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Everything posted by Madrias

  1. And here I thought I was the only one who made my own custom sepratrons... Glad to see the idea isn't just mine! That looks awesome.
  2. I tend to build spaceplanes around the payload that I want to bring up. Disposable winged probes happen to be a great way to build stations. Dock to the Station Core, undock the probe, re-enter and pop chutes. I've built cargo planes with mod parts where I shipped up large chunks of station. I've made stackable spaceplanes where I was docking 5 or 6 planes together to make a primitive substation. With 0.23.5, I've tried rockets and shipped large multi-segment cores up.
  3. Nice! Rotor wash when flying low looks awesome! Can't wait to have fun with that. Out of curiosity, does that work if you point props in such a way that their thrust is directed at the ground?
  4. I was having fun earlier with an Ion powered plane. Sadly, I have yet to come up with an attempt to SSTO with Ion power... I will continue trying, though.
  5. I use it as a functional yardstick for aircraft designs: If I can't land, then take off, from the island runway, the plane design needs revising. It's also a good Alternate Landing Site for the inevitable event of finicky aerobraking.
  6. Orange Jumbos are always the yardstick I've used.
  7. Okay, my predictions weren't even close! I was not anticipating a Merge, let alone a mind-shattering. What few strands of thoughts I'd had don't match the result. I knew something bad had to happen to keep the Law of 37 intact, but I was not assuming full Awakening to self-aware. A mind forming, then overloading, much like many frying circuits. This is uncharted territory. Age of Sail, bringing Kerm seeds to new land, as well as learning of the histories of Kermol and Kerman, a strong experience, an unusual intensity to what is happening. Breaking the Law of 37, a possible new Age of Madness if something is not done. Predictions... Kerm seeds added as cargo in an Age of Fire. Finding a new world for the Kerm to thrive.
  8. Koins, I think, should be the money.
  9. If you're on Windows, you can probably restore it from the Recycle Bin.
  10. Put a biplane in space and dock it to his space station.
  11. I tend to apply my own insane logic to the game rather than math. Build it and fly it. If it flies into the ground, add more thrust. If it still flies into the ground, add more lift. If it still ends up in the ground, add more SAS and more lift. If it's still crashing, you need less weight or more thrust...
  12. I try to build weird stuff and do things with it later. I built an RTG Rod, attached a docking port, and maybe later I'll try to land it on Minmus. I've made helicopters with Firespitter parts and flown around Kerbin, I build planes and try to land 'em, and I've made solar powered Ion gliders.
  13. Just me being bored. Tried landing a plane I'd built, but forgot SAS wheels so I had to land full manual with a keyboard. I saved most of it. Also build an RTG Rod with stock parts, and a helicopter from another world.
  14. Capture and fly to Kerbin... With a spaceplane. And I'll try to land it with the asteroid attached... Should be fun.
  15. With that in mind, I'll let my mind draw some conclusions and try to play the same game I do when I read a good mystery novel. I'll also be evil and not mention any of them here because that would be a bad idea, as it might actually spoil things. Now I'll be spending the next few hours of the next day reading over the Kermol parts to try figuring out what information I need to know, and from that, start making the puzzle pieces. So now I eagerly await the next chapter to see whether my rough guesses on what will happen end up being accurate.
  16. Well, now that's interesting. All of the orbital mechanics and docking and the big meeting, and yet I'm most captivated by the last handful of lines in the Kermol story, yet again. Still, really good work on the story, and again, I can't wait to see how it plays out. Rockomax and the Kerbin Interplanetary Society working on a common set of docking standards... That could be interesting.
  17. I've just been using my old Saitek X52. I've done a lot of flight sim stuff in the past, so I've had it around for a while. It's a nice, fun way to enjoy KSP and there's a bloody switch for everything.
  18. I'm thinking of ION powered space probes and self-launching satellites that I can dump off my runway. I'm patient, and if I can SSTO a satellite-plane with an ion drive, I'll be happy. The boost in power of the ION drive is gentler than what I've done to the ones in my own game (I adjusted the ratio of Xenon to EC as well as boosting the thrust. Doubled the EC on the ratio myself) and so maybe, just maybe, I'll try again to flick satellites off of my runway.
  19. And SAS wheels with clipping landing legs.
  20. I've got very sensitive vision in the dark, so I, too, notice this. Then again, I'm the guy who comes home at 9 PM in the middle of winter and wanders throughout the house without thinking to turn lights on. I've worn sunglasses to deal with the sunset and forgotten to take them off until someone inevitably comments. And I have a lot of light being thrown at me. It's not so much the brightness of the sun, I think it's something to do with the intensity and color of the light with me.
  21. Attach enough thrust to anything and CoM doesn't matter as much.
  22. I find it rather boring flying my IVA only missions from the MK1 cockpit. If nothing else, put in the minimum placeholder equipment so that the MK2 and MK3 cockpits can be used for flying. KSP may not be a flight sim, but neither is it a hardcore 'by the book' rocketry simulator. It doesn't take you two hours to get from the VAB to the launchpad, plus thirty minutes of pre-launch checks, then ten minutes before countdown start. Plus, the majority of command pods have an IVA, but these aircraft parts have been neglected since they were added in from a mod.
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