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Posts posted by hildegain

  1. On 06/04/2018 at 12:51 AM, raidernick said:

    I don't think anybody was wondering this, it's a known fact it doesn't work. RSS/Kopernicus will absolutely not work in 1.4.x it needs to be reworked and we haven't even started on that yet.

    I didn't think it needed to be stated. Kopernicus was updated for 1.4.2 by Thomas P. So the only thing that's required is an update for RSS. That said -- it'll take time. So people should be patient.

  2. 19 hours ago, StahnAileron said:

    I kinda wanted Elon Musk to buy KSP if it was gonna happen ^_~ Guess he was too busy investing in ACTUAL rockets and didn't have any funds to spare. His loss, I suppose

    Nah, his loss is the hyperloop. Doing a good job investing billions into a project that he can't make work.

    That said, I don't like Take-Two... I really don't. I don't think KSP will affected negatively in the short-term but it will have dire ramifications for the extended future.

  3. "Will you still use Linux after KSP 1.1?"

    Yes. But not for KSP. I've never found that Linux matches up with my Windows install for gaming. Even on KSP. I do use Linux for a few niche applications that allows me to do some advanced networking and occasionally for testing purposes. I generally use SteamOS and tweak with it from time to time. It's a bit of fun.

    Also to quote some users here, "most people prefer to keep datamining to a minimum given the choice" that's cool. The data gathered by microsoft is trivial and non-identifying. Google gathers more data and stores it for years. It's also used to identify you.

    "I already use Linux for everything, mostly because it doesn't treat me like I was repeatedly dropped on the head as a child." That's cool, too. Neither does Windows. Simplicity and ease of use isn't for the purpose of insulting your intelligence.

    "The excessive phoning-home in Win 10 is just the final straw." You might wanna stop using any search engines then. Microsoft anonymously collects data about Cortana's usage and that's about the extent of the "phoning home". You might also want to buy a tinfoil hat and make all shopping trips outside of the internet anonymous by only using physical paper money. You might also want to wear gloves to cover up prints.

    Seriously though, conspiracies are fun but they serve no purpose.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tourist said:

    Bah, I'm a steam user, but I'm not going to download the 1.1 until its done. It seems like to much work. Play, crash, report, play crash, report. Sounds too much like a job. I already have one of those.

    Quite happy to do it myself but I'm yet to encounter a problem :P

  5. 4 minutes ago, TAImatem said:

    I should've said about it beeing substantional (my first thought was about heating up like on reentry)

    As we've never directly measured objects approaching lightspeed (though we've seen them near Black Holes) we can only calculate it mathematically and that's not so easy :D

    I'd say "burning up" might be doable if travelling through an area of space that's more dense. Where there's small debris or nebular gases. Otherwise, I'm doubtful.

    Still, it's not a bad question. That's how scientists start off.

    "Oh, and by space I mean deep space". So like interstellar and intergalactic? Yeah, doubt you'd ever be able to go fast enough to burn up in space. Like that :)

  6. 4 minutes ago, TAImatem said:

    I just had a thought: Is it possible to gain so much speed that you will start heating up in space?

    PS it's probably not the best place to ask it

    BTW   HYPE!

    Let me clear my throat

    It's the only way I know :(

    By heating up, I'm going to assume you mean "at all" in which case, yes. You can. You most certainly can. The space outside of our atmosphere is not a true vacuum. It's a very sparse gas more like.

    As you speed up, you encounter more and more atoms. If you build up speed then you result in friction. The friction with the very sparse gas isn't enough to cause you to heat up significantly until you start to approach light speed. At which point it's going to be much easier to measure.

    I'd say that's pretty hype.

  7. I'd played several thousands of hours of KSP and while I used to be very inexperienced... I can do most of the stuff just in my head at this point. Not much point to messing around with Mechjeb and the like that plays the game for you. If you want to find the newbies who think like you do.... just type into youtube: "Lets play KSP / Kerbal Space Program Part 1" and look for stuff only about a month old. There you have it.

    To be fair, I like to play the game as jolly as I can. Not much into it being serious business. I recently got into making bases on other planets and am having a blast with it.

  8. 29 minutes ago, _stilgar_ said:

    And not every dev can fix any bug. Some devs are better at working with UI, some with backend engine things and some with graphics and shaders. Just because they made this, doesn't mean they had to sacrifice something else, like bugfixing. Maybe guy working on IVA overlay didn't have anything else to do. 

    Precisely this. Just because someone is working on IVA Cutaway does not mean that efforts are sacrificed elsewhere and just because one snowflake doesn't want development time to be attributed to it (or thinks its worth it or not) doesn't mean that it is worthless or wasted effort.

    The guy reiterated his point and yet came across equally whiny the second time round.

  9. 11 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

    Ugh. The cutaway thing IS an intended feature?!?! What a waste of dev time!!! It looks to have NO use! That time would have been better used on something that isn't pure pointless fluff. #DISAPPOINTED I seriously hope that bs can be shut down with a toggle and isn't a replacement for first person IVA. If it IS a replacement the borked and borked badly. Here's hoping I'm freaking out needlessly. #hopeimwrong

    You're complaining about dev time because it's dev time being applied to something you don't personally want. That doesn't mean it's wasted. It just means you're not personally invested in whatever change and future possibilities might come about from such a change. IVA was seemingly useless at first and thanks to RPM it's actually viable.

  10. It's 2016 and there are several mods that add clouds. Heck, even with the RAM limit you can do A LOT with KSP. 1.1 Is going to really kick off my RSS, RVE, Realism Overhaul playthrough with tons more additional mods.

