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Everything posted by Lacerta

  1. This mod gave me another few thousand hours of KSP. It works fine so far, haven't had any bugs or glitches. Sometimes it lags my comp a bit, but that could be because of my settings and the amount of ships I have active. Thanks for this awesome mod!
  2. Woohoo! Now Jeb can travel in space in his brand new Interplanetary Disco Ball!
  3. Awesome mod! There are so many things I can do with these things that I cannot even think of anything at the moment.
  4. This is brilliant! Now my spy satellites really have a true capability! Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone! Being a cadet, fresh out of the Kerbal Academy with only a few crashed landers on the Mun to show off with, I decided to come here and join the ranks of the community. The only way I can master the arts of spacetravel is to learn from all the great brains on this forum. I have been screwing around in KSP for a few months now, and I'm starting to get the feel of it. I have been visiting this forum in the last few weeks and got some great inspiration from some of the members. In return I hope I can also contribute to this ever-growing community of Kerbanauts.
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