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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Oh damn man, I did a quick google search before I started but I didn't see yours, or any really. I couldn't believe I was the first one to build one. I just saw yours and it's awesome, feel free to post pics or a link to it. I know that's how it works in the show I just thought it looked so good with those bay doors. I guess that's my own personal touch on the thing. I had been thinking of ways to use the intakes as thrusters. I could take the ramAirIntake model and write a .cfg that gave them thrust and a smoke animation, then have them rotate just like yours. I think that would be pretty cool. I also thought about just making my own part, but that would be more work. But your's is awesome. Nice work. We should try and combine the two
  2. Yeah chutes just seem kind of lame to me for this. Maybe just because they don't use them in the show. It just hits the ground full speed. I tried using separation boosters to slow it down but they are too powerful and just fling the thing back into the air. The cycle actually has a chute on it right now because I couldn't thing of anything. Still doesn't land straight though...
  3. Thanks a lot, it seriously turned out better than I could have ever imagined. I had already created a VTOL with a rotating engine, you can see it on the right side of my signature, so I learned that trick a while ago. I didn't put too much work into the cycle landing because I moved onto another cartoon inspired craft that I'm equally excited about. Hint on reddit later today Kerbpaint really lets it go the extra mile though. I updated the post so you can find it there now.
  4. From my favorite childhood cartoon about humanoid cat mechanics that fought monsters in an impossibly modded f-14, I present the SwatKat's Turbokat Jet. There are two versions of the craft. Mark I is featured in most of the pics above. It is smaller, handles better, and is built better than the Mark II. However Mark II contains the ejectable motorcycle seen here. It is a smaller, modified version of u/stetsonG's (More Cycle Pics) In the show the motorcycle ejects from the craft mid flight and hits the ground running. I have not yet been able to achieve this however. The cycle never ejects straight and hits the ground with too much force. I'm hoping someone else out there might have more luck than me. This is what happens now. Not really how it turned out in the show.... I'd really love to see someone get it to work, I'll keep trying however. HotKeys: 1) Rear middle basic engine 2) Mid-craft hover engine 3) Rear x3 turbo engines and x2 basic engines 4) Rear x3 basic engines (Toggle off for high altitude flight) 5) Rotate rear middle engine down for VTOL 6) Rotate rear middle engine to center(Must toggle 5 off first) 8) Open bay door for VTOL hover and cycle eject 9) Cycle eject(Mark II only) - and = move the wings forward and back VTOL instructions: Takeoff 1) Rotate engine down(5), open bay door(8) 2) Toggle hover engines(1)(2) 3) Turn on SAS and RCS 4) After takeoff gear up and hover as long as you want Transition 1) Toggle all rear engines(3) 2) Toggle 5 off then move rear middle engine to center(6) 3) Wait until you gain enough velocity before toggling the mid hover engine off(2) 4) Close bay doors(8) Mods Needed: B9 & the .23.5 B9 patch Sirkut's Infernal Robotics (I took the Skilful Mod's cannons off the cycle. If you really want them they're easy enough to pop back on.) Oh and kerbpaint, I can't recomend that mod enough, there's no reason not to have it. If you don't though it's fine, the ship will load like this. Really Important Information about the delta wings For this ship I tweaked the delta wings to make them contain fuel. I have discovered something interesting about fueled parts. Because the craft was built and saved with my fueled wings they will remain fueled until you discard them from the ship. Even if you don't have my fueled .cfg the wings should still contain fuel. I tested this by loading the .craft into a stock copy of kerbal and it seemed to work. If you load the .craft and the Delta Wings don't have fuel, please let me know asap. Downloads: Mark I http://www.sendspace.com/file/9wya4k MarK II http://www.sendspace.com/file/t1uvm3 TurboCycle http://www.sendspace.com/file/gxty4s I hope you enjoy it. And let me know if any of you guys ever watched that show, or if you have any problems with the .craft. Also big thanks to Mareczex333, I learned a lot from his truly amazing crafts.
