can't be a starting part (why?), and then you need to awkwardly attach a usually far larger pod to it with a separator whose only function is for the Kerbal to step out of and then separate the pod from the rover. It makes the back & forth of design really tedious. EAS-1s should be able to be used as a starting "pod" and automatically come with a Kerbal like you would man/unman any other pod.
  22. So did we ever get clarification on what those parts are between the solar strut arms and the lab modules? edit: Actually, upon closer inspection they just look like jr. docks mashed into a probe core and two batteries, so maybe there is no mystery.
  23. On this note, expanding the biomes will give us less reason to 100% every return, so we're able to pick and choose where we get our science and how much we want to return. Right now the science pool is very small, so getting the most out of every mission is ideal. I like the freedom of more sources.
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