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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. I would really, really appreciate a short video of this thing for the op. You could post it on your youtube channel, the last on had a couple thousand views. The recording quality of my computer is just so shtty. And I can't get it to record sound. At the very least any high quality pictures you could take would be awesome. I have to turn the settings to half so b9 wont crash the game. Some high detailed pictures would be awesome. I'd credit you in all of them edit: if you would wanna make a video pm me so I can send you the newest version
  2. Hey thanks a lot. I'm super happy with my zoid. And I have a minor update coming soon. I believe 6 moves the feet back into place. You have to turn 5 off first, else they don't move. Also I'm pretty confident one of my pms to you contains a gundam download. But a lot has changed so I'll send you a new download soon. Alpha release should be in a day or two
  3. One of these days I'll make a tutorial on coloring b9 parts, because it's awesome
  4. Just started this. I wanna build a flying t-rex zoid with all in game parts. Except the custom cockpit, and maybe the feet. Those are probably gonna be super hard to replicate
  5. So I need some testers. Mostly to help me figure out walking. The .24 update broke the nested engines so I have to fix those. But I stuck my Berserk Fury feet on the gundam until I can built it's own custom feet. This means there is tons of traction with the ground. I get a big ol' digimon vibe from it. All the parts are there, I could just use some help figuring out speeds, limits, and trying to figure out the process to make it walk consistently. And the laser sword is almost done Also the thing flies a little farther than the last one. With tons of fuel left. Well just hit me up if you wanna alpha test this guy for me and I'll send you the craft cb
  6. I think I'm gonna build an in game berserk first. Just like the raynos, custom cockpit with all in game parts. I'll still release the full models, I just wanna build them all from game parts first
  7. The nodes are giving me trouble as always. I figured out how to make a beam cannon though. Also add two animations to one part.
  8. I've been jumping around projects, and I went camping over the weekend so I haven't gotten to try nil's different beams. But I did use the same concept to give my t-rex zoid a laser mouth canon. I also learned how to have two animations in the same part, which is huge. THe mouth/tail opening, and the laser fire are two different animations. And the beam turning off if part of the animation, not me toggling it off.
  9. Yeah I couldn't believe the parts moved again. I'm out of town but once I get home ill jam out the t-Rex and upload it. I really wanna now how fps is on 64 windows. I'm on a Mac as you know
  10. That sucks about the rebalancing dude. Updates are great but always mean a lot of work. I really wish some stock robotics would have been added. I wanna see what you could do with those
  11. Ohhh damn this challenge is my jam. The cockpit is custom, but the rest is stock, b9, and IR. The thread has a pic of the stock cockpit setup; But this is the winner. by u/nothooptiej. The coolest thing I've seen in this game
  12. Hahaha this thread is the best. Awesome to see you guys. I promise those aren't my coors light. I'm an old style man. And if you haven't figured out yet. My profile pic isn't me. clownbaby is from the show "It's always sunny in Philadelphia". I'm not a clown, or a baby
  13. Well this project is back on amigos. I don't know what happened, but the parts work just fine on the .16 IR plugin
  14. apparently sarcasm is that obvious
  15. enjoy 64bits everyone. Steve jobs made my computer so baller I don't even need that many
  16. Also cupcake... taught me it's much more effective to stack the missiles one on top of the other. This makes them far more accurate, and reduces weight. Look at any of his dropships to see what I mean
  17. Absolutely. Maybe just mention me somewhere if you ever release it please? I'm not as happy with the legs as I was on the MRK II. The medium setting of Infernal robotics new rescale feature isn't the same as it used to be. Thats why the knee hinge is a little too wide. But it still works just fine.
  18. VTOL Dogfighter http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83118-VTOL-Dogfighter-with-stock-missles
  19. Awesome, congrats. I hope you take my zoid out for a spin. I'm gonna send you my gundam here in a sec too. I got rid of all the nova parts
  20. Well ya know, thats what the pic was for. As you can see. Attached to the cockpit is an upside down "MK2 to size 1 adapter". Then another one is attached to that. But backwards, making a super nice and smooth, fuel holding body. But the wings and engines are attached inside the first piece, like so. Then you snap the second MK2 adapter on to hide all that.
  21. No sir, just sharing building tips I've learned. Didn't mean to be rude
  22. jesus. That sounds nuts dude. And you've made this work? Do you have any pictures? I'd really like to see what your talking about. As for this project, I kind of gave up to go back to my zoid and gundam. Until I find a way to jump back to the space center with a ship in atmosphere this project wont work. I still have the kintake burning engines if anyone is interested
  23. Playing with VTOL configs. I stole cupcakes... dropship idea of mini rockets inside a basic engine. Made this possible
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