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Pineapple Frenzy

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Everything posted by Pineapple Frenzy

  1. Sometime in early 2015, Marylin Manson will announce his new career as a children's author and release his first book, illustrated by Rob Zombie.
  2. I'm so tough, I cry when I see a rainbow. I welcometh thou to the Salty Spitoon. Toughest art thee, by how much?
  3. Congratulations, I just erased your OS and installed Linux. I wish I had hair again.
  4. Year 212: Kerbalakahn, a previously unknown barbarian conqueror pillages the fledgling civilization. He destroys nearly the entire (now) nomadic kerbal people, leaving precious few survivors behind. Among those left however, one who called himself Kerbo Polo had secretly discovered that ideas could be recorded on clay tablets. With these he preserved most of the knowledge already acquired by Kerbalkind, thus providing future generations with a foundation of knowledge planted in the tragic (and short) history of Kerbal civilization. It was around the time of the Kerbalakahn conquest, that Kerbo began his observations of the night sky. His tablets serve as the first known record of the Kerbals' knowledge of the heavenly bodies, including those which we now call the Mun, Minimus, and the planet Jool. Fragments of these tablets are on display at the Kerbal Republic Astronomic Pavilion (K.R.A.P.) as a small part of the K.R.A.P. collection. It is quite a large collection.
  5. Year 206. Kerbals discover fire. Further studies reveal snacks make better fuel than food. Year 206.5: Kerbal hut civilization destroyed by recently discovered fire.
  6. Golf greens would go on strike. Can airplanes make jello?
  7. That last one killed it because it's too abstract. So I am starting over. Weapon of choice...
  8. 9/10 Best speech ever read by a contemporary sitting US president. Too bad is was in response to one of the worst disasters in the history of space exploration.
  9. You guys know each image is supposed to annihilate the previous one, right?
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