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Posts posted by Sigma52

  1. Also! Whilst waiting for the Buran blueprints, the Kerbals decided to have a go with the Kliper; but oh no! They got all the way to Mir and discovered they couldn't dock. Because they couldn't jettison the LES as there was no option to do so?


    I've tried rebuilding it, but been unable to locate why this may be; there's a Soyuz Docking probe underneath as in the construction video, and the LES rockets work at least, but even when empty I can't remove it. I can however decouple the piece above it. Any ideas, or is it a bug?

    What part pack are you using there? The parts look pretty nice!

  2. Hello all, I hope this doesn't get buried in the flood of bug reports, this thread is certainly moving fast when an update breaks something :P

    I've only been playing KSP for a few weeks (it was a christmas present), and I have never installed a mod before. Kethane seems like a great first candidate, since it doesn't have any prerequisites, is focused on doing just one thing, and adds a great and logical next step to vanilla gameplay progression. Now while the install instructions are clear enough, there's something I wanted to ask before letting things loose on the one single savegame I have and have ever had.

    I am playing in career mode. How does Kethane integrate itself with career mode, if at all? Will the parts just pop up in my VAB regardless of science, or will they be available through existing tech tree nodes which I may or may not have unlocked, or are there new nodes for them?

    Kethane and other mods you decide to install will show up on the tech tree unless they have not been configured to do so. Which is a simple cfg file edit to make them show up on there.

    With Kethane all the parts will show up in the tech tree, if you have already unlocked a node you will have to click the node again in the science menu and scroll on the parts list to the new part and click it once and then the new window will pop up and click research. That will make it available via the construction phase.

    Take a look at the clouds and city lights mod, deadly re-entry, real chute, KW rocketry, AIES, and Ferram Aerospace. There are a few others that are good to check out like interstellar but after adding so many mods it can be very memory hogging. So i suggest going to your settings and changing from full res to half res textures. Also downloading that popular active memory reduction pack.

  3. I made a small addon to kas for myself. I just went ahead after flexrack (ex-KASPAR) was postponed.

    Basically, I copied the containers, removed the parts storage, and added other stuff. I have one for fuels, one for reactor fuels (kspi ones), one for life support or spare parts, one in which one experiments can be stored. They all use the models and textures of the old containers though.

    It depends on modular fuel tanks and tal's spherical and toroidal tanks (in particular the utility tank config). If anyone is interested in the configs, I can post them.

    Hey Please do! I can think of so many uses i could use those new boxes for.

  4. I'm having this issue also.

    I also notice that it can't decide which texture to use, it seems to use the old one while in map or high over, when you're lowish it flickers wildly between the two textures (which I think causes the lag) and it uses the new one when you get close.

    Cool mod though, I love the new look of the planets/moons. :cool:

    just noticed it here as well. Looks like there is a performance hit when getting close to bop.

  5. I hadn't planned on it. I confess I know nothing of such things. If someone wanted to make some I would be happy to include them.

    Would love to see science definitions added, there is always the idea to let the community add different science entrys on a google document. Kinda like a collaboration of sorts. Take a look at the crowd source science thread. Only thing i can think of being an issue is how the planet biomes work with added planets.

  6. I got the Cleverwalrus dll.

    What do I need to do to get the DEMV-5 rover to load? Where exactly to put it? I've tried a couple of ways but the game hangs in loading.

    - GeorgeG

    Well i have also seen that hang on loading issue. I usually just pull up the debug menu while its loading and click the option to reload all parts...

    I am not using this mod so the results may vary but with other parts that have become stuck on loading its worked for me.

    Press Left Alt and F12 at the same time to get the debug menu to pop up.

    Click the Database Tab and then click the Reload all button.

    Anyways hope that helps and if you do manage to get this mod running please let me know. As the parts do look pretty nice.

    When installing a mod to use in the game, you add it in the GameData folder

    My best guess would be something like this but since i don't have the mod installed the file name (Bobcat) may be different.

    (Game Directory) GameData/Bobcat/parts/ (parts go here)

  7. thought i'd put in my two cents as well. This does work fine with alternis kerbol, in career and sandbox.

