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Everything posted by Lolkillalevi

  1. The PE Was pretty close, But not close enough to get clipped back into the atmosphere of kerbin.
  2. I had a stable orbit around kerbin, The probe sattelite was going around kerbin like it's suppose to, I had a few other ships out there orbiting kerbin as a test orbit, But i just finished my test missle thingy to use if a meteor was threating us, I decided to see how my guys and probes we're doing...I was greeted with them doing fine, I go working on my missle again, Come back...The probe is gone. It had a stable orbit, It couldent've wen't back into kerbin's atmosphere and fall down. All my ships we're still there...But, There was no probe, It was gone, Like mysteriously GONE. No trace, Not even any debris from it, Like it was...Is this a bug, But all my ships we're there, All their debris there...So it couldent've crashed into the probe...Is this is a bug? It surely shoulden't have just dissapeared like that? Any help would be appriciated because i'm expiriencing this also with a Sattelite rocket i sent up...It had a stable orbit...Dissapeared. GONE. What is going on?
  3. I tried, The engine, Fell off. Only doing his steps...Sooo, Yeah, that can't help.
  4. Hi i'm new to KSP and the forums, About 2 days in... I want to finally try to land on a planet and plant A flag. The one problem is... I don't know how to start my mission for minmus, I thought of going to the mun but everyone was saying that minmus is farther but easier, So i'm gonna try to go to minmus. So my problem is...I am new, I have no expirience, I don't know where to start or how to even try and land on a planet...So i need help. Craft files will help Links to mods that make getting to planets easier And tips and whatever else you think will help my cause. thanks in advance!
  5. K i'll do that for a while...Thanks for all the help! it is appriciated, And yes if you can post pics of you orbiting, that would help soooo much!
  6. OKAY THANKS FOR ALL THE POSTS! I got a kerblenaught safely landed and the rocket into orbit! Now what should i do? do that for a couple of times, get good at it then try to get on a planet?
  7. K i'll do that, Then i can go for the mun or minmus...Which i have yet to land on, haha.
  8. Guys...I really need help for this next mission, I have tried various YouTube videos, but i have yet to find one that can explain how far you gotta go to not be lost in space and not fall back into kerbin...My space station...Outcome was never suppose to happen, In my space program, Today never happened haha. But...I need a space station and/or refueling station somewhere! and...Can someone just help me please lol.
  9. Oh i didn't see you replied before i started a new sandbox All my work is now...Gone! I need someone to help me through my new space station mission...Or atleast get to mun to setup a base.
  10. I'm re-doing my mission...I just started a new sandbox...I gotta re-think this mission :/
  11. K...I think i'm going to go for mission Return the Space Station guys, If i see they're in danger...
  12. K i actually was using debug menu just to get my station ready and stat, then turn everything off, so i'm good now yay. And it's suppose to be a station, I don't think i'll be recovering them instead of on EVA...Or rescue mission, Dang...I didn't think my mission out to well...
  13. My m/s sign isn't moving does that mean i have a Stale orbit? It moved once and reaaaaaaaaaaaalllyyyy slowly i thrusted a few more meters i'm on escape trajectory for my space station, am i gonna start falling back to kerbin with my throttle off? or am i good i can have the throttle off and i'll stay there?
  14. So i'm good i won't start falling back into kerbin? (I'm new i don't get what escape means yet Sorry :/)
  15. k I'll show a screenshot where i'm at and the map just wait for next reply
  16. Okay, So like my ships orbit is in blue and so it's pointing to kerbin escape, Can you tell me if i'm good enough to where i won't fall down back into earth because my last station did that and i've been flying this one for a while now..and the earth is like medium size i passed the mun waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy and going twords the sun. I'll tell you my meters right now Orbit 64186.3m/s
  17. 1 Question i'm setting up a new space station...And for some reason my map i don't have that gray thing so i can't see or know if i have a orbit around kerbin. Can you help me fix it where i can see if i have an orbit around kerbin? all i see is blue pink and orange lines please help me?
  18. Hey thanks! I was really proud that all my crew didn't die on impact. 1 Question i'm setting up a new space station...And for some reason my map i don't have that gray thing so i can't see or know if i have a orbit around kerbin. Can you help me fix it where i can see if i have an orbit around kerbin? all i see is blue pink and orange lines please help me?
  19. Okay, I had launched my sattelite station up to space, Crew of 3 Kerbals. We we're falling back to earth, I tried to throttle up to not fall back but it didn't work! So we're falling, jebediah smiling as always, Rest of the crew...Not so much, I had to get my crew back alive. I HAD TO! We're falling kinda fast, I see from my m/ compass on the bottom that we're not in orbit anymore...Station falling even faster now that we're on the surface's gravity, I had to do something and quick! I quickly EVA the 1st Crew member taking that risk because i watched a youtube video from kerbals falling and surviving, I then switch back to the 2nd Crew member inside the station, EVA Him, Switch to the 3rd Crew Member, EVA him, Now all 3 are falling super fast, I open the 3rd's jetpack, switch to the 2nd, open his switch to the 1st, open his, and then switch to all 3 and use the jetpack on all of them, And once we hit ground they all survived! It just felt really awesome and victorious that they actually survived!
  20. K, Thanks i'll work on getting an ARC to be a CIRCLE around the EARTH/KERBIN. I just never was able to get to the right orbit, thanks. Is there a mod that makes orbit easier or is it only the gamedata to deal with?
  21. Okay, I'm new like i've been saying. But how do i see what km i'm at i only see M and the words : Orbit, Sorry if i'm asking dumb questions
  22. Thank you for that, Umm i have been trying post some links of pics but they don't pop up if its a forum where you can see and i can't please tell me! EDIT: It works now i have a better screenshot for yah!
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