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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Aloriel try disable SCANSat. thats one of mods i disabled because of that crashes on load save. other is TimeControl, TweakableEverything, TacLifeSupport, Kethane. and I have like 80% of all other mods that already 0.24 version
  2. very nice mod! i would say potentially one of best mods for 0.24, one of those "must have" mods! Tac life support(current version TacLifeSupport_0.9.0.9-pre3) + your mod = game crash on Continue Saved Game stage. double checked that. maybe that will help, somehow Do i need to install Debrefund, or it's build-in already? and quick question, i have not found that in manuals. What exactly is "build time at 0.1 BP/s" option for? i can set it to 1000 and have anything almost instant builded. that makes no sense :/
  3. nah i didnt disable it, there is no Atmospheric strings in config menu (was 3 or 4 as i remember) thats pretty strange because it disappear after i updated versions of all my mods and added some new, on same 0.22 ksp version as Scott Manley likes to say, ANYWAY, anyway, anyway, never mind!
  4. what happend with Atmospheric Efficiency% ? did you delete it? it was in some older version of your mod, and now i cant find it...
  5. $25 000 - Cross platform Native support for Linux Native support for Mac OS
  6. They(actually he, only one developer!!!) have big plans for this program to be real mmo game, or at least very good single player. He will probably start crowdfunding on indiegogo as soon as first gameplay demo will be ready, goal for mmo is only 100k (compare with Star Cityzen! ) but gameplay will be MUCH more complicated and reallistic than any space game before. please spread information about it, as he really needs help, and people who would really enjoy it have no idea that something amazing like this exist. http://en.spaceengine.org/
  7. asmi, are debris in calculation with other vessels? because its not playable after i put 2-3 sattelites on orbit... and terrible lags on my old saves, even quit game is difficult
  8. kill button kills rotating. and i dont see any problems with flight computer, even more - its much better than in remote tech 1 version, which i used until yesterday... about sats... launch 100500 of them on all orbits, and land few on Mun on visible and invisible side too. much more effective and faster ecoli360 my ECLSS and remote2 work together without any problems
  9. can someone answer me what version of remote tech i have on this screenshot? http://imgur.com/a/kz2sQ#33 it works fine with 0.22 and has flight computer only problem is that some dishes not available in career mode
  10. here is few of my career progression rockets. mission to Mun and back, just after I unlocked last science part to collect atmosphere data: http://imgur.com/a/kz2sQ#9 download 16 space laboratories and 2.5m nuclear reactor to power up them, from interstellar mod. possible to dock more modules from each side http://imgur.com/YWEZXcq and here 2 rockets to make it: http://imgur.com/a/0bTut#0 first made with 3.75m tanks, second with 5m and are very easy to launch - just trottle up to 100%, enable SAS and press space from time to time download1 download2 Mods Im using: DeadlyReentry Kethane KSPInterstellar ModularFuelSystem RemoteTech ProceduralDynamics RealSolarSystem Engineer-Redux FerramAerospace KerbalJointReinforcement KW-Rocketry NovaPunch ProcFairings all information about dV, mass and other stuff on screenshots goodluck, hope you enjoy
  11. real solar system mod + all other mods
  12. ÿþôÿøÑÂÑŒ уûыñýуûð ÑÂÿõцøðûьýþ Ѡþшøñúðüø ýðÿøÑÂðû? root=native soething=something Ѡòþт ÑÂòþù øýóûøш ò øóрðх òыучøû, ò ñþûьшõù чðÑÂтø. хþть úðúðÑÂ-тþ рõðûьýðѠÿþûь÷ð þôýðúþ... ÿрþшу ýõ ÿрøýøüðть úðú ýõóðтøòýую úрøтøúу, ð ÑÂúþрõõ úðú ÿþ÷øтøòýую
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