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Everything posted by Kimaera026

  1. Am I the only one here or other people are also getting some weird orbital values? I did a fresh install of RSS v6, from v5 on .23, to v6 on .23.5 and noticed (after admiring for hours at the beauty of earth *_*) that rotational period is now 3days 5 hours, a year is approx 400+ days, and going to the moon on a conventional Apollo style burn takes 10-16 days rather than 3+ What am I doing wrong? Any suggestion? --------------------------------- ooops! never mind! I just learnt that .23.5 brings an option in the settings.cfg to toggle Kerbin/Real time scale (6h/24h) Very handy, now that I know it's an actual feature, rather than a bug. ahahah
  2. ok, so it just needs the right amount of control authority to be stable enough. That makes sense. Thank you
  3. That's what I thought it would be like, but I was trying to set up a maneuver for a mun orbital probe (RSS) and when the sent commands activated, they were just as sluggish as if i remotely controlled it by hand. I dont know if it's just supposed to be so sluggish, if i did something wrong, or if i installed it wrong. I don't want to disable signal delay altogether as i find it very realistic to having to deal with it, but not to the point of making unmanned probes uncontrollable. I'll keep trying and see how it goes. But i hope there is something wrong in what i'm doing, so that it can be fixed.
  4. is there a way to make the flight computer disable signal delay when commands are sent to the probe? I say this because I noticed I send commands to my delayed probe, and when the timer ends and the probe executes them, the probe itself does it with signal delay built-in, just like I was piloting it myself remotely, thus losing control very easily (i use RSS, which means x10 distances). If this is the case, I find it a bit silly for the flight computer on the probe to be having signal delay. Once commands are sent to it, the probe should execute them in its own time and space, which means no delayed controls. That is what i hoped RT2 would work with signal delay, but it's not what i've experienced. If im mistaken, or been talked before, i apologize, i didnt find anything trhough search and dont have spare time to read 312 pages XD
  5. I wish I knew how to edit this stuff lol I'm probably gonna have to study the right calculations for this flightplanning, but the goal would be to find accurate launch windows for, currently, the Mun, and plan the launches accurately so that you arrive at the appropriate time, and you have the appropriate lighting and all, etc. Basically, tools to allow you to plan your trips, rather than fiddling with maneuver nodes in-flight. I'm researching, but the amount of information to consider at all times is so great that is overwhelming me lol. I'm sure there are people here who are trying to do the same (or maybe have already achieved it). I'm looking at Orbiter's tools available, as they're probably similar to what KSP+RSS is.
  6. maybe someone mentioned it before in this thread but it's tedious to read back 110 pages lol Is there any tool or webpage or something that can help you calculate transfers and other trajectories, like launch window planner and sort, but with the rescaled data for this mod? or is it safe to assume that real world data can be used here accurately?
  7. no. I dont want to deal with solar panels. Either with just a simple energy consumption (battery-powered capsule) and life support, or fuel cell+life support. at the moment im keeping track of my unfocused vessels and adjusting their consumption manually with kerbal edit everytime i switch back to them. But being manual and all can be quite time consuming.
  8. what do you mean MCE autorecycle? ill download it and have a look into the mod
  9. thanks for the reply PrivateFlip, partless addon? sounds intriguing how do I apply these methods?
  10. I'm talking about resources like electric charge, and especially any other using custom-made ModuleGenerator MODULE on unfocused vessels. Is there any way to retain the depletion and/or generation of these resources, basically keeping track of these modules, keeping them ON while you take control of other vessels far away? the idea is to have lifesupport resources deplete while controlling other ships. No much sense in these modules stopping whenever the vessel is unfocused. Makes the whole point of having life support and general electric charge consumption useless, or only useful and realistic when controlling that same vessel.
  11. Visari, thank you for your help. I found the cause of the problem. It lies with a mod that edits the behavious of engines globally. Similar to KIDS. I exchanged the former with the latter. KIDS runs much better, has more options, and doesnt affect jet engines. Result: perfection. So, in the end, wasnt even far related to the rescale mod, which is good to know as I cannot bare cons to add to the list of this mod - which are still only the few bugs. No real cons to this mod yet
  12. Visari, do you have any idea why my setup has weird intake behaviour?
  13. hi Nathan, thanks again for the great work. I was trying aircraft earlier and few days ago too and I noticed a sheer change in the behaviour of intakes. I dont know if it's because of the rescale, that intakes now are super-inefficient, just like if they were at very high altitudes, and therefore engines now require multiple intakes, not just one. Even with the all-in-one engines from B9, which used to be self-sufficient. Now you have to go crazy with intakes. I was wondering (if it's caused by your mod) if there is a work-around, maybe? Im gonna try changing config for the intakes, maybe intake speed or area, see if that works. Any ideas, anyone?
  14. if it helps, I know why VERY heavy rockets collapse upon loading on launchpad. Nothing to do with this mod. I was building a realistically 0.65 rescaled Saturn V on stock KSP scale and i encountered this problem. Rocket total mass was about 1200-1400t and launchclamps could just not hold on to it on loading the launchpad. They will collapse, the rocket would fall and break itself. I had to turn on "unbreakable joints" from the cheaty debug menu ("ALT+F12") everytime, to prevent this. And even just to keep the rocket from dancing the lambada, I had to design special reaction wheels built into the rocket itself that had 1000 torque, and it will still wobble, but at least it will somewhat point up during first stage ascent. Second stage on is rock solid. The only problem i have with this mod which is bugging me now is the way objects on the ground behave when focusing back to them. After some time, when focussing back to them, not only they tend to disintegrate (unless i turn on both unbreakable joints and no crash damage for a few seconds) but they're sometimes also in a different position from where I left them. Noticed already 5 times that a rocket on the launchpad, when reverting back to launch after an unsuccessful one, it will reload several metres from the launchpad. Effect seem to be time-related. Maybe to do with planet-rotation? I dunno.
  15. Thanks Nathan for this AMAZING mod. I've been dreaming of something like this since day one. And now it's so overwhelming to just manage to get to LKO that I screamed with joy at my successful attempt (with custom made Saturn V-like rocket). Mind you, you now really need to put some mind-blowing amounts of fuel ahahah. KW, NovaPunch, and ModularFuel are a must, now. regarding timewarp discussion. I dont think you need timewarp so much, especially once you start doing more than one mission at once. You just make your burn and then switch to another ongoing mission, and manage that one. And so on. time passes by as you manage different missions at once, and you eventually will spend the time needed for the long missions, giving you a realistic feel of persistence and time lapse. So basically, while that ship is coasting to Mun, you launch a satellite, during the travel window. Can't wait to see the other planets updated too. Dont particularly like to see Kerbin so far out the cluster of planes. Makes me feel alien to it ahahaha.
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