Hi! I wanted do the same thing, and I found out how: Open your persistent.sfs in a text editor. Between the sections SCENARIO (with "name = ProgessTracking" in it) and FLIGHTSTATE (just to be sure, dunno if the location actually matters), add SCENARIO { name = ResearchAndDevelopment scene = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sci = 40 } The sci value is your amount of science points. The scene parameter seems to determine which "scenes"/screens of the game career mode is active in: 5 is the space center overview, which means you can open the R&D facility from there. 6 and 9 are the VAB and SPH respectively. If you remove those from the list, you'll always have all parts available for building. So you essentially get a sandbox mode, except you can do the science experiments in it. 7 and 8 I dunno, but they're probably flight mode and either the tracking station or the map view. Also, at the top of your savefile, there are the lines Title = [...] (SANDBOX) Description = No description available. Mode = 0You might want to change "(SANDBOX)" to "(CAREER)" and set the mode to 1 there. I haven't noticed any effect of this yet, but if nothing else it'll lower the probability of stuff breaking with the next updates.