    But just a heads up, science archives breaks in career mode... Its not game breaking but it is the only issue that i can find at this time.

    Currently running this with quite a few mods but the first that come to mind are Alternis kerbol and the new city lights and clouds pack with memory reduction. It looks fantastic!!! with a memory usage of 2.5 and thats including b9-interstellar-KW-LLL-AIES- and various other mods.

  8. Hmmm... can you post KSP.log? What folder is Krag's textures in? This mod will only do things aside from compression on mods it has configs for, and compression shouldn't do anything like that. You can add specific exclusions by adding a config file for the planetfactory mod and having a section like so:

    compress = false
    mipmaps = true
    scale = 1
    filter_mode = Bilinear
    make_not_readable = false

    Thank you for the quick reply!

    I loaded it up again, and apparently it fixed itself. Not sure exactly what was causing the rings to come out as a black texture but it appears to be fine now. Thanks for the help though!

    Also Krags folder is named "PlanetFactory"

  9. Looks like 2-7 basic is a keeper, seems to be working good so far. Haven't seen any hangups or severe texture issues. Also there doesn't seem to be much of a change in the load time, since I have quite a few mods installed it typically takes about 8-10 minutes for everything to load up. 7 year old computer, duo core 2 with about 6gigs ram.

    Transitioning from 1-1 I was getting up to 3.2 memory usage so far with 2-7 it brought it down to 2.5 memory usage.

    different folders I have listed in the texturecompressor.cfg

    folder = Squad/

    folder = BoulderCo/

    folder = KWRocketry/

    folder = B9_Aerospace/

    folder = AIES_Aerospace/

    folder = ASET/

    folder = Bavaria/

    folder = BioMass+Science/

    folder = chroma works/

    folder = heat/

    folder = ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/

    folder = KAS/

    folder = Kethane/

    folder = Klockheed_Martian/

    folder = LLL-Extra/

    folder = MagicSmokeIndustries/

    folder = MechJeb2/

    folder = MobiusRocketWorks/

    folder = ModsByTal/

    folder = NavyFish/

    folder = NearFuture/

    folder = nothke_DROMOMAN/

    folder = NothkeSerCom/

    folder = Parts/

    folder = RBR/

    folder = RealChute/

    folder = RemoteTech2/

    folder = ScoopOMatic/

    folder = The DoPToOT/

    folder = ThunderAerospace/

    folder = WarpPlugin/

    folder = LLL/

  10. whats the trick to adding an exception to the 2-6 Reduction Mod? Using Basic build

    Currently I keep getting hung up on command modules during the loading screen of ksp.

    at first it was a command module in LLL- lack luster labs so i took it off the folder list.

    to be specific it was. LLL/Parts/Command/MKVII/bridge/LLLBridgetest

    After removing the folder from the list it now gets further down the loading screen until it gets snagged again

    and now im getting stuck at Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/part/Mark1-2Pod

    Ksp is not freezing or crashing from the looks of it. It loads up 3/4ths of the way then it just stops and doesn't load up the next part.

    These are the folders i have listed in the cfg



    folder = Squad/

    folder = BoulderCo/

    folder = KWRocketry/

    folder = B9_Aerospace/

    folder = AIES_Aerospace/

    folder = ASET/

    folder = Bavaria/

    folder = BioMass+Science/

    folder = chroma works/

    folder = heat/

    folder = ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/

    folder = KAS/

    folder = Kethane/

    folder = Klockheed_Martian/

    folder = LLL-Extra/

    folder = MagicSmokeIndustries/

    folder = MechJeb2/

    folder = MobiusRocketWorks/

    folder = ModsByTal/

    folder = NavyFish/

    folder = NearFuture/

    folder = nothke_DROMOMAN/

    folder = NothkeSerCom/

    folder = Parts/

    folder = RBR/

    folder = RealChute/

    folder = RemoteTech2/

    folder = ScoopOMatic/

    folder = The DoPToOT/

    folder = ThunderAerospace/

    folder = WarpPlugin/


  11. The Spaceport and github versions of BioMass are becoming increasingly divergent. I think we might want to talk about how to unify things so we have a single mod. We need to find a way to make BioMass useful, fun and yet not too much of a cheat. :)

    In general, my approach since joining Roboto has been to make things biologically realistic, but not too boring. At the same time, I (personally) want to force the player to make decisions in how they use the biomass mod: do they want it for O2/CO2 control and water purification, food production, or fuel production. Allowing all three, or even two at a time, would make biomass too much of a cheat imho.

