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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. It does, those are the mr roboto legs on a dino body.
  2. So if you downloaded either one of my crafts, I really appreciate you wanting to try it out. However I heard complaints that my custom robotics weren't working. So I loaded them up into a fresh version of KSP and had similar problems. But I have solutions. For the Gundam you simply need to update Infernal Robotics, make sure the toolbar is included. The zoid also has a simple DIY solution, or just download the fixed crafts I posted. Both located here Thanks again, and keep an eye out for my next project. Preview is here Clown_baby
  3. Talk to M1sz about how it works. I kind of have no idea how to use that robot simulator you gave me. You should definitely converse with M1 over walking ideas. The gif isn't the leg setup we're gonna use. Just proof that a dino shaped mech will walk
  4. Well I still think a script would be easier. But either way it's gonna walk. M1sz is a genius. All y'all better recognize. Granted it's extra alpha right now, but it's one hell of a start.
  5. Hey it's come to my attention the robotics don't work, I'm working on a solution
  6. This video by Robbaz is incredibly close to what we are trying to accomplish, except with all movable parts. We can use examples like the electric motor and intersteller mods as well.
  7. That's what I'm saying. There's already so many blender artists out there with models I'm sure they would want to play with in a real world environment. And now I'm like 90% we can code them pretty easily. We just need a script to help make them walk. It's going to be cool either way but it would be some next level **** if we could make them walk. I'm gonna post in some gamedev forums and see if anyone has any ideas for walking scripts. But first I want an in game model to show to kick up some interest.
  8. We could do the same for all the mods. You want a kethane drill in the scythes? Just make a part that extends out and name the animation the same as the kethane drill animation, name weapons after the laser guided weapons animations and we could just trick all plugins into thinking our parts are part their mod. This cuts the amount of programming way down. .Cfg's are easy to do. Then all the stock stuff is easy, engines in the feet, solar panels in the scythes, that stuff will be really easy. Really I believe now any option you wanna add I could find a Module to make it happen. Edit Again: I lied again, I assume this is common knowledge but I finally have a solid understanding how this stuff works. It's all about the "module =". It doesn't matter what you want the animation to do, we just have to find a module that has the settings we want to apply to the animation. Weather it be the stock module, or a mod module we hijack from a plugin. So MD, do whatever you want, I'm pretty confident we can make it work. It would still help to have an animation in mind when you're making them(hinge, rotation, piston, toggle on/off, ect). Then we can use the .cfg as a template Still though, For this to work though I believe we will only be able to have one animation per part we load into the game. If you want a part, say like the tail, where there's three animations on one part that always do the same thing, that's possible. But we wont be able to have one part with two animations you can control separately. Unless someone corrects me.
  9. So I've been thinking about how to make these parts move. It makes sense to me that we could trick the Infernal Robotics plugin into thinking our parts are included in the mod, instead of writing a new plugin. I make new parts all the time to and add them to IR, granted they are the same model. But we're gonna do the same thing, just with a different model, with similar animations. When I make new parts I change the Folder name and "name =" in the .cfg and somehow the plugin still recognizes the new part and makes it act correctly. I even put the part in a new folder, without the plugin in it, and it still works. The only thing I know is that in the .cfg the "module = MuMechServo" is always the same, which tells the game which plugin to use. So as far as the .cfg file is concerned, everything could be the same, minus the name/specs/all the attachment rules. I assume this is because there is something included in the model itself which the plugin recognizes. Now again I'm not really sure how Unity works but I believe the animations have names/locations which the plugin looks for to activate. If we could figure out the name of the animations, such as the hinge, we could make our parts work exactly like the IR hinge, just look different. This way we could have the same GUI and action key options as IR. We could even just load the part we wanna steal the animation from into unity and figure out whats needed to duplicate them there. I'm getting visual studio set up now so hopefully I can study the IR source code and figure out how we can trick the mod into thinking our parts are part of the mod. Whatever animation we want to activate we just have to find an existing part that works similarly, and steal that animation name. Edit at the bottom of next post
  10. I want the physics to be as real as possible. Makes me feel more accomplished when I get cartoony things like my zoids and gundam to fly
  11. I have faith, might take a while though. Mass I don't have a single pm from you. I'm kicking it at the KSP server. Just find me there
