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Everything posted by Kingtj44

  1. I am not sure if I want to make an even faster aircraft. The absolute maximum speed of A jet aircraft is 2,400 m/s because turbojets simply stop creating any thrust at that speed. Obviously there is no such thing as the perfect aircraft so 2,400 m/s is unreachable. Not sure, even major redesigns would only result is a few more m/s
  2. This will sound dumb but the keys to success are: Stability (wing placement/shape has a lot to do with this) Lightweight (Remove non-essentials and favor lightweight parts) And sadly...Intakes...(the higher you go, the faster you can go. KSP logic. It's very true though, there is a reason the fastest aircraft is called the Maximum Airhog...) Basically I would coat it with intakes.
  3. You misunderstand, I have also made tons functional craft (Excalibur project pretty much) and I am not attempting to insult them, after all they ARE faster than me In the end. My friend typed that message for me and I told him what to say since I was doing homework and he was at my house. Something must have been lost in the translation, I swear I was not trash talking. The contest is about speed not looks is what I meant to say, I was proud that I made a nice looking aircraft, no trash talking included.
  4. I have a plane undergoing testing and tweaking right now named the BlackStar which will be a successor to my Celerrimus series jets. Currently I have gotten it to 2,325 m/s. It's full potential might be slightly faster, but it's based on the Celerrimus and looks pretty similar.
  5. I actually slipped into 200,000m orbit on accident without rockets, I skipped through the atmosphere again though so it was an incomplete orbit. A small rocket could boost it easily into orbit. I also have some more stats and info for it: Glide landing possible: Yes, very easily Approximate fuel time: 22 minutes of flight Maneuverability: Poor Top speed: 2,325 m/s Stability: Moderate/good Structural integrity: Moderate Max full-throttle altitude: 43,500m - 44,000m Cruising altitude: 43,000m Responsiveness: Poor/moderate
  6. Yes and I just hit 2,323 m/s at 43,000m I believe its max speed is around 2,324 m/s. Fastest jet I have made yet, and yes it understandably sucks at low altitudes. Ceiling seems to be around 43,000m as well in steady level flight at full throttle. At these intense speeds, it just needed much more specialized design that focused on stability much more than my other craft. With some tweaking, true max speed is likely 2,325 m/s It actually seems to be one of the fastest jet-only aircraft I have ever seen. There have only been a few that have been faster, but they were pretty much blobs of intakes with a jet engine, whereas mine could be crowned the fastest "real" jet aircraft to fly. It might even be an SSTO, since it is extremely easy to "slip" right into orbit at those high speeds.
  7. I think the craft file is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3xj2-JHf0wEMVdIcnNxZ2lnb1E/edit?usp=sharing If something isn't working right with the download tell me Have fun, and also I moved the entire wing section back, you may notice.
  8. idk how to put a .craft file out tell me and I'll give you the plane. Its a beast though, around 350 parts so...use caution. The COL bubble is just barely touching the COM bubble, unless its best to put it farther out? The fuel drains very oddly. It drains from the two small ends into the center tanks, which is better than nothing I suppose. (You can see the 4 central tanks that make up the body of the craft in the pics)
  9. I raised the wings to increase stability. I also removed the frontal winglets (you can see them in the pics in front of the intakes) so the COL is farther back from the COM. It works much nicer now, but still at speeds 1500 m/s+ it seems to be sensitive to directional change. To help with high-speed control I added another rudder, which also seemed to help a little. Moving the intake around would require huge aircraft changes. I'm not sure how to get most intakes behind the center of mass because the engines are by far the heaviest thing, naturally putting the center of mass pretty far back. I know the engines are not flaming out, it seems to be purely structural. All of the fuel tanks are central, no side fuel tanks, so that should not be too much of an issue.
  10. Making the fastest hypersonic jet I have ever seen so far named the BlackStar (There are piles of intakes with a jet engine that are faster...I mean a real aircraft...) so far I have gotten it to 2,321 m/s surface speed at 41,000 m. Pretty fast.
