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Posts posted by Melonfish

  1. Does anyone remember the game Cannon Fodder? well, if you weren't great at this game then the hills on the start screen would quickly fill with small crosses for your dead like this:


    If this were implemented in KSP then i'd predict you could walk from the body of water by KSC to the body of water far to the west without actually touching the floor (by walking on the tombstones)

    I have killed that many kerbals. By all rights I'm a genocidal maniac, and really bad at launches :D

  2. I'm concious that I'm doing it all wrong and wasting precious Delta-V, let me run this down.

    I make orbit around Kerbin then burn prograde on the dark side 90° until i leave the SOI, this takes me into a slighly lower Kerbol orbit than Kerbin, from here i go round until i find a good spot with the planning tool and burn for my target, be it prograde to raise apoapsis or retrograde to lower periapsis.

    I'm concious this is mahoosively inefficient as I'm burning for 11 mins to get an intersect, granted my ship has like 50 minutes of burn time with 8 nuke engines and I can afford it but it'd be nice to get these mythical 1500 odd delta V burns that Transfer planner says I can do it'd mean I can build smaller ships.

    I take it we just sort of wait for the proposed window (I have some KAC alarms set) and burn light side 90° and it should intersect directly?



  3. Scouted out a likely position on the Mun for a surface station/drilling rig, and fulfilled a couple of satellite launch contracts to keep the money flowing in. (What are the units of money called? I've been thinking of them as "kerbits"....)

    Oooh battlestarish I like that.

  4. Save Kraken ate my homework, so new save and I cheated to get all my science back to where it was because it ain't fair to steal it all off me.

    ran a training mission first to get the guys up to speed:


    then started my Ares like mission, this is the remote DAV (Duna Ascent Vehicle) having made it to Duna. this will be landed shortly and when the time is right produce fuel.


    I placed a science pod on the top of the DAV, the plan is to link it up with the tug vehicle and ferry it back home along with the kerbals and their samples (assuming everything goes to plan with the mission)

  5. Hello there, that is are some incredible performance figures. As far as I am aware you are the only person with results like that. What are your system specs?

    i5 4690k Devils Canyon OC to 4.2ghz, 797-p Asus board and 16gb of Corsair vengeance pro 1866. got an old 650ti boost 2gb in there too (asus).

    it's the in game alt-F12 that's reporting 120fps, it may be way off?

    I built the rig to play Arma 3 with my Clan as it's a mahoosively CPU intensive game, once i get water cooling i'm looking at booting the cpu to 4.7ghz.

    added bonus is that when i booted up Kerbal I didn't see any slow down at any point, i've got a load of flights in progress, mostly probes etc.


  6. I must be the only person getting 120fps regardless of part count (well i'm yet to build something plus 1000 parts but i've had 600 flying without issue) and i'm running on 1920X1024 on very high settings.

    Anyway, EVA from your lander on any planet, clip off a section of the ship and instantly get shot either into space or directly at the ground at around 1000m/s!

    I lost Jeb like this, he made a very pretty mushroom cloud on Minmus.

    otherwise i'm pretty patient, been playing since around 0.16 so i can wait for updates.

  7. I've recently "Landed" a probe on Duna along with a remote rover which was a lot of fun tbh.

    My plan is to land a remote control ISRU with an attached Ascent unit, the ISRU will mine and manufacture the fuel required for the DAV.

    Meanwhile i'll pull a crew of 6 kerbals on an interplanetary tug with a Duna Landing Vehicle and have them land at the site, perform lots of science then take the DAV back to the tug and back home.

    And yes i'm on my third read through of The Martian, haven't seen the film yet but plan to. I may yet change the DAV to be a separate vehicle and transfer resources (KAS) from the ISRU so i can fit a full suite of science pods on it.

  8. Build a 60 tonne lander all for training Kerbals.

    Mk3 command pod with a hitchhiker can, lots of parachutes including drogues and then 4 large external (and detachable) fuel tanks with lander legs.

    Mainsail asparagus system (don't have rhino's or mammoth's yet) to orbit and circularisation, then injection to Munar orbit and circularisation. then pushed me out of munar orbit. final mainsail dropped (they really pulled their weight!) then poodled to Minmus orbit and circularisation, landed on the pole, did a load of science, planted a tonne of flags and killed jeb...

    so, whilst leaving the main pod jeb clipped out and went shooting into the Minmus surface at seriously terminal velocity, I can't explain it the lander was happily on the floor and it was only about 20m to the ground. all other 6 Kerbonauts made it fine and planted flags etc.

    got everyone back on board and made it to Kerbin and landed nice and sofly in the deserts.

    lots of 3 star kerbals (all pilots and engineers) currently running my second batch to bring up the rest (and re-do the now re-spawned Jeb)

    also clocked up about 1000 science over the last few days so just planning on what to spend it on, may need a touch more to bring it up to an even 1000.

  9. Apparently, and don't quote me here but you actually need more than a mk16 parachute to land a small probe on Duna.

    "Hmm, the chutes deployed but i'm still going a fair-OHSHI-" *BOOM*

    And then there's the orbital rendezvous i set going yesterday, got within 1k and boosted towards my station.... with a mainsail...by hitting Z...

    So most of the station is now separately orbiting Kerbin ;.;

    Oh and I can't build planes to save my life, they crash, they explode, they flip and they generally go out in flames. dunno why, just can't get the lift or stability.

  10. This weekend I sent a rover and a lander to Duna, the rover I managed to get into a Polar orbit, the lander i put onto the equator.

    Things I learned:

    I don't require heat shielding.

    Duna's atmosphere is really, really thin.

    I didn't bring enough parachutes...

    The lander JUST survived impact, blew off the legs and all bar one of my battery packs but was left with one circular battery the science JR, probe core and importantly 2 of my 3 deployable solar panels, a barometer and seismograph.

    after gathering and transmitting science I was pretty happy with my pulled from the fire mission.

    My rover which I launched at the same time as my lander, I decided to bring in partially powered. at 100m i dropped the fuel/engine and let the large chute take it the rest of the way. one busted wheel (out of 6) so he's off getting polar science as we speak and i managed to drop him by that little lake biome so i'm working on getting there now.

    I also remembered how utterly pants I am at trying to rendezvous space station parts. I mean i really suck at it i get within a klick and it all goes pear shaped.

    c'est la vie

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