  12. So I have built and released both a Gundam and a Zoid for this game. One of which is currently stickied over at the Spacecraft exchange. With both of these ships I created customized parts and placed them in a folder under Game Data, which I include when I release a craft. These parts are all just duplicates of stock parts with things like the size, mass, rotation limits/speed, and fuel type changed. This has allowed me to create extremely unique things for this game, however, people seem to be reluctant to download my crafts. I assume this is because of the understandable desire to avoid cluttering up the parts list with parts that are meant for one craft. Even though I change the title of the part and the description at a quick glance it looks just like the stock part, which is confusing. Especially with the robotics, where I tend to have 2+ of the same robotic piece, with different speeds/limits. My new project, found here, takes this a step further by having user MassDivide design parts from scratch to try and accomplish a 100% replica. Now his parts will be loaded into the game and coded by me so that it works for the craft intended, but will be pretty much useless in any other situation. Hopefully we will be able to build more than one, which means a lot of parts. My suggestion is to add a tab, much like the subassemblies, that contains part folders for these highly customized ships. This way they don't clutter the stock part list, but can still be found if needed. Maybe these parts don't even load on startup, and are only loaded into the game when the craft is loaded, increasing the load time for the craft, but not the load time for the game. Anyway, that's my suggestion. I know it's dangerously close to "rearranging the parts list", but it would be huge in helping what I'm trying to accomplish in this game. Which is multiple, fully replicated crafts. Thanks for checking it out, clown_baby
  13. We really need to meetup on my teamspeak, you'll poop a brick when you see what I've got cooked up
  14. awesome! this is exactly what we need. Just remember what I said about that example. It doesn't have to be super detailed because higher detailed parts make the game run slower. I've been studying the existing robotics parts and seeing what we could cherry pick from there instead of trying to write all new code
  15. All development on this project has been moved here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80808-Fully-Functional-Customizable-Zoids Current Status: I just finished inproving the FPS by removing a lot of the decorative pieces and removing polygons from the remaining parts. I just updated to .23.5 and the parts that use the IR plugin broke. So I'm Busy working on that. This is the full res version, I had to take out a lot of the decorative stuff for sake of the FPS Forgive the slow gifs, my macbook slows way down when recording. I've also removed about half the polygons since I recorded these. Once again all credit for the model goes to user DGMM over at deviantart. I simply broke it apart in blender and loaded it into the game via Unity. The mouth, landing stableizers, tail, "open thrusters", and scythe opening are all animations I made. The Infernal Robotics plugin runs all the leg joints, and the scythe arm joints. DGMM's gallery can be found here And the IR download here Way down the line things to be done: Imagine this: Except with this zoid flying around. Thats what I want to do. Battle zoids like that, hover this thing around a city environment, blowing stuff up with it's laser mouth. reddit.com/u/CupcakeLanders built that. It's fking sweet Fully armored and weaponized. I really want to battle these things by incorporating a lot of things the skillful weapons mod includes. Mostly the damage resistant armor. Eventually I will build a version where all of the armor pieces are seperate from the main body of the mech. I want to give those pieces armor characteristics exactly like the ones in skillfull. Having them resist damage to a certain point then explode exposing the more vulnerable parts underneath. Also having pieces of the legs stop working or cripple after recieving too much damage would be cool. If you think you can help in any way I'd love to hear from you. Teamwork is where it's at
  16. I'm sure you're right because it's based off a cartoon. But as you can see in the video, expecially coming out of the dive, by turning off the top or bottom engine it can perform super high g turns. And j didn't do any barrel rolls but it can whip those around. Thanks a lot for the compliment. I'm beyond happy with how it turned out. Also checkout my gundam http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72953-Fully-Operational-Wing-Gundam-Suit
  17. Hey sorry. I really do hate breaking rules around here. And that's a good idea, I just think me and a parts designer could really make some next level stuff. If you look at the wings on my Gundam you'll see why I believe I can make something that shifts its weight to the planted foot, and moves a foot forward
  18. So I made a zoid and a gundam, and now I wanna build this I believe with everything I've learned I can make it walk and maybe even run. Also by aiming some jets down in those big arms I'm sure I will be able to fly it However it wont be worth it without this head. I'm trying to design it myself but I've never made a kerbal part before. Just wondering if anyone is looking for a challenge or some practice.