  11. The issue doesn't seem to be that it slowly creeps one direction or the other, its that even small movements from the prograde position will send the craft into a severe spinout in any speed over 1,000 m/s. My guess is that the drag makes the craft extremely sensitive to lift changes and will have a seizure at even slight off-balances.
  12. I'll put SPH pics up with center of mass etc. soon. I'll try using more stable wing positions to decrease spinouts, I'll see if it works.
  13. This is a unique question that requires some background. I am currently developing a hypersonic jet named BlackStar. This is not my first attempt, and I have gotten my other hypersonic crafts up to 2,315 m/s, but I want to go even faster... no mods no exploits My BlackStar spins out very easily compared to my earlier hypersonic jets, likely due to the huge amount of new intakes. I am guessing that the large amount of drag makes the aircraft unstable. In fact, the rear of the aircraft tend to wants to point prograde as I am flying, which I have also noticed in other planes. It basically means my aircraft has an urge to flip around the entire flight. Is there a way to stop this? A way to make spinouts much harder to do? At these speeds control is very difficult and any tips on how to stabilize the aircraft are welcome!
  14. Testing my BlackStar hypersonic jet at about 2,320 m/s at 41,000m
  15. Scores have been updated! You guys have been very patient with me. Hodo now by far takes the top space with over 2000 points!
  16. You might remember the Celerrimus V, well I have the new and improved Celerrimus VII Just as before, no mods or cheats, manned stock craft (Made in career ) Top speed: 2,315.1 m/s or 2,314 m/s I'm not sure. I actually went 2,315.1 m/s surface speed...I even have a screenshot as proof, but for some reason the log only says I went 2,314 m/s surface speed. I'm not sure which is valid so I put both. Here is my proof that I actually went 2,315.1 m/s Here is what the dumb log says: Here is me on the runway: Here is me as I crash into the ocean: This is NOT from the flight, but I wanted to get a daytime picture in so you guys could see the sexy design:
  17. Very nice Darren. I calculated 1380 twice but I could be wrong. However, that still puts you at the new #1 position. Good job!
  18. Thanks for the flights guys! I will be doing my own challenge, and I have an airliner in the works, but life is busy and I have not had time to fix its cruising-speed flight stability issues yet. Excellent job you two! Hodo, your score was actually 1235, which is still really good. Pilots: 2 x 15 Passengers: 20 x 30 Mach number: round to 4. So, 4 x 50 Fuel left: round to 2800. So, 2800/10 B9: -90 FAR: + 40 Penny pincher: +100 Perfectionist: +50 Blackout: +25 = 1235
  19. Kerbals spend so much time in space that they have forgotten to establish their own air transportation! Kerbals are left stranded on the ground, driving for 15 hours by rover to their friend's houses while rockets are flying from the launchpad every other day. Kerbals across continents have absolutely no hope of ever seeing each other until boats are invented... You must fix this! Challenge: Create a fast and efficient "airliner" capable of carrying multiple kerbals around the globe and landing. Rules: 1. Your aircraft must have only air-breathing engines. 2. Your aircraft must be manned by at least 1 kerbal with at least 1 passenger (Not including pilots) 3. Your aircraft must include at least 1 air-breathing engine (This is to prevent infigliders) 4. Your aircraft must be only 1 stage, and cannot lose/jettison any pieces during flight (You never see airliners using rocket boosters to take off in real life) 5. Your aircraft must circumnavigate Kerbin and land back (near) at KSC runway in one piece. 6. Your aircraft must be 100% reusable, thus, it must have at least 1 docking port on it for refueling at KSC runway if needed. 