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Everything posted by Rowsdower

  1. Career mode is a built-in option that is super friendly for new players, so for the ease alone, I'd suggest that. However, the great thing about KSP is how open ended it is. Try both, see what you like and see what fits. Maybe even come up with a brand new way of doing things
  2. If only they made lojack for spaceships.
  3. If you want to check out the full thread, as well as Squad's parting gift, have a look at the Announcements section.
  4. For anyone wondering, questions/answers are being currently being compiled and shared amongst the team. They'll be thrown up into the thread soon.
  5. They came. They saw. They answered. Several members of the KSP team came together for a Reddit AmA. The team had fun and we hope good times were had by you, too. Thanks for hanging out, asking questions and feeding us some delicious karma. In kind, here's some old sage advice to take with you as the thread has wrapped up. They say that if you look towards the stars, you'll always find something special. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1qjoe2/we_are_the_makers_of_kerbal_space_program_ask_us/
  6. Thanks for the greetings, everyone. Now let's get back to SCIENCE!
  7. Hi, everyone. I’m Rowsdower, the newly appointed Community Manager for Kerbal Space Program. You may have seen me mentioned in last week’s dev notes or on Squadcast. Thanks for allowing me the very Troy McClure-esque intro. Consider me the eyes and ears of Squad around the forum. I’m here to make sure that the forum vis a vis, the community is always at its best. I’m also here to take note of what you want out of your overall KSP experience, whether it’s new features, fixes, more mod integration or anything else that happens to be talked about here. What I’m not is a firefighter. The mods here do an absolutely glorious job enforcing the rules and keeping things tidy. I don’t intend to get in the way of that. That’s not to say that you guys aren’t a shining example of the best parts of gaming communities, because you are and that helps so much more than you think. However, there will be times when I will have to lay down the law when necessary. All the same, don’t be afraid to come to myself or anyone on the mod team if you have any issues, comments or concerns about things. I’m proud to represent KSP and I know that we’re all in this ride together, so let’s boost this baby as far as we can - until we inevitably run out of fuel in some gross miscalculation and fall back down through the atmosphere in a fiery blaze of glory. Woo hoo!
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