  19. So I made a zoid and a gundam, and now I wanna build this I believe with everything I've learned I can make it walk and maybe even run. Also by aiming some jets down in those big arms I'm sure I will be able to fly it However it wont be worth it without this head. I'm trying to design it myself but I've never made a kerbal part before. Just wondering if anyone is looking for a challenge or some practice.
  20. Raynos Zoid MRK IV (Discontinued) Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities. The MRK IV also includes a custom cockpit built by 3dRaptor, and animated, textured, and coded by myself http://zippy.gfycat.com/RegularNiftyFinwhale.webm
  21. Yea maybe like a month, month and a half of working on it regularly. I've had the design done for a while, getting it to fly and land has been difficult. All the parts in the wing robotics are magic smoke robotics I've duplicated and tweaked so they stop where I want them to and can be controlled easily with hot keys. It took forever to change the part a little, then reload the part database to get them just right. That probably took the most time. But I think it looks awesome
  22. Heres that Gundam I promised http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72953-Fully-Operational-Wing-Gundam-Suit
  23. The first and only Gundam ever built in Kerbal, and the original MRK I was featured in the gaming blog Kotaku. -----Videos----- Mrk V kOS Testing -----GFYS----- 360 view on runway Takeoff and weapons transform Flying next to the F-16 Flairs, missile dodge, missile launch & hit Flying with the F-22 Receives missile and cannon damage. Both shoulder engines destroyed & severe leg damage. Heavily damaged, I kill the raptor for the first time. -----Standard Features----- Vertical Takeoff or Landings I've started relying on this mod for landing. It is also equipped with emergency chutes which can set it down if out of fuel, or is damaged in combat. Long Distance & High Altitude Flight Using jet engines allow for fuel efficient long distance flight, as well as a high operating ceiling. Some variants, such as the MRK IVc, are built specifically for Air-to-Air combat, and perform better once airborne. Walking The Gundam can walk, but it will always be a work in progress. It's moderately difficult to do, and involves balancing the craft while moving one leg at a time. Mechjeb helps by keeping the craft steady for you, but I've had better luck doing it manually. Future updates will have improved walking. If you can tweak the robotics to make it easier I will credit you in future releases. Full Arm Motion Full arm motion with a custom "beam saber". The saber doesn't inflict damage on things it comes in contact yet, but it's still fun to bash things with it. -----Builds----- MRK V (In slow development) MRK IVc (Alpha Available) Click for download/sketchfab/pics MRK III (Alpha Release. For use if you wanna try and make it walk) Click for more pics/sketchfab/download *** Huge thanks to radmp41 for hooking me up with the feet after my computer died. Without him I would have had to redesign them from scratch. Dude's a lifesafer*** Gundam MRK II (Discontinued after .24.2) Gundam MRK I (Discontinued) Thanks for checking it out. cb
  24. For some reason the robotic parts would work correctly launching from the hanger, but move the opposite direction whenever I reverted back to launch. I updated the mod and for now it seems to work. There's really no question anymore, the thread could be deleted. It was a part .config question dealing with my tweaks originally
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