7. Your aircraft can not go above 40,000 meters during its flight. Otherwise, your poor kerbal passengers would likely lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen... 8. Use of god mods (Hyperedit) or the debug console is not allowed 9. Exploitation of bugs/glitches is not allowed 10. Must provide the following screenshots: Your aircraft at the runway + all kerbal passengers/pilots standing by it for proof of kerbal count, your aircraft in flight, and your aircraft landed + the flight log. Please show your resource menu in each shot for proof that you have no oxidizer, and for extra points after you land. 11. Runway landing is not required. Just land near KSC if you can not aim well enough for the runway. 12. Your aircraft can not exceed 200 parts (No flying lag machines with 100 kerbals) 13. Any mods not listed are not allowed 14. Have fun! Mods allowed: B9 Aerospace pack, Firespitter mod, Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR), Mechjeb Mods that will not affect your points: Kerbal alarm clock, Kerbal engineer Base points: Pilot +15 points each Passenger +30 points each (Not including pilots) FAR mod + 40 points (Makes it harder to make/fly planes) B9 Aerospace mod -90 points Mechjeb -30 points Firespitter mod - 90 points Fuel left +10 points per 100 fuel units remaining after landing (Round) Max speed over surface +50 points per Mach number (Max speed divided by 340 m/s) (Round mach number) Extra challenge points: Penny pincher: Use under 100 parts (+100 points) Engine shortage: Use only 1 engine (+100 points) Low rider: Do not fly over 20,000 m (+100 points) Risk taker: Have max height be between 39,900 m and 39,999 m (+75 points) The Concorde mk2: Have a max speed greater than 2000 m/s (+75 points) Umm...where are we?: Land on the island runway near KSC (+75 points) Perfectionist: Land on the runway (+50 points) Blackout: Have no lights on your aircraft. Do not use your landing gear lights. (+25 points) Top 20 "Airline CEO's": 1. Hodo - 2445 2. Darren9 - 1380 3. Northstar1989 - 1285 4. Hodo - 1235 5. Adammada - 750 6. BigFatStupidHead - 650 7. Localsol - 565 8. FellipeC - 445
  20. I Present to you my best plane yet: Celerrimus V The plane is 100% stock. No mods installed, no mechjeb, kerbal engineer. Nothing. Yes, it is also manned by the brave Bob Kerman. It's worth noting I built this in CAREER mode with limited parts...very hard to do. Not only did it go up to 2,303 m/s, but I managed to keep the design sleek and sexy too. Did I mention I also circumnavigated Kerbin during this challenge (The accidental 20 second orbit helped)? At the runway, looking stylish as ever: ZOOM! Into the air in about 1 second... Bob does not look too happy. Getting up to speed and cruising altitude. Unfortunately the speed makes it hard to stay in the atmosphere. In fact, I accidentally slipped into orbit for about 20 seconds during this trip...whoops. Finally ran out of fuel and plummeted into the ocean. Poor Bob. Well, such a beautiful craft was smashed into the cold waters of Kerbin's oceans, as you can see by the damage report. This was actually my first run with this edition of the Celerrimus, so with practice I suspect its true max speed lies near 2,310 m/s or so. If I did some intake spam and sacrificed the epic looks of my plane for ram intakes, I likely would have gone faster. However I did mash quite a few intakes into the side bits that you can see in the pictures. Most are hidden by designed wing connectors which makes it look more like a real intake rather then spammed black intake things everywhere (Rams on wings look hideous) which helped me get to a high altitude, but I did not ever use any cheats. Just to recap: [sTOCK ONLY] [MANNED] [NO CHEATS/MODS] [MAX SPEED OF 2,303 m/s]
  21. Is this challenge too old to still post entries? I have a craft that goes up to 2269 m/s
  22. I can provide screenshots if you want, but my Altus-aero Cruiser has a max alt of 42,000 m and max speed of 2269 m/s (yes, surface speed) flight time of approximately 23 minutes. It cruises at 30,000-35,000 m at max throttle. On top of that, it looks very sexy...
  23. Why is the hight limit 25,000? I have a high-altitude superjet that can go around the world 3 times over, but it requires the really high terminal velocity that higher altitudes (35,000) provide to do it.
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