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Everything posted by arcangel_zer0

  1. I think that's exactly the point - Gigantor arrays (or any Solar panels AFAIK) shouldn't be able to give you nearly enough power to run a vessel at that distance. After all, the energy you can get falls off with the inverse-square of distance - and I'm not sure whether it's implemented for solar panels in the game. So, there does appear to be a gap into which such a system could fit without unbalancing the game. In my opinion, the nuclear reactors do not have to have a large weight penalty (Russia built orbiting reactors at under 400kg each, although they lacked shielding), but they would have to require a large science input. There should, by that logic, be two reactor types - one for probes (light, unshielded) and one for manned vessels (heavy, shielded).
  2. Definitely a must! I've run into that exact problem - I usually just add a OKTO2 controller somewhere. It's useful if you want to send a rover to go resq... ahem... fetch some abandoned Kerblings...
  3. Hi All, Call me pedantic, but I've noticed quite a large hole in the Science tree, namely Radiation and EM-field based experiments. Without having to get too technical, it would give a logical basis for both the antennae and Nuclear Engines to be developed (also, a basis for the "high radiation environment" observations in higher orbits). I'm thinking two small science gizmos, similar to the Thermometer and Barometer components, but one to detect the Em field (a magnet and a coil), and one to detect the radiation (the glowing sample from the Science Jr pod - ie. a later branch in the tree). Thoughts?
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