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Everything posted by Madrias

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing another teaser video showing off all the parts. I've got a few designs in mind, including a few twin engine cars, and would love to be able to start mind-planning the way to replicate those designs in KSP with ICE and Skillful as well as Infernal Robotics. Yes, I'm gonna make a spy car.
  2. A mod, Throttle Controlled Avionics, I believe, might do the job. It basically plays with the throttle settings to do that. Actually works well in a lot of cases.
  3. Nice to know that ICE and Skillful will work together to make cars/rovers so much more useful. No more instant flip from too much grip, no more instant death from a going just a little too fast and having the wheel shred itself and go from being somewhat round to as good as dragging parts on the ground, no more instant permanent tire damage. And by the look on your video, you're not using the horrible rover wheel code that Squad hasn't fixed, so you don't have the high-speed-oscillation-suspension bug that causes the equivalent of uncontrolled infiniglide on rovers. Needless to say, I'm rather excited.
  4. I don't have any designs to break into that list, but I'm still working to knock an hour (maybe two) off my time while carrying either more, or the same number of kerbals as my previous design. But I'm planning to do so without carrying a reactor on board this time. I want to feel the fear of the night, to know that the only thing keeping me going is the sunlight, and that once it sets, it's all down to whatever power generation I can pack on the plane to help me to the ground in a controlled and sane manner. Alternately, I have a design that might make the slowest time ever flown in the challenge, if I can figure out exactly how much 'fuel' I need on board. Still Manned, but it forgoes such luxuries as 'armor' and 'glass' in favor of a true, seat-of-one's-pants experience. After all, if you can't collect a few bugs on your helmet glass, how much fun are you really having? Before I waste delta-V trying to do it, anyone got a rough idea how much Xenon Gas I'm gonna have to bring 'round-the-world to keep, say, 3 Ion Engines happy? I know I can provide enough solar to do it, but I don't want to carry more than a 10% overage of fuel. A little safety cushion is good, but I'm dealing with engines so weak a fart might make more power, even without needing an ignition source.
  5. A minor curiosity of mine is whether tires have wear and tear, like the ICE engines do. If there is wear and tear, does sliding around / spinning one's tires to do make smoke and sound (yes, I know it's a burnout, but I'm sure the Kerbals would have another word for it) / hard braking affect wear and tear?
  6. Might need to angle the sepratrons in order to make sure they're not spraying the structural section holding the rear wings on. Could also use more struts and more sepratrons. Also, more wings with more struts and sepratrons.
  7. I'm preparing to try to not just beat my time, but carry more Kerbals, too. Still Electric, still Fusion Powered, but I have a few more ideas in mind.
  8. I'm still impressed with a pair of 10k RPM hard disks in RAID, so I have no real desire to move to an SSD yet.
  9. Spaceplanes are only really viable if you know the atmosphere of the planet you're going to. Going to Space is not as easy as "Point upward, ignite rocket, turn, and you're in space." Putting objects in orbit is hard. Docking is even harder, even though many space movies make it look so easy. Ion Engines, while they look so cool in space, are so impractical on anything big. I can no longer enjoy space-based Sci-Fi movies because of all the problems. Projectile weapons in space have very low muzzle velocity (if any at all) and equal amounts of difficult recoil. You don't burn your engines the whole way to your target, then slam on the brakes when you're there. Landing on an unknown planet with no scanners to see what it's like is very very scary. Landing on an unknown planet/moon is scary. Landing in the dark is even scarier. Running out of gas when you're landing in the dark on an unknown planet/moon is enough to cause panic attacks. A rocket that makes it to space is a rocket. A rocket that explodes halfway to space is a really, really expensive firework.
  10. Before I played KSP, I could actually enjoy most Sci-Fi movies. Now I have to continually point out that "You don't burn straight up out of the atmosphere to return to orbit!" or "No! You don't run the engines constantly until you get where you're going, then 'magically' slam on the brakes." Or of course, "Those landing legs are insufficient for the weight of that craft." and "Where's my re-entry plasma flares? They've hit atmo under full burn!"
  11. I've made VTOL-based SSTO's on the Mun a few times. Most of my designs are ugly looking, though.
  12. I tend to send Jeb, Bill, and Bob on a nice semi-permanent vacation to the Island Runway.
  13. Mission: Duna Mission Type: Manned, Atmospheric Craft, Circumnavigation Return: Go ahead and Try. Other Parameters: Circumnavigation does not mean orbiting, it means flying the atmosphere. Modder's Trial: Do so with Firespitter Propellers as your means of atmospheric Propulsion.
  14. Raxo2222, yeah, you should be able to if you build lightly enough. Eve's a gravity well and you're going to need every ounce of power to get out of Eve's atmosphere.
