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Everything posted by dro56595

  1. My first 'spaceplane' in 0.25 Seems to work OK, although it did require a couple of piggy-back SRBs to get to orbit. Docking with my station is VERY 'framey'. Those little MMUs are fun for zooming around the station too
  2. This has cost me a huge amount of treasure, and I still have to send a transfer vehicle to pick them up from orbit and get them home!!
  3. My first successful asteroid capture Sent a robotic grappler to rendezvous and capture the asteroid, then place in a circular orbit around Kerbin. 'Grabber 02' has four beams with attachment points to provide a contained area for working within, and a rear docking ring for Kerbal visits and resupply. Grabbed! Jeb, Bob and Bill heading out to do Kerbonaut stuff at the new tame asteroid Let's check this out Time to head home for beer and medals!
  4. Just getting some fuel into low Kerbin orbit. Ugly, but it works.
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