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Everything posted by brenosilver

  1. Latest build caused massive memory leak in my ksp 0.23. Every time I clicked to revert flight, the memory did not flush properly thus accumulating until game crash. I'm not sure if this happens in older versions since this is the first I'm trying. With ISA MapSat 1st Launch ~ 2800 MB 2nd Launch ~ 3200 MB 3rd Launch ~ 3750 MB Crash Without 1st Launch ~ 2100 MB 2nd Launch ~ 2100 MB ...
  2. My Passive mission is not paying me anything, I only have one ( 03 - Launch Weather Satellite Into Orbit Of Kerbin ). Is that a known problem or is it just me? What I have in my Career.sp file: MissionStatus { vesselGuid = 71fd08a3-b7a4-4319-8cb1-ed33597d77da missionName = 03 - Launch Weather Satellite Into Orbit Of Kerbin repeatable = True repeatableSameVessel = False endOfLife = 69682682.5404362 passiveReward = 50 lastPassiveRewardTime = 47576156.5698108 punishment = 100000 clientControlled = True } Thank you
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