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Everything posted by Hardofhearing

  1. So many excellent entries here. This thread is inspiring if not intimidating. My favorite three in no particular order: - TheRedCow (post#26) - Confident, feminine, cute; she's the Kerbal you want to see succeed - cptdavep (post #93) - I love that he tried changing the Kerbal anatomy to make something distinctly different - nothingSpecial (post #65) - this rendering shows that Val, like Jeb, has no fear And in light of such awesomeness, I humbly present my own entry. Seems kind of lackluster now: I was trying to go for something that was definitely feminine, yet distinctly Kerbal.
  2. Jeb-kin! Hmm... hot-link doesn't seem to work. Clicky? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0iV4wZQGQW5OFhJNGhfVUtLS00/view?usp=sharing
  3. I used a photo of the Shapeways 3-D printed Jeb, here, and did a little processing in Photoshop (but any image editing software with posterize filter would work). Here's a little tutorial on how to do that: http://notions.okuda.ca/2006/10/27/portrait-pumpkin-carving/
  4. Come on, I know I'm not the only one translating KSP to pumpkin form this October!
  5. For me it was kind of a reeducation in how to play the game. To use an art analogy: You can paint any kind of picture you want as long as you've got big tubes of red, yellow and blue. If you've already got a starter set of 16 colors, why learn how to mix brown yourself? I always slapped an orange Rokomax tank with a mainsail on every rocket I ever built. How else was I going to get to the moon? Career mode showed me the only things I need to get to the moon (and back!) are the smaller engines and a pair of landing legs.
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