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Everything posted by oosime

  1. Hi, really cool F-22! Could you please post some pictures of your aircraft in the Spaceplane Hangar with the center of mass, center of lift, etc. showing? I would like to help you if I can. I'll try to remember to reply tomorrow since it's getting very late where I live.
  2. I, for one, think that my Soyuz is pretty spiffy.
  3. Soyuz. I didn't finish the launcher yet, so I cheated this into space.
  4. My first ever attempt at a full size Saturn V. This picture was taken shortly before a spontaneous explosion of the second stage attributed to lack of struts. Later versions of the rocket worked much better. RIP Glitop, Munlas, and Geofwig.
  5. This is my Titan IV. I don't think it's my largest rocket, but KSP hasn't been working properly for me recently and this is the only one I have a picture of.
  6. I believe you met your watery demise to the tentacles of our cephalopod overlord.
  7. I love how you did the nose. It works so much better than just throwing a 1.25m nosecone onto a Mk3.
  8. Really? I thought that basically all Titans except for the Titan IV had two.
  9. Titan IV-B Thank you to Giggleplex777 for notifying me that it has two engines!
  10. I just threw one together. It doesn't hold too much fuel, but it works. Landed: Flying: Bottom view while flying: Parachute: Fuel: Fuel lines and thrusters: The fuel lines feed from those structural parts into the capsule itself, and then from the capsule to each thruster. Hope this helps.
  11. Very nice recreations. Do you plan on making more historical rockets/spacecraft soon?
  12. Stock Republic Gunship from Star Wars Doesn't fly without gravity hack, but it looks kinda cool.
  13. Here is my Ares IV attempt: (I think I made the boosters too wide)
  14. Feel free to post your own Star Wars ships. Here's my Republic Gunship: Front view: Back view: This is my first attempt at a Star Wars ship. It's 100% stock, but it doesn't actually fly without gravity hack and infinite fuel, it just looks nice
  15. Your voice is perfect for this sort of thing.
  16. I sent a probe to Jool (my first Jool mission). Got it in a nice polar orbit. After that, I did my first circumnavigation of Kerbin (exceeded Mach 6 on the way, too). Now I'm building an interplanetary ship in LKO. I have 4 of the 6 modules docked together in just two launches.
  17. No worries, it didn't take me long at all. As you can see, I now have my ribbons set up
  18. I've used a few of these techniques in my Ares launchers. Here is my Ares I (my first real life rocket attempt) It works quite well, and I'm very pleased with it. My second real world rocket attempt was an Ares IV It is an incredibly good rocket, I just pressed space by accident. Good thing I added an escape tower, eh? I did make an Ares V as well, but it doesn't work at all. I'll keep trying to get it working, though.
  19. I'm loving the Falcon Heavy. So far, I've only made the Ares launcher family but I should try out some SpaceX launchers too.
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