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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Thats what I don't understand. This is running the tail animation, feet animation, head animation, 6 separate scythe opening animatons, and 4 separate parts calling the IR plugin. Also it's recording The video in the original post also gives a good example of it on my computer
  2. I'll look into that. But my macbook has a 2.3 ghz processor with 4 gigs of ram. I sent a flying .craft to uynohaveavaliable and he says with his 8 gigs of ram its too slow. It doesn't make sense
  3. I'm on board with that theory. Its just that my macbook is so old and low powered I assume I'm at the lower end of kerbal players, and its playable. I'll try and dedetail the parts. I could use some help though
  4. And as for the load time I really don't know what to say. It is just a little slower than normal on mine. And like I said, still better fps than my gundam. Anyway, I'm off the bar so I doubt I'll get back to this tonight. Here's my code for the .cfg, it loads it as a wheel but doesn't load the MuMechServo Module. Can you not call that inside another Module? When I get back at it I'll switch it around and try to code a wheel inside an MuModule part. Thoughts? PART { name = WheelFoot module = Part author = Squad mesh = NewModel.mu scale = 2.3 rescaleFactor = 2.3 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 TechRequired = advancedMotors entryCost = 11200 cost = 1200 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = brake foot manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC description = The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 mass = 3 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 1.5 crashTolerance = 150 breakingForce = 99999 breakingTorque = 99999 maxTemp = 1200 explosionPotential = 0 MODULE { name = ModuleWheel hasMotor = false resourceName = ElectricCharge resourceConsumptionRate = 2 canSteer = true controlAxisType = Forward steeringModeType = TankSteer tankSteeringTorque = 0.5 brakeTorque = 999 brakeSpeed = 5 impactTolerance = 800 overSpeedDamage = 30 WHEEL { wheelName = wheel wheelColliderName = wheelCollider suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint damagedObjectName = bustedwheel rotateX = 1 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 } steeringCurve { key = 0 150 0 0 key = 13 90 0 0 key = 13.5 0 0 0 } torqueCurve { key = 0 150 0 0 key = 3 100 0 0 key = 6 70 0 0 key = 15 10 0 0 key = 15.5 0 0 0 } } MODULE { name = MuMechServo specPower = 0.1 rimFalloff = 3 alphaCutoff = 0 rotateJoint = True rotateAxis = 1, 0, 0 keyRotateSpeed = 20.0 rotateLimits = True rotateMin = -90.0 rotateMax = 90.0 rotateLimitsRevertKey = False jointSpring = 0 jointDamping = 0 onActivate = False rotateKey = up revRotateKey = down fixedMesh = Base servoName = Foot invertSymmetry = False motorSndPath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor // Motor loop sound path } } Bus edit: the wheel code probably has to go inside the mumechservo, as that's how I created a rotating engine
  5. Yeah I already added way more torque to the parts. That was my bad, they had the same as the cockpit, which was like 10. I'm currently trying to make a foot that thinks its a wheel, then cranking the braking torque way up. Hopefully the feet will work like in that picture, they will think they are wheels until you apply the brakes. I'll send you the .craft with the additional torque. I added a realistic amount i think. In that pic you have one of the arms mirrored. Thats why it looks weird. You need to apply each arm individually without symmetry mode turned on
  6. High altitude test is 1200m Edit: I'm also thinking about how to design winglets to pop out of the last tail section. If anyone feels like helping me out in blender it would be much appreciated. I know how to tweak things that are already built, I'm not necessarily creative enough to design something like that
  7. A realistic amount of fuel just gets it up there from the rocket platform. There might be a version with like a nuclear reactor or something that allows it to go further. The blades aren't on the engines because I'm reworking them to avoid contact with the ground
  8. That's correct. Rillz said it was like his was on a turntable. Mine doesn't do it anymore but apparently its still happening. The feet are mumechservos so they can move, so I have to figure out how to combine the landing gear module. On the flying front, I flew it up to the helipad last night
  9. Combo of IR and my animations. This is full graphics, it's smoother in game. Recording kills my fps. I'm done for the day amigos. Flying tomorrow
  10. Blackheart that seems to have worked. You have any idea why it might move around on the runway? I thought it was parts colliding, but I've put allow collisions for all parts. I might go back and remove the mesh collider for all overlapping parts in unity. Anyway, check this out, the arms have to be tweaked to find the COM before it will fly however. Hopefully gifs later The scythes have to be made symmetrical. The blades have to be attached via nodes, not surface attach so they don't leave the engine. That will be interesting. Break time now though
  11. Hah, yeah, it flies. But not well. Couple things I could use some advice on. First and foremost, IR joints. I thought breaking force and torque being cranked up would do the trick, but it didn't. I'm pretty sure this is a well known problem, but I really need them strenghtened. Does anyone know what "joint damping" does? I have made the arm and engine mass low so they work alright when extending, but as soon as the engines turn on they turn into noodles. As I type this I just realized it might just have to come down to quantum struts. And I need the engine to rotate. I'm trying to add the engine module to an IR configuration, but nothing yet. Anyone know anything about combining two .cfgs into one essentially?
