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Everything posted by Saphykitten

  1. Whats the fix for Tweakscale? Is there a folder or plugin I can delete, because I use tweakscale on a bunch of other mods.
  2. Im not sure if this has been brought up before or not, however it would be really awesome if you could cycle through the texture/model on the Nuclear Reactors, so that we could use the original skins/models from the old interstellar pack for the sized down Fission reactors. Dont get me wrong, the larger models look REALLY good sized down, in fact, I really enjoy the tweak scale on it, its one of the things I had always wished the original had, was smaller Vista engines and variable sized reactors. But I miss some of the old models!
  3. When are we going to see some of these inflatable parts, like the centrifuge and inflatable orbs, in a 2.5m part. Its hard to make these on a ship using the 1.25m parts!!
  4. I cannot wait for this to be compatible with TAC Lifesupport. This is exactly what I need for my program!
  5. So, it keeps doing this, and I don't know how to fix it. Doesn't give me options in the tab, and the light stays red.
  6. Please keep up the good work on this mod! I am constantly referring people to this forum thread because I love the stuff you've made and compiled! This is exactly what KSP needs for interplanetary stuff to look futuristic and realistic at the same time!! I fully support you on this, and will continue to make others aware of your work!
  7. Any chance on these getting updated for 0.23?
  8. Well hopefully someone with some artistic talent will make a decent 2.5/3.75 model to be used. It just seems silly not to have a fusion reactor of larger size.
  9. So here is a good question, and I am not sure if its been asked before. Why is there no 2.5m or 3.75m Fusion Reactor?
  10. I really like the way that your nuclear reactors create a separate type of electrical charge (the megajoules) I think that you should script in a GUI that allows you to control the output of your reactors, kinda like how the Near Future Mod has them. Would be really neat to control how much output you're running.
  11. Since you changed it from TAC_Water, TAC_Oxygen, ect, Talisars tanks and such doesn't work for them anymore! The values need to be changed to match the new resource names. Any chance we can get this in motion?
  12. This needs to be updated for the current TAC lifesupport, since it doesn't use the tag TAC_Water, TAC_Food, ect. anymore.
  13. Needs to be updated to use with the current version of TAC Life Support.
  14. Also have the fuel switching problem. Also have a problem keeping the Fusion reactors running.
  15. This is awesome, saves me from having to swap out of full screen. This will work great with passive multiplayer
  16. When these Kerbals hit 88m/s you're going to see some serious explosions
  17. I love the Vista engine! It does seem a little OP until you realize how hard it is to refuel the Dueterium! Landing in the oceans on Laythe, Kerbin, or Eve and getting back up is a pain in the ass! Also, since I rescaled it down, I find it incredibly more useful!
  18. I just wanted to share my antimatter research station before I lose it when the update comes! It has five of the 3.75m Antimatter tanks, 25 of the 2.5m Antimatter collectors. The station has space for upto 17 Kerbals (though I recommend only 5 to 7) and it can support 7 Kerbals for 700 days. (I use both the remote tech plugin, and TAC Life Support) The station has a KIWI Nuke Reactor that keeps it powered, as well as 4 large solar arrays. It has a cluster of Five of the 350gm Radar dishes, to keep it connected with the orbiting relay stations. Currently the station is unmanned, I have launched everything in my system (28 flights) unmanned, in preparation for a grand tour. I use an unmanned tug to transfer Antimatter from the station to a station orbiting Kerbin. The only thing I don't use from the Interstellar Mod is the Warp drive, not because I don't want to, but because me and a friend are having a "space race" to see who can get a full space network up and running, and do a grand tour first. Note: I have changed the Vista engine from 3.75m down to 1.25m, and have reduced its resource consumption (and its benefits) by 1/3, as well as changed the Aluminum Rocket from 2.5m to 1.25m, doing the same thing by cutting the resources and thrust in half. Makes it much more manageable and usable. Maybe I will post some more of my Interstellar inspired parts/stations here! ~Saphy
  19. Can we get a module that is either unnammed, or 1.25m that can do the electrolysis? Or maybe a 1.25m version of the aluminum rocket? And a way to get deuterium from Vall and Duna (since they have water ice, and since you can get liquid fuel from the oceans of Eve, Laythe, and Kerbin, you should be able to get Deuterium as well?) Whats the status on a reskin for the rest of the nuclear reactors? I LOVE the Kiwi skin, I would love a new skin for the rest of them. They just look a little.. you know! Also, You could always include smaller and different shape Liquid fuel tanks for the Vista Engine, but there are other mods out there to do that. Wouldnt mind non-radial tanks for Lithium, Tritium, and Deuterium! Or maybe a smaller, less thrust, 2.5m version of the vista drive as well? Let me know what you think of these ideas!!
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