  5. So this doesn't qualify because I didn't return it home, but some people in this thread might find it interesting/gain some idea's from it. I built this a long time ago as a proof of concept that you could return from deep below jools "surface" Notice the true altitude is in the negatives. I did a bunch of science down there, but like I said, didn't return it home. Once you get too low the ship disappears. I believe I went lower than this too. Obviously I was using the kethane mod, but because such low thrust is needed a nuclear engine could probably give you a fair amount of hover time. Sorry if this post is out of place, I just figured it was somewhat relevant to people who love Jool as much as I do. And could potentially spark some cool ideas for your challenge. I also found a way to "condense" kethane out of Jool's atmosphere allowing permanent bases, the problem is you can't save the ship there. Here's my thread for that
  6. Thanks a lot. I was using the , really glad to know how to do it. Also thanks a bunch for the compliment, it means a lot. I seriously love this game, it's like playing with legos again. I have an old cartoon jet replica that I'm going to release soon that I'm really excited about, turned out way better than I could have ever imagined, keep a look out for it. Hopefully next week. As for the Lazer guided weapons. If that disqualifies it I hope OP just considers it without those missiles. It's still a formidable war machine without them, and it's the only flying tank turret I've seen. But I have low hopes, cupcake's didn't count and that thing is seriously the coolest
  7. My VTOL Hovertank Album in comment below Armor plated, complete with 28 missiles, 8 auto-turrets, 4 small cannons, and a tank cannon. Edit: If the lazer guided weapons disqualify me I hope you just imagine I took them off. It's still an armor plated flying tank cannon with autoturrets facing every direction
  8. So using the multipoint connector as a guide to finally get things to attach in every which direction. There's still a lot to do, and the legs wont move until the robotics work. Eventually the wings will be able to fold up as well. I still don't know how it's going to take off. Either have the bottom engine rotate down for VTOl or make the feet act as wheels. I'm happy to save it runs really really smooth. It only flies a short distance before nosediving into the ground. I have to tweak the lift. I hope you dig it, I do. The flaps on the wings work now too. They seem to be inverted however. It's fixable
  9. I swear to god man, there is zero rhyme or reason to the attachment direction part of the node_stack code. I could have built 50 models by now if they made even the slightest amount of sense. These parts should attach on the y axis, just like the first tail section attaches to the body, but no, it won't even snap to it. I've built two of these things based on my understanding on the attachment direction, but what works on one part doesn't other others. It's beyond frustrating. It's the y axis because everything in the SPH is rotated down 90 degrees, so pointing out the door is really the y axis. Imagine how fun that is trying to get the nodes where I want them
  10. Here is the unity layout and the .cfg for that "middle leg" part. Like I said, it should rotate around the x axis of the cylinder, like it used to, but now it operates like the gif two up. The model has not changed since it worked last How it loads into the game, looking exactly like the hinge above it that shares a .cfg with. .cfg PART { // --- general parameters --- name = LMiddleLEg module = Part author = Sirkut & Devo // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu scale = 1.8 rescaleFactor = 1.8 specPower = 0.1 rimFalloff = 3 alphaCutoff = 0 node_stack_top = 0.0, .5, -.15 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = advConstruction entryCost = 0 cost = 50 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Powered Hinge manufacturer = Magic Smoke Industries description = Taller motorized hinge. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.1 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 15 maxTemp = 3000 breakingForce = 999 breakingTorque = 999 // toggle parameters MODULE { name = MuMechToggle rotateJoint = True rotateAxis = 1, 0, 0 keyRotateSpeed = 20.0 rotateLimits = True rotateMin = -90.0 rotateMax = 90.0 rotateLimitsRevertKey = False jointSpring = 0 jointDamping = 0 onActivate = False rotateKey = revRotateKey = fixedMesh = Base servoName = New Hinge invertSymmetry = False motorSndPath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor // Motor loop sound path } } .cgs notes It worked just fine with fixedMesh = base before, but not this time. I've also tried leaving it blank, // it, and using meshes from my model(Cylinder) to no avail. Also I have tried 1 & -1 for each axis with no luck.
