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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Yeah I'm rebuilding it right now. Less custom parts, IR update, other tweaks here and there. Looking into VTOL capabilities. Also using kerbpaint and coloring my custom parts to make it all green.
  2. Raynos Zoid MRK IV[4.2] Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities. The MRK IV also includes a custom cockpit built by 3dRaptor, and animated, textured, and coded by myself Mods Needed: -B9 & B9 .23.5 fix -Infernal Robotics .16+ Optional -Skillful & Laser weapons (only for the Armed ship, which is also included in the zip) -Kerbpaint(optional) To Install: -Unzip Download and move "custom zoid parts" into GameData -If you want the tail to be green merge the "B9_Aerospace" folder with the one already in your GameData. The original color is there as well so you can change it back -Move either armed or unarmed .craft into your sph folder. Action Keys 1)VTOL Engine 2)All rear facing engines 3)Turn off two top engines(usefull for high g turns) 4)Turn off just basic engines(for high altitude flight) 5)Raise legs 6)Lower legs 7)Vtol Rockets 8)Open/Close Mouth 9)Move head/neck to center Brakes)Opens flaps - & = move both the head and the neck together ; & ' to walk(make sure RCS and SAS are on) VTOL Instructions The "cupcake vtol" -Basic engine(1) to hover -Rocket(7) for quick thrust/increase altitue Known Issues: -The 4.2 cockpit freaks out a little when opening and closing mouth, I'm working on it -Not a lot of fuel. I put too little fuel in my custom parts, and to increase it I have to rebuild it. I'll do that eventually. Download Link: MRKIV 4.2(Replace "custom zoid parts") -New larger head with lower poly count, for better fps -Tweaked legs -More fuel -Cupcake... VTOL setup Previous Versions 4.0 with two basic vtol engines https://www.sendspace.com/file/ldziuh Please let me know you if have any problems with install Raynos Zoid MRK III[4.0] Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities. To Install: -Unzip Download and move "custom zoid parts" into GameData -If you want the tail to be green merge the "B9_Aerospace" folder with the one already in your GameData. The original color is there as well so you can change it back -Move the .craft into your sph folder. Mods Needed: -B9 & B9 .23.5 fix -Infernal Robotics .16+ Action Keys. 1)VTOL Engines 2)All rear facing engines 3)Turn off two top engines(usefull for high g turns) 4)Turn off just basic engines(for high altitude flight) 5)Raise legs 6)Lower legs 7)Lower wheels 9)Move head/neck to center Brakes)Opens flaps - & = move both the head and the neck together ; & ' to walk(make sure RCS and SAS are on) Download Link Please let me know if you have any problem installing Raynos Zoid MRK II(Discontinued) Raynos Zoid MRK I(Discontinued) Thanks for checking it out. Please let me know what you think/if you can't get it to install. cb Other clown_baby creations. -Gundam -The TurboKat(Swat Kats) -Stock Dogfighter -Custom Zoid Mod
  3. holy. sht. good call sumghai I'll have to use that on some of my zoids. I guess all that's left is damage
  4. Awesome, thats exactly what I want to hear. I want it to glow without lighting up everything else. I've never used emissive textures before, I'll give it a shot
  5. Got it, here it turns off, then back on. But man do I feel bad for wasting everyones time. It's so simple, I feel dumb for not thinking about this sooner. I added the cone in blender then added an animation to shrink it and move it inside the handle. I have to test it but I believe the collider associated with the beam should shrink as well. If anyone still wants to pursue our original ideas as a proof of concept for the benefit of other's I'd be down. But this works for me. Things that still need to be done: It would be cool if it could glow, but not at the expense of it slowing the game way down. And damage, hopefully now something can be written in the .cfg to make it damage things, or is a plugin still needed? Blender save GameData Part(Updated with the glowing one)
  6. I'm really sorry man, I could have sworn I had everything centered. Rookie mistake. A clear collider is a good idea. That would mean that it could damage things even if the sword is turned "off", but thats really not a big deal at all. And the line really isn't that bad, I'd be happy if that was the final product. And for the glowing transparent mesh, could that be disappear when toggled off? I'm not sure. As for your custom parts, I can for sure help you with animations and ground contact. I'll pm you. I've learned a ton in unity doing this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80808-Fully-Functional-Customizable-Zoids
  7. Well now I feel dumb. I just re-exported the part in unity and now it works fine. The handle is inside the hinge a little but it looks fine to me. Almost like the hand is gripping it. I wish it were more cone like instead of just a line, but thats being super picky. Thanks to everyone who gave ideas. Time to work on the damage, whoever suggested the fx at the point of contact is a genius, that would be the coolest thing ever. Edit: It was nil2work, he suggested a raycast from the grip, so time to look into that Edit 2: Updated part and source https://www.sendspace.com/file/cosij4
  8. Thanks for the idea's and the support. Once I figure out how to make this walk easily and consistantly I will be able to style them all differently for everyones favorites. The problem with the shoulder engines is the weight/thrust. I want to have big ones like the originals but thats a lot of wieght on the IR hinges. I have to use quantum struts now else the thrust from the rockets makes his arms flap, which is actually kind of funny. Also the next gundam I want to build will probably be the winged one, cause I wanna see it transform into that plane
  9. Sorry I missed this comment. I think the node_attach is to blame. I thought thats how surface attach worked, but I guess node attach can be center and surface attach will still work?
  10. I'll check again when I get to my computer but I can pretty much guarantee that's all 0s as well
  11. The beam saber is on it's way. Could use some help though, this is the thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84460-Beam-Saber-LineRenderer
  12. philotical has been a huge help at getting this far, but it's still slightly off base. The part and plugin source are in the updated OP if you think you have any ideas. Thanks a lot cb
  13. Thanks, hopefully soon I can release it. Visually it's done. I need to find a way to incorporate landing gear into the feet for traction, and remove all the novapunch struts still. Then it'll be set to go. I'm thinking about just making a version with custom feet, like my zoids. The whole foot would be a landing gear leg, which gives it awesome traction
  14. I was surprised quantum struts didn't make a stronger showing. Either for strengthening things, or my idea which was to use them instead of the claw. Maybe people thought it was close to cheating?
  15. Team 1 and I had the exact same idea. I had a L shaped rover that was gonna grab the parts then use rockets to tilt it up onto the wheels on it's side so I could move the parts around in an upright position. I had the claw on a rail too so I could move the legs up and down into position. They built their's much better though. My wheels kept popping, I guess I needed to use more.
  16. I was going at it alone gentlemen. And my computer simply couldn't handle it. My frustration with this challenge manifested itself into this gif. gfy is better
  17. Dude the new resize feature is astounding. You are seriously a prodigy
  18. Day off well spent. Back to the Kerbin Cup challenge This thing will fly long distance too
  19. Gundam MRK I(Discontinued) imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/5jf4p Mods needed: B9 Aerospace NovaPunch Rockets Infernal Robotics Mechjeb, Quantum Struts, and aviation lights(all optional) just install the 'lite' version of the craft. Stock version doesn't have mechjeb on it either
  20. Also if peoples computers are running slo mo my macbook might not even be able to handle this challenge
  21. Let me be the first to suggest extending the deadline by a week. Else count me out pretty much
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