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Everything posted by CeVeZ

  1. did he copy the used files from [KSP 0.22 folder]\KSP_Data\Managed\ to his KMP Server folder: * Assembly-CSharp.dll * Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll * UnityEngine.dll (or if he is a LINUX user: The server needs mscorlib.dll to run. On Debian-derived systems (such as Ubuntu) you can do this with the command: sudo apt-get install mono-runtime libmono-system-data2.0.cil ) run as admin, and it should work fine. hint for the next time: read the "README.txt"
  2. Hey there, have a problem with the Kethane mod. when i try putting the "KE-J65 Zero-Bypass Turbine" on my spacecraft it crashes on-click. although i entered the "kethane.turbine" into the KMPpartlist. any ideas or tries to fix this one? + an addition for the author: TehGimp666: i have an idea how to autoload installed mods. make the mp-server into a subfolder on installationpath and read the part.cfg (search for name = [enteranyingamepartnamehere]) in any subfolder where "part" exists. well. complicated to explain. i might try to code a routine, if you are interested. but i dont think this is good to implement yet due to enough existing bugs ^^
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