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Everything posted by iamonfire

  1. "hyper extended nightmare"-Darthzues Why was it hyper extended?
  2. Thank for giving me the first move. persist SNSS Nightmare powers up and engages the nearest Scout Sniper. Looks like it can still fire. Your move.
  3. I accept this challenge. presist 2 SNSS-Shock Heavy Cruisers 4 SNSS-Lucid Light Cruisers 4 SNSS-Nightmare Destryers
  4. The SNSS Nightmare is unscratched and moves to intercept the Y-85. Target sighted, locking on. Shots are fired as the sun rises. An explosive hit! If there was any chance of retaliation there is none now. presist
  5. BATTLE Battle over Kerbin. Max tons: 50t Max cost:75,000 Funds Max crafts: as many as you can afford presist
  6. The 64-bit is here! Time to build a space battleship.
  7. It would work in large scale battles.
  8. FFA The Free For All is ready. All orbits have been ramdomized. First turn goes to MU SX-3 "Ember Celica" Second turn goes to SNSS-Lucid Third turn goes to PI MDARK "Noah" Battlecruiser Forth turn goes to RIMS - Kirgard BB presist ScriptKitt3h your move.
  9. Just add you ship to this presist and take a photo of you ship near the others. Your ship must be under 100 t. Also post the mass of your ship. Do not attack yet.
  10. Once this free for all is over I would be willing.
  11. The fleet assembles for the coming storm. The diversity in ship construction is beautiful.
  12. The ultra-light spam tank, a mass of 2.6t
  13. Then there are still two spots open on the Free For All, anyone else want to join? presist 1 VS. 1 VS. 1 VS. 1 ^^^add your ship to this and take a pic. One ship, max mass of 100t.
  14. If you need to put the ship in a different orbit go ahead. I have the photo. Or you could PM me the craft file and I could put it in.
  15. The presist file has no active flights. Can you re-upload it?
  16. Once I have all four ships I will put them in the same orbit, equal distance from each other.
  17. The next three people who have a screenshot of their ship parked next to mine gets in.
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