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Everything posted by gabyalufix

  1. I looked into this a while ago. Does anyone have a way to get a part list given a craft file? Specifically, I need to know which parts from which mods / which folders are in this thing. If I were to zip my whole mods directory, we\'d be looking at hundreds of mb, perhaps thousands.
  2. Iskierka: That\'s an odd definition of the space line. Seems way too low to me. Unless the atmosphere guage is log scale, it doesn\'t look to me like the atmospheres of earth and kerbin align with that scaling. Earth air pressure is 100 kPa at sea level, and 0.000032 kPa at 100 km. Whereas the atmosphere guage is around half full at 30km above kerbin. While that 30-100 scale might work for orbital heights and other stuff, I don\'t think it works for the atmosphere, unless I\'m wholly off base. What\'s the scale on the atmo guage anyways? Is it linear?
  3. Maybe something odd happens when a part is on the ground when it goes out of range? Maybe it only tracks trajectories for objects, and stops if they hit anything. One funny thing: by very carefully bobbing above 5050m or so, I had some of the grounded parts disappear, and others explode on impact with the ground.
  4. Um. I\'ve tested this on my install, and it seemed to confirm the 'deleted at 5km' theory. My test was thus: I lifted off, leaving a few modules on the ground. Rose to 5km, cut engines and drop back down again. The launchpad is empty when I arrive. Is something else happening here?
  5. What are those red things you use on your craft?
  6. @foamy: I know, right? That part changed everything. Not only does it let you just ignore the tower, it also comes with these uber-heavy, uber-strong struts that you can use the hold any rocket together on the launchpad. No more launchpad explosions!
  7. So this was a fun set of runs I did a few days ago. Figured I\'d post it here. I wanted to play with the capabilities of my new submarine pack. After all, what was the point of having submarines if we didn\'t use em. I was also in a bit of a silly mood at the time. So the top brass of the Kerbal space program was worried. Sure, they can put all kinds of deadly missiles into orbit, and rain down hellish Armageddon upon any nation they choose. But how do they know which specific nations are acting in a manner that would require them to respond with aforementioned hellish Armagedda? They can\'t just nuke everyone. Well they could, but it would totally screw up their yearly budget. Thus was the IOBS born. The idea was thus: we can launch missiles into space, and we can launch boats underwater, right? Why not do one, then the other, on the same mission? The logic was ironclad. For a plane, it\'s pretty big. For me, though, it\'s tiny. Single stage. Originally it had multiple stages, but that was abandoned when the stage separations kept knocking off wings. Launch: You can see the ballast weight there. I reinforced it a bit so it wouldn\'t tear off. The wings were designed to be ejectable. they\'re too big for a submarine. Note the digital periscope and the radar periscope. After picking up some speed, we leveled off at 45 degrees and eased off the throttle. We wanted to get up where the air\'s a bit thinner before we really start accelerating properly. Once we hit around 20km, we go horizontal and burn HARD. We keep burning until the engines don\'t have enough air. It\'s hard to say when this would actually happen, since the loss of air pressure is counteracted by our massive velocity. The intake air pressure probably stays reasonable for quite a while. I guesstimated and cut the engines at 50km. After a while, I remember to eject the wings. Now it\'s just the submarine, the parachutes, and the CC/LA rocket engines (Course-Correction/Landing Assistance). I do a couple burns to correct for aim. Since my final real burn was in atmo, I am NOT in orbit. I\'m in a ballistic trajectory, Didn\'t get a pic of my final run, but it was something like this: I did many tries, since I usually landed in the deep ocean. I was aiming for this coast: Bullseye! I come down at night, unseen, invisible. I used the CC/LA rockets a little, to slow myself down so I didn\'t smash apart on splashdown. It required a little practice, if you stop yourself the parachutes dissapear and you shatter when your nose comes down. You need to time it just right. Success! I detach the rockets and the parachutes, and I\'m a submarine! Now I do some spying/exploration. When I\'m near the coast, I submerge the sensor periscope, and rely on the camera only. Even fully submerged, I can pull 3 m/s pretty easily. That\'s 5.8 knots, not much slower than the WWII german u-boats. I can go faster, but when I do, I sometimes break apart, especially if I\'m careless. I was careful this time, and didn\'t want to risk it. I putter around, exploring, spying, watching local broadcast TV. Maybe do some prank calling. Whatever. I\'m invisible, can you see me? Sometimes I took deeper dives, but I forgot to take pics. Interesting coastline. Sunrise on a spy. Eventually I snapped off the tail on the ocean floor. Whoops. Whatever. It\'s compartmentalized. We\'re fine. Who needs a tail anyhow? You\'ll need: -C7 flight pack + the experimental set -Novapunch -Probodobodyne -Down Under (for the capsule) -My submarine pack -Silisko edition (maybe?) -KW challenger (maybe. I often use their struts) edit: forgot, you\'ll also need that heavy decoupler. from the same guys as the kerbylon launch tower, which you will also need.
