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Posts posted by Fraz86

  1. Is it possible to remove an ION_POD_GENERATOR from a particular part (e.g., make it such that the small lander cabin lacks a CO2 scrubber)? I understand that I can overwrite the default generator with a generator that doesn't actually do anything (see below), but it'll still show up on the part description, creating clutter and confusion. Is there a way to remove it entirely?

    name = IonModuleCrewSupport

    generatorName = CO2Scrubber

    Edit: One more question: what does the effectOnEfficency variable do?

  2. So I removed all mods except Ioncross, and I'm still not getting static when Kerbals die. I'm happy to try any other suggestions anyone might have. Anyway, I'm less bothered by the lack of static than I am by the fact that (even if I had static) it's possible to resurrect dead Kerbals by taking them EVA and then re-boarding the craft. Though I do understand this is a bug with KSP itself, not Ioncross.

  3. This appears to be a bug with Kerbal. All I do is call the crew's Die() functions to kill them, and what should happens is their pictures get replaced by static with “K.I.A.†over top. This only stays until you leave the vessel and then come back when the picture is removed. However, it appears the EVA and IVA buttons still work in this state so the crew can be revived, as you found out. I don't know why you're not seeing the pictures replaced by static.

    I can't change the game's functions like Die(), so I can't fix the bugs with it and I need to use Die() in order to have the deaths properly recorded in the log. I may be able to work around the bugs to some extent though.

    Out of curiosity as to why you're not seeing the pictures turn to static, what version of Kerbal are you using, including operating system?

    My version number is v0.22.0.351. I play KSP through the Steam client, which I have set to update the game automatically. My operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, with Service Pack 1, also set to update automatically.

    I do use a variety of mods, but Ioncross is the only one that seems to have any reason to affect the crew.

    Of note, I do remember having seen the static in the past, so the lack of static must either be related to an update or one of my mods (though I can't imagine which one if not Ioncross).

  4. Any chance of including config files to allow users to define their own life support resources (as in the ioncross mod)?

    Every life support mod's discussion thread is full of debate regarding which resources should be included (e.g., food, water, waste water). Some players feel that additional resources are effectively just "different oxygen" that adds little to gameplay and simply requires additional parts. On the opposite end of spectrum, other players advocate for extremely complex resource systems, integrated with the Kethane mod to allow for mining of life support resources in various environments, with complex recycling/conversion dynamics. Ultimately, I think customizability is the best way to make the most players happy.

  5. They will die, the time is random. Sometimes its 2 hrs or 1 hr, but they will die. I assume its like them using their spacesuits O2 for a while.

    I don't think time is the issue. The crew's pictures in the bottom right stay put, even if many days go by. Like I said, the context menu (right-clicking the command module) indicates they're already dead. But the crew pictures remain. They can go EVA, and then get back in the command module, which will cause the module to be "crewed" again, until the lack of resources "kills" them again (again, though, their pictures will remain). If I exit to the Space Center and reload the vessel, the crew will then be gone for good.

  6. I seem to have a problem with dev build 4. When my ship's life support resources run out, the Kerbals on board don't actually die. Right-clicking the command module will seem to indicate that the crew is dead ("0/1 Crew", "Life support inactive"). However, the crew member's picture continues to appear in the bottom right of the screen (whereas it would disappear in previous versions), and if I click "EVA" and then re-board the craft, this restores the module's crew.

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