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Everything posted by SSSPutnik

  1. This should perhaps go in some bug reporting area, but I am unsure if it is a bug or not. I have a massive ship, yes it's pretty laggy. However, if I start the game, switch to the ship, performance is quite good. I can do stuff pretty quickly. But, if I send another ship to within render distance, performance drops badly, and it becomes very laggy. If that second ship then departs render distance, the performance does NOT return back to what it was before, it stays laggy. Any ideas?
  2. That shows crew, but not total, just have to add them up. Thanks Kasuha.
  3. I have a large, laggy ship, with a large crew capacity. Is there an easy way to find out how many crew are on board?
  4. Not quite clear what the emergency was? Ran out of fuel on Laythe ascent? Laythe is deceptive, so easy to land, but takes quite a bit of dV to make orbit again. Some gorgeous pics. Glad your mission was saved.
  5. I will start knocking up mission report. Ships mass is 1100t already... That some serious negative points Once fully fuelled I guestimate about 1500t, maybe. On third, (and hopefully last) fuelling trip... Getting around 780t to LKO each launch. (A lot of that is unused launch tankage and booster engines). What happened with your Laythe mission? Mission control are concerned about the cost of new suits for your crew and told them to "just air them out". @cube19: Mines gonna be negative too, but its still a score ! I'll be starting at about -1500!
  6. Other problem with mods is that they are fluid. Some change almost daily. Personally, I use a ton of mods, but it does make challenge rules tricky.
  7. New update. 2 mini bases docked to Osperus III. 2nd and last heavy shuttle with rover docked.
  8. Berty is an AI and you shouldn't trust them. That beguiling smile is all a front for a malignant cold hearted silicon being.
  9. He is going to Laythe, so once you have Jool intercept you will need to adjust course for Laythe after entering Jool SoI. Then aerobrake at Laythe and circularize. Burning direct depart from Kerbin low orbit is tricky but doable.
  10. 4500dV is pushing it and is ideal amount. You will need more for course adjustment too within Jool system I think.
  11. Hi Cube19. Welcome to the forums! Interesting design for sure. Quite large, but SSTO. You may want to add points up?
  12. I've only ever done it with a one man command pod. All others were staged. I don't believe in command seats except for rovers. (Who would risk landing in one!?)
  13. A few pics of my Kethane version coming together. Fuel launch. Fuel arriving. (Giant 3.75m tank in centre) Lander with rover/base heading for the Osperus III. (I used small boosters for an extra kick). One lander attached. Balancing might be tricky, I think I have CoM OK. Still requires other rover/base and a variety of small base landers. We have two Jool penetrators and 4 satellites loaded as well. (Hoping to set up a Remote Tech wireless link back to Kerbin and covering Jool system). I'm using Infernal Robotics a bit. Spotlight on rover can be tilted and panned. The 'radiation' shields on the main ship can be angled depending on what the ship is doing. (They can be angled more when the solar panels are retracted). The main antenna can be retracted into the antenna bay, it can also be extended on a boom and angled to point in the desired direction. I'm going to lose a LOT of points on start mass, but I don't mind.
  14. Reduce throttle or use smooth throttle function in MJ if you use that to avoid pogoing.
  15. Just reduce or increase periapsis to meet the recommended altitude. Once you have it there, leave it. Where are you going to aero brake? The calculator is overkill usually, ie for Jool just use around 118km.
  16. As long as you show key points its fine. You should also write a mission summary when done.
  17. Just finished first fueling mission of the Osperus III. I'm worried about TWR. One third of fuel loaded, Deltav is about 8000 but no landers attached yet and thrust is about 0.2G
  18. An aerospace museum, large hangar style, where players could hang or park craft for display purposes. Maybe adjustable spotlights and some gawking kiddie Kerbals?
  19. Returning from a mission I forgot I had to land 5 Kerbals with a one man lander capsule. I did try, I put 4 on a ladder for reentry. Despite my best effort, (guy on bottom pushing the others up), all 4 came off and fell screaming to their fiery doom.
  20. OK, maybe over the top. Two landers and two tugs. Tylo capable. Take you anywhere. #12 shows completed ship.
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