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Everything posted by a1270

  1. I'll be rude and interject as i have been forced to read up on this stuff. It's actually very clear. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#LinkingWithGPL How it's linked does not matter. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLStaticVsDynamic TLDR: Your work MUST be under a GPLv3 compatible license. Skimming the thread it seems like a lot of Creative Commons licensed plugins and GPLv3 is incompatible with everything but CC0(aka Public Domain) from what i can tell. Any plugin under a license with a non-commercial clause is for sure incompatible, the GPL doesn't discriminate when it comes to usage. On a side note: KSP is most likely included in the system library exception of GPLv3 along with the dotnet libs. Back to not sleeping and reading documentation.
  2. I originally thought it was a casting issue, i'll blame that goose chase on insomnia. After i got some sleep i looked at the parsing itself and it was a simple fix. What's happening with that code is OR(AND will as well) forces a conversion to boolean. IF, WHEN..THEN and UNTIL have no issue with booleans. The real issue was the regex for the conditional forbids the usage of double quotes and braces. Doing 'status == "LANDED"' should have also converted to boolean but the bug prevented it getting that far.
  3. The other issue is UNTIL, IF, WHEN.. THEN all won't accept string literals for comparison. There is a fix but it needs to get pulled in. SET landed TO "LANDED". UNTIL STATUS == landed { code. }. seems to be a workaround.
  4. I'll rehash what i said on github here. UNSET ALL/variable will unset user-defined variables. Bulk node removal is targeted for REMOVE ALL NODES, Kevin has said REMOVE is to be generic. Target removal is added to my list but all non-critical issues are getting the backburner as of now. I am uncomfortable about having so many pull request on master.
  5. I suggest you give your license a new name and define it, else you will cause confusion and people will just use it under the terms of any BSD license as you didn't state which one.
  6. I"ll chime in and add that you can't claim the BSD license and limit usage. Depending on the version the requirements are to keep the copyright notice and that you can't use the authors name for advertisement(3-clause). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses
  7. Seems DECLARE is global, all it does it declare the var null. Adding this to my list. DECLARE PARAMETER variables are accessible to the whole run program context, anything run in a script.
  8. Yes, all user-defined variables are global unless declared with DECLARE. Rebooting a kOS module does not clear locks or global variables.
  9. No, SHIP:BODY is a string. It'll return the name of the parent body only. I am debating submitting a pull request to change that to a structure but that'll break scripts.
  10. BODY("bodyname"):BODY will get you a structure about bodynames' parent body but that is the same as bodyname:body. To get the parent body of a ship or target you can just call SHIP:BODY or TARGET:BODY, "BODY." is a call to SHIP:BODY. All those return a string with the name of the parent body of vessel/target. When targeting a celestial body TARGET:BODY returns a structure. I hope that is all correct, it all jumbles together when you are digging through code.
  11. mun:body:name returns kerbin and mun:body:body:name returns sun. Works on anything, so eve:body is sun and gilly:body is eve. I guess i just don't get your question.
  12. You can do mun:body, etc. To get the name use mun:body:name. Works on all celestial bodies.
  13. @baloan I sent in a pull request to fix this. Very simple fix, I see no reason why it won't be merged in once Nivekk sees it.
  14. @rpayne88 you'll want to save files to the archive as going back to the VAB creates a new vessel. This also allows you to edit in notepad(++). The archive is located in the Plugins\PluginsData\Archive directory in the main KSP directory. Save scripts as txt files. To switch to the archive you execute "switch to 0." and to switch back to local run "switch to 1.". You can copy files from archive to local by running "copy filename to 1." while on the archive and "copy filename from 0." if you're on the local storage.
  15. @Kethevin Are you using RemoteTech2 or Kerbal multiplayer? Both of those are known to mess with input locks kOS sets.
  16. @ferram4 I'd like to say thankyou for your work, it has made the game more enjoyable for me. I am currently trying to get data from FAR to calculate terminal velocity. Going through ARControlSys.ActiveControlSys i can get drag coefficient(Cd) but unfortunately projected area seems missing. Am i missing something? Thanks for your time.
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