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Everything posted by kelmv

  1. Simple question, and I'm not sure where to start trying to sort this out. I have installed MechJeb, RemoteTech, and Kerbal Engineer. Lately, however, I have started to run into issues. The best illustration of this issue is when I try to launch a 3 pack of comm sats into orbit around Mun. I need to click the command module of the satelite, then have it undock/decouple from the Box (aka the last state that got it where it is going). Once I've done that, I can get it into orbit and everything. Once I swap back to the Box, it no longer works. It claims that there isn't a connection when A) There is plenty of power. With two of those commsats strapped to it, it has over 9k power, There are enough RTGs on each commsat to run each constantly (with the exception of the ion engine), and only one antenna is deployed and active per sat, leaving me with a ton of extra power, and C) The old commsats that I am replacing are still in orbit and functional. I'm a bit confused here as to what could be going wrong. Any ideas?
  2. I just had a number of problems trying to get KSP to work on my laptop with an Intel GPU. What fixed it was installing libtxc_dxtn. From the Funtoo description: Helper library for S3TC texture (de)compression. Just in case someone else has problems with the game crashing righ after everything loads.
  3. I dropped another Munar lander on the Mun. This one lost 1/3rd of it in an incident, but still works. The rover, when detached, decided it would be awesome to drive 2km down hill while my kerbanaut tried to land atop it and get in the driver seat. I finally managed to stop the thing by having it run the kerbil's head over and flip the rover. However, when trying to flip it back over the battery and RTG blew up.
  4. When trying to stop a runaway rover, it is rather hard to 'dock' your kerbil into the flight seat. It seems they have trouble flying, landing, sitting, and stopping an out of control rover all at once.
  5. Status Update: The Medium Lifter fell apart trying to launch that thing. However, there is good news: The launcher after it has been airborn for a few moments. I felt fairly sure that the whole thing would make it at this point. A look at how I connected the boosters. This was much easier than I had imagined, and with such a short rocket it was almost as stable as some of the small rockets I have put up. Other than a rotational problem after ditching the 1st stage (at roughly 11km), the launch couldn't have gone better. A good view of how it all goes together once Stage 1 has been dropped. The extra boosters were to let me tweak my orbit once I was up since I wasn't 100% sure I'd have the fuel for the 150k orbit I wanted. I'm a lazy pilot. I've dropped boosters and am now tweaking my orbit using the little thrusters on the sides via MechJeb. Final placement. ~190km up, and the orbit is directly above KSC. Pictured are the extra boosters being dumped. I made sure to transfer fuel from the 2nd stage boosters and orbital placement boosters into the main tank, so I have some fuel aboard now. Actually, the tanks are almost half fuel. Go figure. My orbital kerbal, a one Malcal Kerman, moving from his control pod into the hitchhiker. The view of Kerbin from orbit from one set of windows in the Hitchhiker. Overall I feel good about this. Thanks for the guidance and the (admittedly obvious) way to mount the boosters. I couldn't be happier with this thing. Now to design another set of modules to add to this thing to make it more useful (though I don't know what else it could possibly need)
  6. I will give this a shot and see how it all goes together. Thanks everyone for the input.
  7. Imgur didn't like taking my upload. This is the core in question. I know it doesn't look too interesting, but that is what I'm wanting to put up.
  8. I'm trying to put my first big load into orbit around Kerbin. The problem is that I have never even tried to put something this large into orbit, and I have no real clue how to do so. I've sat down with Kerbal Engineer and went about trying to build a rocket under it with the roughly 5.5k dv I want, but that isn't working out so well. tl;rd: How do I heavy lift?
  9. My rover happens to be a package deal: My little rover tugging along with it's little antenna. Preparing to return to the mothership I still can't park it properly, but there it is. It rides right there on the way up, and when I go to leave I can carry it along for the ride. I never drive too far with it, but since it adds its 3 generators to the lander when docked, it feels like a part of the ship moreso than a stand-alone lander. For standalone: This huge thing (bigger around than most of my rockets) is almost impossible to flip. I drove it off the side of the landing pad and, while tilting back some, only lost two tires and kept going. It has a living compartment, plenty of power, backup driver, and all of the sciency thing I have. As Han Solo once put it, "She ain't pretty, but she has it where it counts, kid", or something like that.
  10. Attempting to land in a field with a jet powered by 3 turbojets while descending at roughly 10m/s does not end well for anything except the center 2/3rds of the fuselage.
  11. Something I learned that is terribly important: When creating an ejection system, remember to use a decoupler. While the two sepratrons and radial 'chute will remove the front of the ship at ~175m/s, they won't remain long enough to keep the pilot alive.
  12. Thank you. Jebediah in his snazzy new lander. Sadly, he lacked the dv to get off Mun, and has become a permanent resident. This was taken long before he found out he couldn't get home by crashing into Mun at roughly 350m/s.
  13. Where do you guys load your images to? I have a few images I'd like to post.
  14. Regarding the "Always bring solar panels"; Always attach one or two radioisotop generators. They never stop working.
  15. I managed to dock two probes together for the first time ever. It only took roughly a month to get the orbits close enough, but it is a first. Next up; Jool, because now I can build a better space station on orbit.
  16. I've searched the Spaceport three times and have been unable to find the kethan mining mod. Could someone link me to it? Also, does it currently support 0.22?
  17. kelmv


    Hello. I thought I would introduce myself since there was a place for it. I've been playing KSP for a few months on and off and have recently become slightly addicted to campaign mode while taking a break from Dwarf Fortress. My biggest accomplishments so far are landing probes on both Eve and Duna. However, each of those is laying on it's side since I built the thing as a tower and didn't find a suitably flat place to drop it on. I'd appreciate some tips on designing unmanned probes. I have one now that shouldn't tip over (it will stay right side up if I drop it on the 30 degree slope on the side of the launch pad), but I have yet to put it into orbit. Also, any other advice is greatly appreciated.
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