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Everything posted by Jiman

  1. I think career mode feels way to serious for the type of game this is. It doesn't allow for any experimentation and if you make a single mistake at any point, you either have to revert back or start a new game if you are unable to revert. I understand this maybe a balancing issue, however it is an issue one must bring up. Should I not be able to experiment in career mode while playing the game?
  2. The KSP wiki (with no citation atm) says that future plans include mining features on other planets (no clue if it is true.) Also, look at everything in game. It has a cost. There is going to be future ways of getting money to buy parts, and that is something to smooth progression a tad as well as make the player think about costs and what not.
  3. I discussed the issue with some detail in this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55190-Quick-Save-Feature-decided-to-get-rid-of-my-entire-career-progress?p=729886#post729886 It was a support issue, which turned into a discussion. The point I ended up making is the functionality of the quickload/save is fine, but more information about what you are about to load needs to be provided if its going to restart your entire career.
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