    So, do you want to breath, eat, or go places? If you want all three, be prepared to make a big station/ship.

    Here's what is on Github part and purpose wise. Any biologic/chemical process (respiration, photosynthesis, biofuel production) is done in a realistic, mass balanced way (masses of reactants going in equals the masses of products coming out). Underlined items are the resources. Might seem complex, but it's actually a lot simpler than rocket science :)

    O2 compressor/regulator: Compresses O2 gas into oxidizer for use with liquid fuel/releases oxidizer pressure to make breathable O2

    H2 compressor/regulator: Compresses H2 gas into monopropellant/releases monopropellant into H2 gas for use in biofuel reactions (if needed)

    CO2 compressor/regulator: Compresses CO2 gas into compressed CO2/releases compressed CO2 into gas plants can use

    O2/H2/CO2/Compressed CO2/water tanks: tanks to hold those things

    Cryogenic Atmospheric Separator: Purifies O2, CO2, N2, H2, Xenon and Kethane from Kerbin's atmosphere.

    Seed bank: Store Seeds

    Snack container: Stores food

    Plant Greenhouse: In presence of light, seeds are converted to biomass. In the light: Biomass takes water and CO2 and converts it to O2 and more biomass. Always: Biomass consumes O2 and biomass to produce water and CO2 (yes, plants respire. Just about 4x slower than they photosynthesize). In the dark: converts biomass into Seeds. Using wasteWater makes the biomass grow faster. Activate a harvester on the greenhouse and you get biocake. The growth rate of the biomass should be nearly the same as the rate of the harvester. The greenhouse has lights that can replace the sun if you go behind a planet. This is important since the biomass respires (will consume O2 and "eat" itself in the dark).

    Algae Greenhouse: Works exactly the same as the Plant Greenhouse, but using wasteWater results in faster growth AND clean water

    BioReactor: Biocake is converted into liquidFuel along with some gasses. This used to be much more complicated, involving a Fermenter and Reactor, but now the fermentation and transesterification steps are invisible to the player and it all "happens" in this one part.

    Koylent Maker: Biocake and seeds are combined to make food.

    Composter: Takes all sorts of things (biomass, biocake, seeds, solidWaste, even liquidFuel) and breaks it down into gasses or Kethane. Adding water results in wasteWater for use in the greenhouses

    Bio Containment Study: Provides science points

    Biological Systems Study: Provides science points

    Station Hubs: Their role is sort of evolving

    Plans: A bit more balancing on rates of biomass growth and conversion to food or fuel. I'd also like to see a whole series of science parts that act as tutorials, telling a player how things work. For example, a mini greenhouse experiment(s) where the player learns that seeds-->biomass, biomass respires, biomass photosynthesizes, etc.

    Yeah. The generator modules that Squad uses really suck. If you have two input resources and one output resource, and run out of one of the inputs, the other input will continue to be consumed. Pretty much makes doing balanced chemical reactions impossible. Kethane come with better generator modules, thus the reliance on the kethane dll. I'm not necessarily wedded to using the Kethane dll. If the TACLS dll can mimic the biology, it makes _more_ sense to use it vs kethane since kethane is about mining resources.

    Hey sean, is there any download link to your above post? I tried searching for it on the parent thread but i can't seem to find it. The home page doesn't make it clear where to download it.

  12. This pack is great, however, it is also pretty considerable in size. Its somewhat difficult for those who don't use the entire pack to remove unneeded parts every time we install it.

    bac9, have you considered breaking up B9 into multiple parts packs?

    I for one think its convenient having everything in one file.

    oops looks like bac9 beat me to the posting.

    Looking forward to seeing the new release! Love your quality parts you've been making.

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