  15. I've been around since Interplanetary, by your names. I still remember invoking the Kraken.
  16. 0.625 for light-duty motor gliders and atmospheric craft, as well as super-light probes. 1.25 for heavy-duty motor gliders, atmospheric craft, spaceplanes, and early-stage space stations. 2.5 for heavy atmospheric craft, heavy spaceplanes, cargo-spaceplanes/ "shuttles", and late-stage space stations. Needless to say, I've yet to come up with a 3.75 ship, but that's mostly because my designs tend to work reasonably well without needing even more delta-V.
  17. Don't worry about me, KSK. I know how I am when I start playing the guessing game and I really don't want to spoil this for anyone.
  18. "The pointy end goes toward space. The end with fire goes toward Reddit."
  19. Okay, color me impressed, I can almost see how this is going again. I'm thinking that they're going to try spreading the Kerm, only to find there's Kerm everywhere from, as I'd call it, "selective displacement". You know, the "this fell in my lap, and I'm not ready to be Keeper. I'll take it somewhere far away from here and get rid of it." situations. Of course, because of the situation, there's few places to put those new Kerm seeds where they can't cause chaos.
  20. Only technical standard I carry over is basic action group keys. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are Engine Related, with 5 being occasionally used for Engines if needed. 6 is almost always a half-stage of lighting. 7, 8, and 9 are used for things done in orbit, where I don't need to be looking at the screen so I can prod the right key. (1-6 are easy to reach. 7 is a good two-finger-wide gap away from 6. I use an ergonomic splitboard and really should get around to reassigning action groups to my numeric keypad...)
  21. Firespitter Propellers, Interstellar Mod gives you reactors and generators, plus some energy-gobbling engines. Oh, and I'd done a round-the-world with an electric Firespitter propeller-propelled plane. Took 6 hours, flown full manual. Album here: http://imgur.com/a/lRkTh
  22. Perhaps you could use your texture code when Skillful damages a cockpit to put bullet holes in the cockpit glass? Tanks leak, batteries lose charge and start to get hot, landing gear seizes up (brake locked on) or gets stuck at midpoint of retract/extend cycle. Nose props overheat much faster and lose thrust when damaged (playing their Inline Liquid-Cooled counterparts), while the big Radial props tend not to overheat as bad, but lose thrust more aggressively when damaged (like an air cooled radial). Rotors could be forced into autorotation, making it necessary to know how to do unpowered landings. Bomb bay doors could get jammed shut, preventing bombing runs. A hit to either the Nose ASAS for the Attack Helicopter Cockpit or the little "gumball" ASAS computer could (not sure how to do it, but it's an idea) jam the SAS on full in a random direction, forcing one to build aircraft they can fly manual. Hit engines could spray oil, possibly covering and blacking out cockpits, making IVA much more difficult. Floats get holes in them and lose flotation capability. Get enough holes in the floats and they might become sinkers. Maybe a battery that gets badly damaged by continuous fire could outright explode, or an overheating battery could blow up? Or possibly damaged batteries short out and zero all electrical power on the craft... that might actually be a fun idea.
  23. Out of curiosity, could we possibly get a reverse-thrust mode on the PROpeller and its electric variant?
  24. From my perspective, Spaceport needed to be dropped, at least to some degree. Things it really needed: -A stable code base to work from. Not Wordpress. -Dedicated .craft storage. No more crafts thrown in everywhere. -Tag Police. Yank things that just keep spamming tags to get noticed. -Uploading files takes you to the file page immediately after the upload, preventing the two or three accidental spam, and reducing the 50-count fart bomb. -Update the Popular Files page once in a while. -Dedicated tagging for older/newer versions. Things it needed removed: -The comment system. No one ever seemed to read it, nor reply to it. Things it had right: -Surprisingly, it was compartmentalized to some degree, offering space for parts based on KSP categories. It was broken because people spewed every tag. Things that needed to change, or be added to work with changes: -Tag system. Perhaps offering "Part Pack" "Craft File" and "Plugin-Based" as over-all tags would reduce spam by allowing the next part to work. -Exclusions. Allow people to block tags, like "Craft File" so that they don't have to see the flood of airplanes that only get to use the B9 tag because they had one B9 part in them. -Search System. Goes with Exclusions, but refining the search system would have helped. It should have sorted "Relevance First" rather than "Most Recently Loaded" and thereby searching Firespitter or B9 or KW Rocketry would give you the main files first, then anything else after. -Dedicated "Go to Forum Page" button. Well, with that said, I'll say this: The Spaceport, to some degree, still lives on, but it's not Curse. Curse may be where some modders put their stuff, some use Dropbox or Mediafire, others use the Nexus, and others still use other methods. The Spaceport, we're standing in it. The Forum is the Spaceport.
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