here is few of my career progression rockets. mission to Mun and back, just after I unlocked last science part to collect atmosphere data: download 16 space laboratories and 2.5m nuclear reactor to power up them, from interstellar mod. possible to dock more modules from each side and here 2 rockets to make it: first made with 3.75m tanks, second with 5m and are very easy to launch - just trottle up to 100%, enable SAS and press space from time to time download1 download2 Mods Im using: DeadlyReentry Kethane KSPInterstellar ModularFuelSystem RemoteTech ProceduralDynamics RealSolarSystem Engineer-Redux FerramAerospace KerbalJointReinforcement KW-Rocketry NovaPunch ProcFairings all information about dV, mass and other stuff on screenshots goodluck, hope you enjoy