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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. When the results are posted my airing of grievances will be swift
  2. Yeah I think that was for me. But I was just curious. The temptation of sweet, sweet victory makes people desperate. Also wtf is that ball on that chicks thumb
  3. Soo we're all just trusting the honor code that one team isn't just gonna spend the next 24 hours voting for themselves over and over?
  4. dauuuumn. nice work everyone. personally I think they're all equally awesome. It wasn't as one sided as everyone thought it would be. Reddit really stepped up
  5. Well this was discussed before. This rule makes it sound like as soon as the voting started it was fair game. But just like you m1, everyone assumes it's after the voting stops. So I say we just all stick to that idea. Maybe when the poll and pics are dropped there could be a disclaimer above it asking all the teams to hold off until the voting closes?
  6. I just woke up. It's like Santa skipped my house. Also I think we all agree not to reveal which craft is ours til votings over right?
  7. hahahah. I just picture the mods sitting around laughing at making us wait, and I always appreciate a good ol fashion mob. Or maybe the sheer level of craftsmanship caused all their minds to implode, in which case we have lots of blood on our hands
  8. I don't think calling our creation awesome is going to give away which one it is, I assume they all are. But I'm with you on the voting thing. edit: Oh I see what your saying. I also agree that we shouldn't be able to talk about them til after the voting closes. My understanding was that was the rule, not once it was open for votes.
  9. Yeah an hour ago. It's cool, you guys should enjoy these extra few minutes before your mind's literally implode from the awesomeness of our submission
  10. So whats the deal? I wanna see this stuff before I head out for real world fun. Else I'm gonna be checking my phone at the bar, and thats distracting, there's foxy ladies there. Pop those ma's in an album and show us the goods.
  11. Clearly Mareczex333 figured it out. I doubt thats in multiplayer though. I asked him to explain it. Also his planes are way more agile then mine, by like, a long shot
  12. Hey dude this is the sweetest thing ever. Everyone over at this thread would love to know how you accomplished it. We're trying to dogfight in multiplayer http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83118-VTOL-Dogfighter-with-stock-missles
  13. I want to show you guys so bad it hurts a little
  14. Hey man we got put on the reddit team to "even things out". I assume because the forum team was so stacked, they had to make the Reddit team competitive. And obviously we stand the greatest chance of beating you fools
  15. Can I make like 3 more different sized balls if I release it as a "mod" And by make I just mean duplicate and resize the originals, mass, drag and all
  16. [cb_co] F-4 Phantom II Stock Model by clown_baby on Sketchfab Armed Phantom Parts: 134 Weight: 14.3t Length: 11.8m Wingspan: 9.5m Top Speed at 100m: 338.2 Top Speed at 10,000m: 794.2m/s Acceleration: 32.92 m/s^2 Stock Phantom Parts: 62 Weight: 11.8t Length: 11.4m Wingspan: 9.5m Top Speed at 100m: 361.2 Top Speed at 10,000m: Acceleration: 46.83 m/s^2 Downloads
  17. My first real ksp creation, and to my knowledge, the first vtol with concealable engines. It's a kethane jet for planet exploration The fuel drains completely evenly in front/back right/left of the COM if the hover engines are running, forward engines, or both. THat took me a while. This was my first ship, it's too big and not pretty. I've learned a lot since then
  18. This is all I want, what if the full awesomeness of our craft can't be captured in one picture? You're very welcome, that was a baller speech Hey thanks a lot, I actually don't mind, as long as we made an official team. The only problem is the reddit comments setup doesn't allow for discussion the way it does here. I kind of want to set up a team reddit thread on the forum. But that would be some behind enemy lines sht
  19. Yeah that yellow part is the stock skin. All those lines are stock, I don't know how to change those, they were created in unity. But you can change the color. You find it in the parts folder. Ksp>gamedata>squad then locate the part folder you want. Open the .tga or .mbm in some editing program, I used gimp on my mac, and just change the color. Sorry if that didn't answer your question, rephrase it and ask again if I didn't
  20. Yeah, but I think everyone has IR, and that makes the game soo much better. And everyone has access to all the mods, so I think it's still a fair playing field. I understand that not everyones computer can handle mods like b9 though. The only thing I really don't want to compete against is hyperedit. That makes it super unfair. But with the submissions being a picture, there's not even a way to prove someone used it, or if someone used the debug menu either. Also I want this at the top of the page, cause it got me hella psyched to be in this.
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