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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. taking first turn on mining munar operations
  2. i use it for the info..i installed it after a decent number of interplanetary missions when things became hotter, more flights, rvs, transfer windows.. finding closest approach for rvs, burning manually and let mech jeb piloting the last 50 meters is sweet, turn on ascending in multiple launch missions, i let him burn even when i choose the maneuver node, and alt tabbing in the meanwhile. and i found the info quite useful, both during assembly and flight.. i found it makes you more productive rather than more lazy!
  3. i enjoyed career mode a lot, gave a shot at wiki campain but i preferred to stick on my personal program.. learning curve is not so bad when you don't have too many parts you want to try..every step in science tree and with biomes and experiments it's quite balanced..and recovering vessels which took only partially their mission is still a lot satisfying! i passed through the tutorial and the scenarios and now i filled the tech tree..
  4. i worked on a mission on moho during the whole weekend..originally it was for lathye then seen the huge amount of dV i decided to try for moho. it consisted of: a) lander, one manned; refueler docked to lander in HKO, since i've been greedy on launching that stage; c) lifter with a three men capsule(1 empty seat :-D) docked to the lander in HKO; d) additional orange tank to refuel the lifter and, remaining attached, providing extra fuel and extra thrust on the aircraft (2 more nuclear engines); so far so good.. then i managed to end in moho orbit with not enough fuel to do anything else, let alone landing, so i designed an interplanetary refueling mission, which i managed to dock with something like 700-800 liquid fuel to fill a total amount of 2000 in the lifter and 1000 in the lander. i've done a second refueling mission with a different design, which came with even less fuel, but i should start the landing operation next weekend, also redocking the staged lander(pod and science junior) to properly revalue the dV the ship has..i think i'll need a third refuel even if i manage to save something from the lander before undocking its body.
  5. i have once..first interplanetary rescue mission of my space program..
  6. this is true..one of dogma of scientific method is being able to repeat an experiment. it would be more realistic to have to recreate exact conditions and repeat an experiment to max science output!! and i didn't find it tedious..i just did stuff a couple of times and even discarded data..just leave a probe to transmit for that time you'll need 2-3 points
  7. did you place them with radial decouplers or just attached to the side of another tank? add a couple of structures to fix them better..from what you say it seems the ship is too heavy and they go on their own..maybe the rest of the engins is not enough powerful.
  8. i've sent landprobes on duna and eve to transmit data and gain the science to unlock nuclear engines since i unlocked the 650 kN engine, also a manned vessel collecting data(goo, junior box and gravioli) flying ''high over the sun'' and landing back at kerbin provides you tons of science without a big effort in matter of design and fuel..
  9. i've had several science points when i recovered a mun lander's debris crashed on kerbin..am i missing something? they were points from a kerbin biome or my stored data from the mun? at the moment i'm thinking it said ''recover a vessel from the mun'', but i'm not sure..i think if you recover the debris with attached the experiment you gain points..
  10. having to figure a reentry trajectory and add some shield here and there wouldn't be such a problem. maybe it will take a bit longer to build stations on eve, or to use a shuttle for missions, but something you must be aware of doesn't mean you cannot deal with it. i'd like to fly something damaged..even if i'm a noob ;-)
  11. i used them on a one manned jet pack for mun explorations and on land probes..working on a solar powered aircraft..big structures precision adjustments seems a serious thing :-)
  12. hi all, i think an ''hardcore'' career mode could be added, where costs and stock count. about the budget of the space program, the thing will work with public and private ''donations''? so you'll have an amount of money at the start and every year depending on your results with science, explorations? i see also you can recover debris landed on the planet, those will be saved at least partially so i hardly see a problem with costs/parts..and with my short experience i use to revert flights the majority of the times i fail..
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