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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Hi, while dusting some old Hard drives i stumbles on my old files for this mod, havent touched those in at least 4 years (you know life got in the way). If there is some demands for this i m willing to give it another go.
  2. Quick news I have been rather busy last two weeks so havent progressd as fast as i d like. Redid mesh for Mk Ic, and working on texture plus addition of onboard searchlight. To make you guys wait it out a bit please enjoy the eye candy If you fancy having this as a desktop wallpaper: ACI AeroPod Mk Ic bloc 1 (1920x1080) ps: dont dream it wont look as good in game, that rendered model is like 3.5 millions triangles . plus the shaders are much more limited.
  3. I realized that problem as well, it s due to me choosing a too low number of vertices for my original cylinder and other issues like this (as i m quite new to modeling i m learning those things as i go ) In any case i m rebuilding that mesh and you can expect a mk Ic bloc 1 in a few days. dully noted this will be corrected in next PR , before end of the week. ps: yes i m trying to have a color scheme that should go nicely along B9 or stock
  4. did a quick interpretation of your concept with a very fast texture (on auto so some issues), always good to explore new concepts PS: this was done in Wings in 10 minutes or so and yes its free
  5. If you arent too fixated on sketchup and are willing to learn i suggest going to either Blender if you have plenty of time and patience or Wings3D if you want to concentrate on the essential, alternatively if you can export your mesh in a proper format i can take a look and give you a few pointers. (havent touched sketchup but if you can export to obj, dae or 3ds that would be a start)
  6. en gros tu dois positionner une box (sans renderer dans unity) mais avec un action trigger ladder ou airlock (je dois justement en refaire sur un de mes modéles je vais essayer de faire 2 3 screens si tu veux)
  7. to embed sketchfab [-SKETCHFAB]10389df3d2b84ddab5a0a78ad188a99e[-/SKETCHFAB] (remove the -, simply enclose you model id in between) i was looking at your model and i found the topology of your mesh to be a bit weird for some boxy type shape, using sketchup?
  8. I have used nvidia normal plugins, Blender internal stuff and crazybump. I am yet to find a solution that satisfies me entirely. I looked at ndo2/ddo2 but their interfaces looked confusing and i havent investigated further, same with xnormal, i need to get a more thorough look.
  9. Thanks a bunch , as i said i only started 3D modeling 10 days ago, so i learned a bunch of stuffs doing these. Once i figured that bloody UVunwrap thing the texturing got much better too. I tried an angled version but didnt select it, i might however get back to it to test it again. And regarding a 2.5m variant i got one planned but it s gonna be another mesh
  10. Well i ve pondered the issue at length, kerbals are supposed to be around 80cm talls, the cabin inside is about 55cm height so a sitting kerbal could reasonnably sit there. And dont forget this is a Hi Tech piece of equipment, nothing is perfect in the first version
  11. Pre-release 3 is there I m very happy with the new texture, think i found a workflow that does work for me. please do test this to check for any bug please ps: I left the 2 first version in the pack but i ll most probably redo them or omit them altogether.
  12. After much tinkering and a complete redo of the mesh and texture i m presenting you the Aeropod Mk Ic Update: Pre-Release 3: All new model and texture, finishing bump mapping and detailing before uplaoding tonight Update: Pre-Release 2: Added a variant as Aeropod Mk Ib, taking into account the remarks in this thread. Added a hatch (finaly figured it). Please do download this to test as i want to be sure that there is no bugs or texture issues. Released under CC-BY SA 4.0 ACI AeroPod Mk Ic DropBox Download PR-1 DropBox Download PR-2 DropBox Download PR-3 ps: I am not begging you to use this, but since i m really a beginner in modeling and such i d really like to know what i have/have not done wrong. And if you like this even better
  13. this issue was pissing me off so i searched a bit, surely we arent the only one to have experienced this issue. While you can fix it manually i found it error prone,, however i found this http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/181870-Blender-gt-Unity-Rotation-Fix it s script that add a unity tools menu, just apply it when you are finished in blender
  14. well i do suppose i m gonna learn all these little things as i go along. Thanks for your help MrBond (NO ) Even managed to get the AirIntake Working .... Now i just need to learn how to texture stuffs ...
  15. I understand perfectly what you are saying and it does makes a lot of sense (not counting that joined parts are a pain to work with). A question about you blender model, arent the colliders supposed to be children of the model?
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