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Pineapple Frenzy

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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. I don't know where this mod has been all my life. But I gotta say, it lifted KSP to a whole new level. As you can see in these images, Wind Tunnel showed a peak in the envelope at 12,912 m at 281 m/s. Actual performance was pretty close, though I was able to exceed the expected ceiling by some margin. I find I get the most accurate results when the aircraft is oriented in the SPH with the main lifting foil pointed directly at the horizon. Aircraft with a main wing that has plenty of incidence angle will appear to hang nose down.
  2. while (googlepicturewar==fail) { Serial.println ("What happened to the WAR?"); Serial.readstring(); }
  3. The old blast furnace will take care of that.
  4. H = M ^ (h+V) Total hype equals the total mass of the Hype train (M) to the power of the product of the passenger hype quotient (h) and the train's velocity (V).
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