Hey there, after eageresly waiting for my new computer and in the meantime and a lot of youtube video's watching, I finaly yesterday was able to play this beautifull game myself. However, things were not as I expected them to be. For instance: 1) For some odd reason all my fuel gets used-up simultaniously although I have an asperge style motor lay-out. I've done everything the youtubers explained how, but the results are, I end up with all tanks empty at the same time. What to do? 2) Does anybody know how to transfer fuel, say from the space station to a docked vehicel. Again I've seen this on youtube, but when I dock, my fuel stay's where it is. I can't select anything that would make a transfer possible. Again; What to do? - Is it (or in my instance: schould it) even be possible to transfer fuel or electricity from one part of my ship to another? So, internal fuel transfer? 3) On youtube I saw that people have a very active SAS with even the motors and the finns participating. You see them switching and wabbeling all the time. Not with me. I only see some changes when I press the wsad key's. Is my SAS not working properly? 4) On youtube I also saw that it is possible to have a look inside the cockpit. What is the key for that, because I coudn't find the command for it in the the settings, literally no key on my keyboard makes it happen and I can't select this option when I click on the module. What to do? Please help a fellow player out