  11. I've made the IR plugin run the parts before. But the update has changed something. I've talked to sirkut. He told me how the IR .cfgs had to be changed. I recoded them exactly like he said but the parts act like this now. That gif above has the exact same code as a tall hinge .cfg, minus the name. It should rotate on the game objects center(the cylinder), working exactly the same as the hinge, but it looks like a piston. This gif below has the knee, hip, and foot joints running on the IR plugin. Something changed with the meshes in the update
  12. Yeah I haven't tried it lately. You wont be able to make it walk til I get the robotics working, so there's that And yeah. There are some zoids which don't look the greatest. I think all these look awesome though
  13. Thanks a lot. I figured someone would see that and be able to answer the question. Also, all development for this project has bee moved here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80808-Fully-Functional-Customizable-Zoids
  14. ShadowFox Progress: Made by 3d Raptor Pretty much everything needs to be done, this guy is last
  15. Raynos progress: Created by 3d Raptor I still don't know how it's going to take off. Either have the bottom engine rotate down for VTOl or make the feet act as wheels. I'm happy to save it runs really really smooth. It only flies a short distance before nosediving into the ground. I have to tweak the lift. I hope you dig it, I do. The flaps on the wings work now too. They seem to be inverted however. It's fixable
  16. Liger Zero Progress: Build by thecoins Nodes need to be tweaked, legs broken into segments. .cfgs written Album
  17. Berserk Fury Progress: Built by DGMM Original Thread My macbook slows way down when recording, I've also removed probably half of the polygons since I recorded this. In this gif my animations open the mouth, tail, scythe claws, and lower the foot stabilizers. Sirkut's IR plugin moves the arms out. Almost done. Gotta take some more polygons out then it will be set to go
  18. The four posts below this one each have their own Zoid. Instead of having four separate threads, I will keep those posts updated. Imagine fully customizable zoids. Zoid mechs you could build to match the original, or make your own by combining different head's, body's, leg sections, feet, ect. Or Imagine zoids like the liger zero here, one mech, four different armors. Imagine you could take each individual damage resistant armor off and swap it out to build one of the other ligers. Or mix and match armor pieces to make your own. The skillful weapons mod has damage resistant armor that these could be modeled after. That's what I want to accomplish. Fully functional, walking, running, flying, fighting zoids. Powered by sirkuts Infernal Robotics plugin. Each joint having the same properties as one of the IR parts. I've been working for a while on the t-rex, the Berserk fury, and I'm pretty proud of it. At the beginning of this endeavor I had no idea how to use Blender or Unity or anything, but now I can crank out one of these models in a couple hours. Which is awesome, because I have 8 of them. For now I'm only going to focus on a couple, each has it's own post underneath this one. All development will go in this thread and I will update the Zoid posts as each one progresses. I would love some help, from anybody. I don't have much free time so having someone to help with some of the busy work would be awesome. I don't care if you have never used blender or unity before. If you've been thinking about learning to use them I'd be more than happy to teach you. I could give you like 10 step instructions on how to get a model into the game. If you are interested in the steps I took to get these models in the game, it's all within my original thread. Things I could really use some help on: The Infernal Robotics: As you can see here, I had all the IR parts working perfectly, but after the second .14 and .15 updates they no longer work correctly. My unity layout, .cfg and what the part looks like now can be found on this thread page. This is by far the most important thing I have to overcome. I've spent several hours looking into this problem and I have no idea what the problem is. I'm working on my new models now hoping the solution comes to me in a dream or something soon. Particle emitter: This thing baffles me. I can get it to shoot little balls and what not, but I have no idea how to make it look good. I can just use in game engine effects for all the engines but I do need some custom ones to hopefully make the Fury look like this when it's shooting it's particle cannon. What I'm working on now: Getting my new models into the game. The four posts below this one are dedicated to their own Zoid
  19. I thought it would loop better but the animation moves the camera. But it looks awesome, I dig it the gfy's better
  20. Couldn't tell ya buddy, I've never used solidworks
  21. I'm gonna make a new post soon for this project as a whole, because I have more models now. But here's another one. thecoins built this, and it's bad asz. If you know anything about the liger zero, I have the cannon's and boosters, just haven't loaded them in yet album
  22. Still no luck with the robotics. I got some new models but I need help from someone with 3ds max. It wouldn't take long I just need files converted into something blender can recognize. Hit me up if you might wanna help
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