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Everything posted by Lolkillalevi

  1. Had to rebuild because i just deleted because i thought this post was derailed by people saying my sig was dis-honest so for the sake of my question i changed my sig...Guys really now, A sig? come on.
  2. I had my staging right when i made the station. I'm saying I made a new ICBM and i fixed the staging and only the decouplers fired and i tried all other stages and it wasen't ever right. (Like i said a picture to see what the correct staging is would be nice)
  3. Hello just downloaded KW Rocketry, And i've found potential in my ICBM And other tactical creations with it, I've made a rocket with 2 small rocket boosters, do a number (Hehe) but...it would always fire as i started the rocket and my staging was messed up to where the rocket woulden't even start without the boosters being fired first
  4. Okay thanks! I was thinking about doing it without mods, But i've been thinking about kethane and it'd make having a colony on the mun in ksp...More sensable because you can mine, instead of just landing some kerbals on the mun and calling it a colony and do nothing with it lol. I'll go download kethane.
  5. Well after my long awaited goal, I reached the mun! So we got the 3 kerbal brothers over there, Bill, Jebediah And Bob . So back to my point, I want to now create a colony on the mun, Then duna. But i only know about landing a ship on the mun...But i really dont know much about making colonies, So pictures of what a basic colony ship would look like and some tips or hints, would be great! Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks! I'm actually going to setup a colony on the mun, Then head for duna! But the colonies, Gonna be a bit harder!
  7. Thanks! It took me a few months to get a hang of it but it was worth it!
  8. Jebediah, Oh Poor jebediah His smile was so round...So gleeful...So happy...
  9. Yes, But i didn't wanna go through the trouble to re-drive the buggy all the way there (it's about a 10-20 minute drive) F9 basically reloads to launch.
  10. Okay, Well i can help in that, You know the Spaceplane air line or trail thingy whatever its called its what you launch spaceplanes on, Just go to the end of that not infront of where you would spawn, But behind a spaceplane spawning. My kerbal's crashed a few mountains behind the KSC. So if you get the trajectory or place right you'll be about where i'm at. I'll get some snaps for you to help, THE GRAY IS WHERE MY KERBALS CRASHED! IF YOU GO OVER THE HILLS THERE THEY WOULD BE CRASHED TEHRE
  11. Well my kerbals don't die but theres a part when they start like flapping their arms and not falling or standing back up and then fall through the map and then it jumps back up and the kerbal plops and turns into dust dieing...I zoomed in so you can see what happens, I was in normal view kinda and it zooms in on me some times.
  12. K, I'll get some snaps, It'll be a while since i gotta drive far... It also happens randomly.
  13. Hello, I am fine on the launch pad and everywhere by the KSC, I recently sent some buggys down to rescue jebediah kerman and his crew, I sent them on my mission name: Kerman Dark Side It's to elaborate to explain, But the problem is...They crashed on the mountain side and so i was driving, I noticed when i got out to rescue the crew...I was lagging, And the map was kinda jumping like into me and out of me, I switched to one of the crew members to get them to my buggy, I was walking and then...Suddenly i just fell through the map. So i thought just a bug, Rub that off, But then i tried to get the other guy to my buggy and...He got close then fell down and was getting up and fell through the map! I was like..Okay, So far this mission has been pointless due to this bug i guess, I then presumed just not to jump and speed time get the rest of the guys in the buggy...the leader of the search party (ME) fell through the map, Only 2 kerbals left! What is going on i got the 2 kerbals but...WHAT THE HECK?
  14. I had a rather interesting event..Jebediah was like, Ragdolled in my jeep but alive, I jump and he get's shot out and died...He is MIA After? I'm gonna search for him! (Not to steal forums, Just spreading my story of the MIA)
  15. You say 'Think' Go to the link or place you downloaded the .Craft file, See what parts it has, Load up your KSP, See if you have those parts unlocked. If not, There you go. Unlock them and it Should work.
  16. Yeah the ship was stock parts, I went to the space center after i got a stable orbit for it? Is that reverting to another save?
  17. The ship was stock parts, So...Can't be the mod part, I wen't to the space center after i got a stable orbit for it.
  18. Yeah i was kinda assuming that it woulden't because it didn't even look like it was close enough the blue line was Around the planet, But...What do you guys think is going on here?
  19. I would get a snapshot, But it dissapeared, Sorry about that guys. But okay, The AP I'm new to stable orbits and the game so it was kind wide like a potatoe size and the PE was close to kerbin but didn't look like enough to destroy it or anything, Now it's power...I don't know. I didn't even know probes needed power :/ So...sorry bout that.
  20. I used the Z-MAP Sattelite Launch Probe kit thingy, Because i don't know how to make probes.
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