  8. giant lander legs are lander leg 3 by 'maryG'. No idea where they came from. Little Solar panels are probodobodyne by novasilisko, and the big ones are from Astrobug enterprizes.
  9. Why isn\'t this possible? All you need to do is launch a space station, land on kerbin, launch again, and somehow intercept the station, right? So practically impossible, but not actually strictly impossible. Hmm. I was planning on trying this on the mun sometime soon. Gonna make a super-beacon first though. Maybe a few other tricks to make the intercept easier.
  10. @Flixxbeatz: WOE BETIDE YE, OH HYPOCRITES! Remember this? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5767.msg74950#msg74950 I started off the challenge, and for my crime, you refused me! WOE! I say again: WOE!
  11. Currently it\'s just a 50-unit fuel tank. I don\'t like the 'fill up fuel tanks' thing for these purposes, since (1) you wouldn\'t have infinite nuclear fuel, and (2) negative fuel use has some odd properties, and can fill tanks beyond capacity. There\'s an ion drive out there that this thing would probably power for years.
  12. Nah. it was an early predecessor to the skybax. Smaller, weaker, and much, much harder to fly in atmo (especially before I made those fuel dump valves). I think the problem was the weight distribution or the wing arrangement, it would tend to stall out, flip over, and insist on flying backwards. It also had very little room for error in the burns, so I would sometimes run out trying to get back to kerbin. I eventually got frustrated with the design and started over from scratch, which is when I made the skybax. Landing without proper landing legs on a big craft is very tricky, and the legs just messed up my weight distribution even more. That\'s why I started dropping my honeymun suites from around 1 meter or so.
  13. Yeah I\'ve noticed that. Why is that? I\'ll show off my ships to my male friends, and we\'ll go on about it, arguing over what it\'s missing, power usage, heat dissipation, etc. But my female friends, even the ubergeeky ones? Eyes glaze over, instantly. Even my wife, who actively enjoys hearing my LARP/tabletop stories any my many other geekeries, can\'t even successfully pretend to be interested in my ships. It\'s as incomprehensible to her that I do this stuff as it is to me that she can\'t comprehend it. Very odd.
  14. Exact thing happened to me, first time I tried to drop.
  15. awesome. I like the lander. I love Nerva engines, but whenever I try and mount them on a plane, the weight distribution causes the plane to handle like an improperly-weighted brick. Did you have trouble with this?
  16. Bump. Updated the miscellanea pack with 2 new original parts. Nuclear reactors! Both are CC-By-SA, by the way. Few extra pics:
  17. How did you get these pics? Is there a free-camera mode that I am not aware of? Or is the capsule hidden by the water somewhere?
  18. So that awesome slalom racetrack mod got me thinking: is there an upper limit to the size of parts? Could we, for example, have a part that planted a flag on the far side of kerbin? (for example, for a targeted reentry challenge), or a part that hovered over the terrain of Kerbin and marked the nations like a map, or even an orbital slolom racetrack that extended all across the planet? Or even placed a (no-clip) city somewhere far away? I suspect there is a limit somewhere--that something somewhere along the pipeline will prevent such ridiculous parts. But I can\'t think of where . . . For example: Is there a distance limit beyond which parts will simply not be rendered at all? If so, is this limit linked to the 'origin' point of the part, or what? Or will the mip-mapping algorithms pixelate it to oblivion? or what?
  19. @TheMattyPrince: That. Was. AWESOME. Craft file? Pretty please?
  20. I can\'t even finish the race, in any amount of time. I inevitably end up splattered across the geography, usually within the first few turns. Never even successfully rounded the fifth flag.
  21. Wait, did you build this overnight, or did you already make the models, and were just waiting for someone to invent a way to make it work? Either way: too awesome for words.
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