  12. whoah. sorry I missed all this. First, there was only one folder in the .zip called berserk fury. that should have gone in your game data folder, and the .craft where ever you want. I know its not buttery smooth, but for me on my ****ty macbook its playable. It isn't any worse than when I build a large ship. My gundam lagged way more. I have the graphics all the way up and its ok, but at 50% its just fine. I know it can be de-detailed but that'll be last if necessary. You can see in the running gif I made it moves pretty good in those 11 seconds. That video isn't sped up. And blackheart is right, it throws a bunch of errors when debugged but it still loads fine for me. The errors just say it can't calculate drag from some meshes. Which I assume are like the teeth and what not.
  13. Well I finished the body yesterday. It's sent off to a couple guys who are gonna try and make it walk so hopefully we'll see some progress there. I thought it would by flying now but it turns out all the mechanics in the arms have to be ir, I can't just animate them in blender. But I'm off to work and I'll probably jam it out there. I've started messing with the particle emitter and now I'm confident the cannon will shoot some kind of laser beam. It may even be able to emit a force field like the one in the cartoon if you ever saw that. I just need to figure out how to call the animation, as right now its constantly running.
  14. So the legs are done. I need to finish the custom hip, then the the body itself is pretty much done. The tail needs to sway back and forth and the elbows animated, but I'm going back to the scythe engines because I want to see this thing fly. I've also been loading torque wheels into everything. The body, tail, and upper leg all have torque wheels now. I also need to make the toes claws bigger. Here the hip joint is stock so it isn't very strong, hence the extra movement. Also I sped the robotics up to get a couple walk cycles into the gif. Here only the hip and foot are moving, but the knee and lower knee can also rotate. The foot stabilizers also lower now. I hope you guys dig it all so far.
  15. So it's hard to tell whats happening here. But by moving the parts around in unity I have been able to get the IR plugin to move my parts. The COM of the part is still in the middle, but they rotate correctly. Good news for walking. Obviously the robotics still need to be tweaked
  16. My F-35 Jumpjet. The rear engine rotates and lifts and the engine door closes to conceal the fan and engine. The front winglets aren't necessary but they're for high altitude flight. Activating the front engine will allow for 12g turns. It flies super fast and high, and I've been meaning to weaponize it with laser guided missiles. I'm just busy creating t-rex mechs to do my fighting. Album
  17. The sythe arm is proving to be a real btch. It's slow going. I need to learn how to use the particle emitter, but like a lot of things, there's not much material explaining it
  18. I need to design rockets into the sythes and feet. Does anyone know a where a good explanation of engine design and animation can be found? I'm on the hunt while at work, but nothing I find deals with rocket animation. Edit: In some of the stickies it talks about thrust transform and the exhaust code. But nothing on how to get the parts to change. Like how the basic engine changes color as it heats up
  19. The lighting is poor, but my computer blows. Hit me up if you wanna try programing it, I'll send it to you
  20. Boom homies. This one has all my animations. Parallax you're right, it'll probably have to be IR parts. But someone hit me up if you wanna take a crack at this The foot supports will lower at some point
  21. I updated the main post. Really all it says is I need code that can reverse the animation after a set amount of time, and also return the animations to their starting postions as they will spin continuesly unless told to stop. I'm looking into loops for the timing
  22. Yeahh I thought fixed mesh just referred to the part of the animation that was the base, and that the animation operated in reference to that. But that was my uneducated guess. I'm digging through firespitter now. All I need is a plugin that runs my animation with limit and speed variables. And what would be ideal is variables that can be changed in flight. I know that's a steep request but the B9 vtol changes can change it's limits mid flight. Really I just need someone who's better in C3 than me. I'm just pondering my options before moving forward. I really owe you sirkut for helping realize that wouldn't work before I got too far
  23. Well, two things. Sirkut was right. Giving the .cfg of my part the fixed mesh of my part does move the part, and I can set the limits and what not. But it simply pivots the whole part at the mesh, it doesn't activate my animation. It's not good. Controlling those parts is gonna be way harder now. Also, I'd show you guys it standing but now the nodes don't attach at the hip anymore. I know the nodes are programed right at x = -1, because the part snaps into place. When the node isn't pointed in the right direction it wont snap into place. It's a problem we've all had when the part is in place but wont turn green. You can usually fix it by messing with the camera angle, but it won't turn green at any angle. I hadn't changed anything from the pics up top, and it attached just fine there. I can probably figure that out, but this robotics thing isn't good
  24. Awesome! thats huge. I figured the fixed mesh part out. All of my parts have fixed meshes that are the parents to the rest of the meshes. I'm working on the animations now. If you turn off the limits of the IR hinges and it just spins continuously. I'm trying to make my parts like that. It's the only way to have two directions and a center position. I'm giving them 360 degrees of rotation and looping them. The problem is I can't get it perfectly fluid when going from the 360th degree back to 1. But it's a start. I'm gonna try and program it now with the new info you just gave me. Seriously man, thanks a lot. And I'm glad your jazzed mordin. I think it's turning out great
  25. Almost there. Real world stuff to do now. Then mirror each piece, texture it, reverse the nodes, and it'll stand. Then its all programing from there. Oh also the arms. And I wont lie, the frame rate is pretty average. Kerbal runs pretty average on my macbook though. If I turn down the graphics it just works fine. I'll probably release a fully detailed and low detailed crafts
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