    I'm frustrated by the wait but I'm self-aware enough to know that it's my problem. I do wish I could fiddle around with even unstable builds. That's what I signed up for when I paid for the game back in version like.... 0.10??? I don't even remember how far back it was anymore :P

  11. 6 hours ago, llanthas said:

    Get an Nvidia card and Windows 7.  Solid and reliable.

    Or... do what's smart.

    Get whatever card suits your budget, has the power requirements you are comfortable with and, get the operating system that runs faster, more stable and, has better security. Don't buy into the conspiracy stories that your data is being stolen. If you don't want Microsoft knowing what you're typing to Cortana, just don't use the damn thing.

    If you're REALLY that bothered by them knowing what you're asking your desktop assistant, perhaps you have bigger things to worry about.

    To put it bluntly, people who sit on old OSes that no longer receive updates are at the greatest risk of data theft and intrusion. You also miss out on a bunch of new features. People said the exact same things about 7 back when it came out. About how people should stick with XP because it's "solid and reliable" despite all evidence to the contrary. There's nothing really wrong with 7 but it's certainly not a better option over 10. Not even over 8.1 :P

  12. 11 hours ago, scribbleheli said:

    Core I7 6700k@ 4.8Ghz Eh, barely better than sandy and ivy bridge processors. Especially not much better than an OC'd ivy.

    Asus Range 8

    64GB SDD just for KSP, 500gb SSD as primary boot, 1Tb HDD storage. Those SSDs are a HUGE waste. You don't need two and you don't really need more than 256gb of pure SSD. 1tb SSHD and 2tb of HDD would be superior.

    16Gb DDR4 @2400Mhz (another 16 is in the Que if KSP can make use of it) DDR4 is terribly overpriced and overrated. Okay if you're going to be future proofing but DDR3 wont be a bottleneck for a loooong time. Even DDR2 is tough to cap out.

    Liquid cooled goodness Cosair H100i Not got anything to say other than you don't need it.

    GTX 760OC windforce (Hopefully tax refund gets a 980 ti) Get a 970 or wait for a 1070. The difference between 970 and 980ti is not worth it particularly for KSP.

    My advice, save a bit of money and rethink your build. If its what's going to make you happy and it's NOT in response to KSP 1.1... then go for it.

  13. Kinda getting sick of having to point this out but if you have a download or anything at all to work with, you're at Alpha, not Pre-Alpha.

    KSP's very first builds were also Alpha. Why do you nutters keep insisting on using a term that means pre-development-build? Re;ease time or state of release has nothing to do with it. Writing a plan for your mod before you begin would be pre-alpha. Working on the first build would be pre-alpha but as soon as you have that first build: Alpha.

    3.3 certainly doesn't shout "pre-alpha" at me. Seems to be the "in" thing to say "well it sucks but it's only PRE-alpha" as if that means anything. The very definition of Alpha is that it's the initial development and testing stage and is full of bugs and is incomplete. You can't be taking that very same definition and then attaching "pre" to it and expect it to not look like moronic babble.

  14. That, plus 64 bits, which means *all the mods ever* since it removes the RAM cap for the process (well, increases it to 64GB).

    Take that number and add a couple of zeroes to it... Okay a few... Several? Ok how many zeroes are there in an Exabyte? We need around 8 of them for our theoretical limit.

    No, but you might have found the part where I (mistakenly) say 64 bits addresses 64GB, then I get corrected, I realize that, and then I get corrected twice more by people who didn't bother to read. ;)

    "Didn't bother to read".

    No need to sound so hurt about one instance of being wrong. I'm not going to read 13 pages of responses about how hyped people are for a soon-to-be-released update for the sake of checking whether or not somebody already told you that you made a mistake.

  15. I don't want to come across as being rude here, just trying to be logical.

    "5. The ARM update fixed sooooo many things. So much more stable and smooth. "

    Yep, I saw improvements too, happy with that! :D

    "I know, Intels chips are a lot faster per core, but a lot harder on my wallet. I was limited to $700. I only went over by $11"

    Well you did pretty well for your budget I'd say. I actually got an intel system for similar pricing here in the UK but I got my hardware in bundles and deals :)

    KSP looks smooth at 11? Not really. 11 fps can only ever look smoother than it is if there is some frame blending or lack of pixel detail to discern frames. 11 fps is especially not smooth when panning a camera. Of course if you're used to getting less than 11 in a given situation, it may feel smoother.

    Also if KSP never pushes your CPU beyond 20% then it can't be multithreading your 8 cores well (being picky). If KSP could multithread well at all, you would expect to see a higher % overall and not a hard cap at 20%.

    Unity can make use of multiple cores but it doesn't do well at tasking threads to multiple cores. I get the same usage as you do if I have hyperthreading switched on, which halves my performance and yet is still beyond acceptable. So yeah, your chip may be lacking single thread performance but it will maintain good frames for pretty much any game you play and for 700$ did rather well.

    Gotta say I do like the 260x GPU too, not expensive and by no means weak.

    Hope you enjoy your new build :D

  16. It's not their fault that Unity offers poor 64bit support for windows! Stop complaining

    I'd give you a cookie if I could.

    Having worked with Unity myself, all I can say is. I hate it!

    KSP would likely be a far more stable and faster running game if it were on almost any other engine to be honest. The devs know Unity and so they decided to work with it, simple as that. There's always going to be a few people that moan about how they're not doing enough on the engine side or about how they should just go ahead and release the game at 1.0 already.

    What a lot of these people don't get is that if Squad were to listen to these whiners, we'd have a much smaller game than if we were to let Squad go on with this brilliant development plan they've got going. Sure, there's going to be bugs but early access isn't an excuse for lots of bugs. It's a plan to make money while you develop rather than at the end of a very long period where there is no real guarantee that you CAN sell it.

    Early access has done a lot for game development but there's always going to be whiners.

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